A Good Stinky Cheese – porn with food – Quality Erotic and sex stories


A month after I moved in, I finally got around to throwing a housewarming
party. By then, I’d gotten to know most of my neighbors, but what the
hell — it’s the Thing To Do, and in this sort of neighborhood, you Do The
Thing. Since the weather was fine, days still warm with a touch of autumn
in the evening, I decided to hold it on my back patio.

It was a Saturday night, and guests were supposed to show up
starting at 8. Which meant things needed to be in place by 7. I had a
decent after-dinner spread — veggie sticks, bean dips, three kinds of
corn chips, cheese and crackers, the usual cans and bottles and an
iced-tea jug. Most of it was on trays in the fridge, ready at a moment’s
notice. But a couple cheeses needed to warm up, so I put them out, under
a plastic cover, next to the wines.

One of the cheeses, I was particularly proud of. I won’t tell you
what it’s called, but it was white with streaks of blue, half-crumbly &
half-runny. You could smell it halfway across the yard. I realize not
everyone enjoys stinky cheeses, but I assure you, this was one FINE stinky
cheese. Mmmm. I was just sampling it, when —

“Hey, Mr. Brandon!”

I jumped, scattering cheese off my cracker. It was the girl next
door, Dana. I’d already learned how easily she could sneak up on you.
Dana (I wasn’t sure of her last name — her parents have different ones)
is in her middle-teens, and something of a curvacious scamp. She wore a
short-skirted denim dress that buttoned up the front, undone just enough
to show cleavage.

“Hello Dana,” I said as I bent to gather the cheese crumbs.

“Oh, I’m sorry, let me help,” she said. I started to protest, but
she was already bending down to pick up some crumbs — incidentally giving
me a peek down her dress. It looked like she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Hmm,” she said, sniffing at a crumb in her hand, “this smells
good. What is it?”

I named the cheese.

“Goat’s milk?” she asked, curious.

I was surprised — few teenagers have the taste for strong cheese.
“Nope — cow with the help of fungus.”

“Can I try?”

“Um, well, sure. But save most if it for the other guests.”

“Oh, THEM,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

I laughed, and lifted the cover. She inhaled deeply through her
nose as I cut her some, and then she sighed. “Wow.” She took a bite. I
watched as she chewed slowly, swallow, then smacked her lips with a
sparkle in her eye. “This is good!” she pronounced, then popped the rest
in her mouth. “Can I have another?”

“Okay, but just one more.”

“Thannnks,” Dana drawled.

I glanced at her oddly, but spread her another. She took it with
a broad grin, but as she lifted it to her mouth, some crumbs fell off —
down her dress.

“Oopsie!” She giggled. “That tickles.” She popped the cracker
in her mouth, and started tugging at her dress, trying to get the crumbs
to fall through. Evidently, they didn’t, because she started unbuttoning
the dress in front of me — revealing that, indeed, she wasn’t wearing a
bra. She tried brushing off crumbs inside the dress, but the reach was
awkward, and she undid the rest. Underneath, she wore a belly button ring
and a pair of extremely brief panties.

Shit — a nearly naked teenager in my back yard, and her parents
are going to show up any minute. A damned sexy nearly naked teenager.
It was like she was drunk on my cheese.

“Com’on, git!” Dana said, brushing crumbs off her skin. At least
it looked like that, but then it seemed like she was rubbing it in. Then
she looked at me and said, “I think some got in here,” and pushed her hand
under her panties and rubbed her crotch. After a few seconds, she closed
her eyes, moaned slightly, shuddered a moment, and started falling

Pure reflex, I caught her. Oh great, now I had a horny nearly
naked teenager in my arms, rubbing against my erection. Who was grabbing
my hand and shoving it into her panties. “Could you check if any is still
down there?”

She held my hand against her wet pussy as she ground against me.
Dana gasped, “Oh, yes, check it good” Two fingers slipped into her hole
— well, okay, I actively did that — it’s hard not to get turned on by a
sexy woman writhing against you. “Yes, in there too!” A couple quick
in-and-outs, her channel clenched, and she gave the same moan and
collapsed against me.

That’s when I realized that I hadn’t noticed when she’d undone my
zipper and gotten my hard cock out. Holding on to it with one hand, she
leaned back against edge of the table, legs apart, and pulled the crotch
of her panties aside. “Could you check further in, please?” she asked,
disingenuously, as she guided me into her wet hole.

Whee, it felt was sweet.

“Oh, yes, check all the way up!” Her legs wrapped around my
waist, pulling me in. “Deeper!”

We couldn’t fuck here — the table would fall apart if we got any
more energetic. In fact, guests show up any time, and she was getting
loud enough to hear. We had to go in. I picked her up by the ass, legs
wrapped around my hips, cock still inside her, and staggered toward the
back door, bouncing her up and down my shaft with each step. I rested her
on the porch railing while I fumbled for the door. Then we were in.

I meant to take her further, but she was starting to whimper in
time with our motion, and I just HAD plunge deep into her sweet wetness.
I set her down on the kitchen counter, ass at the edge, held on to her
hips, and started fucking. In half a minute, Dana came again, clenching
my cock tight inside her. It was too much — I nearly burst, coming deep
inside her. It was incredible, simply fucking incredible.

Dana was groggy afterwards, but I managed to get her cleaned up
and dressed by the time the first guests arrived — her parents. We told
them she’d been helping me set up.

I keep a supply of that stinky cheese in my fridge. Dana slips
over to sample it when she can. She loves it — it turns her into a
nymphomaniac every time. Which is why I won’t tell you what kind of
cheese — it’s my secret, and you can’t have her.

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