bangla sexy story


bangla sexy story

Narika is known as the sex-bomb of the area – age 30 years, married. Mother of two daughters. Husband does business. Two girls study in the same school.

At eight o’clock in the morning, he takes the girls to school and comes home. He went to school again at 2:30 in the afternoon and brought the girls. Narika’s husband loves Narika enough.

There is no problem in the world. The woman looks very beautiful, fair complexion. Regularly, the husband’s milk has become quite shriveled.

But to wear a tight bra is not so understandable. Narika is sexy enough even at this age. Manena still has sex with her husband day and night.

Young magi’s nipples have hardened due to the excitement of fucking

Repeated calls from an unknown number, on answering the phone – a full male voice came out. – “Hello, you don’t know me.

Get my name. Called you with a need.” – “Tell me quickly what you need.” – “Let me say it directly without pretending.”

I like you very much. I want to fuck you once. I will give you as much money as you want for that.”

Hearing this from an unknown man, Narika’s blood rose in her head. – “You son of a bitch, do it. That’s when you like to fuck your mother.

Piglet, am I a neighborhood whore that you pay to fuck me.” – “Look Magi, I will not chatter much. If you don’t agree, I will rape you.

I don’t agree. Rape me if you can.” That’s why the phone line was cut.
Didn’t think about it anymore.

Sometimes disturb him by calling him, so he doesn’t receive calls from unknown numbers. Four days later. Narika is waiting for a rickshaw in front of the school to go home.

Today Narika is completely red. Red saree, red blouse. Inner dress, bra, panty are all red. Red tip on the forehead, red lipstick on the lips.

Shampooed long hair spread down to the waist. Suddenly, a blue microbus stopped in front of him.
The door of the microbus opened and a man got down.

Before Narika knew anything, the man held a handkerchief to her nose. Narika realizes that she is being taken in a microbus. Then, remembering nothing, Narika fainted.

When Narika regained consciousness, she saw that she was lying on a king size bed. It looks like a bedroom in a house. A man smoking a cigarette sitting on the sofa next to him.

Narika understood that this man would get it. This is the man who called him a few days ago.
Pabel is sitting on the sofa completely naked.

Narika was scared to see his dishonor. What a great gift, father. As tall as fat. A mundita is about the size of a table tennis ball. Dhon is facing the sky.

Narika sat up on the bed in fear. – “Why did you bring me here?” – “Why again, I will kiss you.” I did a lot of fachfach that day.

I can’t fuck you. Now I will fuck you like a neighborhood whore.
I’ll stuff your mouth and stuff it.

Let’s see what you can do.” Narika realizes that she has no escape today. This guy is going to fuck her right. The purity that has been guarded with utmost care for so long can no longer be preserved.

Pabel said, “This magi, what do you think? You can’t escape from here. There are two paths open before you.
If you agree then after three hours my men will drop you in front of the school.

For these three hours I will fuck you as I want, you will not be able to say anything. I will do what you ask me to do. I will fuck you as often as I want, you will be quiet.

And if you don’t agree then I will tear all your saree blouse right now. Then I will forcefully fuck you. After I fuck, I have 15 guys outside and they will fuck you too.

You don’t have to go home after eating so many men’s fucks, I’ll go straight to the hospital. I gave you five minutes, think about it.

If you agree, I will take off your clothes after five minutes.” Narika thinks, there will be no way to escape today. If the sari blouse is torn, then you have to come out naked from here.

If 15/16 people fuck together, then there will be no option but to go to the hospital.
Everyone will know she was raped.

There will be no respect. Can’t show face to anyone. Rather than him and kiss him.
She is no longer a little girl, she eats her husband’s cock regularly.

Able to handle babe’s penetration. No one will know anything. Narika quietly stood up and took off her saree. asked Pabel

Which shall I open now, saiya or blouse?” – “Open the blouse bra first, then open the Saya panty.” Narika is unbuttoning the blouse one by one and my breasts are bursting out little by little.

Unbuttoned the blouse and took the hand back and caught the bra hook. As soon as the bra was opened, the two breasts hung down. Saya opened her panty and pulled it down to her knees. The area around the vagina is completely clean.

Narika cuts hair regularly. – “Magi, now you walk home. I see your breasts and hips.” Narika started to walk quietly swaying her hips. – “This magi, come near and suck my cock.”

Narika knows how to suck. She sucks her husband’s clothes every day. Kneel down and kiss Pabel’s cheek. Then Mundita took it inside her mouth and started sucking it.

Suddenly Pabel grabbed Narika’s hair and held Narika’s head down. The whole dhon entered Narika’s throat by cutting it.

Now Pabel held a fistful of Narika’s hair and kept moving her head up and down. The dhon goes in and out of the mouth with a popping sound. Many times the woman sucks her husband’s cock.

But he never got fucked in the mouth like this. Narika is holding the sofa tightly with both hands. Feeling nauseous. You can’t say that with your mouth closed.

Whenever vomiting is coming Narika is making noise. And that’s when Pabel shoves the dhon down his throat, the vomit doesn’t come out anymore.

Narika kept her face blank as much as possible. Pabel is also hitting Narika’s face at the same time. Narika realizes that Paul will cum in her mouth.

Narika never ate goods. He knows how to eat that thing. Today, probably, you have to eat goods. After 10/12 minutes, Pabel stuck the dhon inside the throat.

The throat swelled impossibly. Narika is holding her breath, knowing that the goods will come out soon. Chirik Chirik Pabel’s goods came out. Not a single drop fell out. Everything went through Narika’s throat and stomach.

Narika Mal did not taste right. Narika took the dhon out of her mouth and lay down on the floor. Pabel stood up from the sofa and kicked the woman’s hips with a loud kick, “Yamagi, go to bed and lie down.”

Narika crouched after being kicked. It feels like the hips are exploding in pain. Narika got on the bed after abusing Pabel in her mind.

Pabel spread the woman’s legs on both sides and kept looking at the pussy. Narika’s period ended just two days ago. There is still redness around the vagina.

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It makes the woman’s pussy more attractive. Pabel buried his face in Narika’s pussy. Narika thought she was going to suck Pabel’s pussy, but she was biting Pabel’s pussy.

Tears came to Narika’s eyes due to the pain. He is holding the bed sheet with both hands. The way the vulva bites seems like it will tear. After a few minutes, Pabel lifted his mouth from Narika’s pussy. Pabel has blood on his face.

Narika realized that Haramzada had bitten her pussy and extracted blood. Now Pabel made Narika stand up, hugged her and started sucking her lips and started stroking her pussy.

Pabel is rubbing her fingers on Narika’s clit. A woman is a girl even though she is a thousand. Her most sensitive place is the vulva, any girl’s excitement increases when a man touches her.

The same happened to the woman, her nipples became hard, her pussy was wet with juice. At one point Narika also started sucking Pabel’s lips.

Pabel also knows that girls go crazy when they touch their clits. So he rubbed it hard on purpose. Pabel took Narika in his lap. – “

This Chudmarani Narika Shali, wrap your legs around my waist and set the dhon in the mouth of the cunt.” As soon as Narika was setting Dhon, Pabel gave Narika a downward push. Suddenly, the huge penis disappeared into the woman’s slippery pussy.

Narika has had sex with her husband in many ways, but never like this. It seems that Narica will fall if Pabel gives a little rock. He hugged Pabel’s neck tightly with both hands. bangla sexy story

Pabel is groping, Narikar Mai is rubbing against Pabel’s chest. Dhon is rubbing his clit. Narika forgot where she was.

Pabel kept sucking his lips like crazy. Sucking her lips, Narika let the juice out of her pussy. Pabel sat on the sofa with Narika in his lap.

This time Narika continued to panic. Pabel is pressing the woman’s breast. Narika is biting her lip with her teeth. It was time for Pabel’s goods to come out.

Pabel held Narika down hard. Narika also realized that Pabel’s goods will come out.
Dhon kept biting his pussy hard.

Pabel bit Narika’s lip and poured the material. Even the woman could not stay to read the material in the uterus. Once again the juice of the pussy is drained.

The material and juice are coming out together through the vagina of the woman. Narika is yawning with her head on Pabel’s chest. Pabel is cutting hair in the woman’s hair, pressing the hips.

After some time, Pabel’s face became erect again. He went to bed with Narika while inserting the vagina. Narikar’s legs spread and started to fuck.

After 15 minutes, he poured the material into the woman’s pussy. Narika released juice two more times in between.
Now the body is tired and the eyes are lying down.

Pabel said, “This harlot magi has taken a lot of rest. Now put your hands and feet like a dog. I’m going to fuck you from behind by inserting a cock into your hips.” – “Please no no, don’t put the rice in my hips.

I’ve never had a hip fuck.” – “Eat it today, get fucked once and see how much fun it is.” – “You fucked my pussy again.

But don’t do anything on the hip.” – “Magi, hold your hips apart without grumbling.”
Narika forced her hips and got ready. Seeing the woman’s hips, Pabel’s mood was disturbed.

Achoda tight hips. Narika was abused by Chudmarani Khanaki Magi. – “Why are you insulting me unnecessarily?” – “Shali at this age no one has fucked your hips.

Magi, shame on you.” Narika has never had a hip fuck. Her husband also never showed any interest in hip thrusting, so the hips remained achodai.

Pabel moved his hand to the crotch of her hip and inserted a finger inside. Narika shuddered as something entered the first lap of life. – “Issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

“The first time you put a dhon in your hip, it hurts a lot.” Pabel smeared vaseline on the hips and set the dress. Narika realized that the extreme moment was present by rubbing the cloves on her hips.

Right now, the rice will go in. Pabel, with one blow, slipped Dhon’s penis and inserted it inside his hips. Narika does not understand how much has entered.

Still no pain. Now Pabel gave a slap saying hey. The huge cock penetrated inside Narika’s tight hips. Narika screamed loudly. – “O………… Mago…………… died Go…………… hip burst Go……………” Narika wanted to move Pabel by throwing her hip backwards.

Pabel held the woman’s waist tightly and thrust the whole dhon into her hips with another thrust. Narika’s body writhed in pain. – “Please. fall at your feet

Don’t put any more coriander in the pan. I’m having a lot of trouble. How is it doing inside the hips? If the wash goes in a little more, I’ll do the toilet. Take out your dhon from the hips. Please…………….. Please…………………..”

Narika started pleading with Pabel. Without saying a word, Pabel began to thrash her hips violently. Dhon is going in and out of her tight hips.

Narika is crying because she cannot bear the pain. He feels like Pabel has been pounding his hips forever. At one point, Pabel made Narika stand up and started pounding her hips.

The matter became more difficult for Narika. At the same time, unbearable pain in the hips, the pressure of pushing on her from behind, Narika could not stand properly.

Pabel asked Narika to bite her hips and started sucking Narika’s lips and continued to beat Narika’s hips with the demon’s power. Narika is biting hard with her hips.

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After 15 minutes of fucking, Pabel gulped and poured the material on the woman’s hips. Pabel took out the dhon from his hip and asked Narika to wear the saree.

Narika is unable to walk due to hip pain, limping into the bathroom, washed her hips and put on a saree blouse. Pabel gave a tablet to Narika. –

Chudmarani Magi, eat this. Your hip pain will go away.” After some time after taking the tablet, when Narika’s pain subsided, the man from the pub dropped Narika in front of the school. bangla sexy story

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