Cravings under the luna 2 – Quality Erotic and sex stories


“You look, umm embarrassed, desperate. What happened? You didn’t talk to me after I got back.” Liz says , looking fresh, in her regular white cotton t shirt. “What? No!” I say. “you’re lying,” liz replies. “you’re just busy with your work and you’ve no time for me. I feel useless, boring.” “but now you’ve got me near you” liz says in a clam voice. “ok, we can work out , right zade ? what’d you like to do? Tomorrow is holiday, let’s gout for a movie or what ever you want?” she suggests. “That’s not a solution to a problem” I say. “Then what’s it ?” she sits one her knee before me, touching her forehead with mine. “I want to spend time with you.” “ I am here, with you, I am seeking you mentally and physically, both of us are, but what’s actually preventing us is your imagination of me that I’m bored with you. I want you, The every way I can.” Liz says passionately. “You’ve the entire night, babe. Do what ever you want.” Before I can reply back to her words, she deepens her lips into my mouth, “Liz” , I moan, “Shut up just. I feel so horny. Just use me as you want, treat me like a sex doll.”But she could feel my desperation as it was the wonder of the limit of the sky. I find her nipples were hardening under her thin white t shirt . Her mystic cleavage coming from the hideous top was as mysterious as the moonlit night. Finding my gaze stopped on her torso, she tells, “Take them all, you’ve the permission for entire tonight. If I fell asleep, wake me up by your long fingers or your sexy cock,or–” before she could finish her sentence, dirty words start falling from my bare lips. “I don’t need your permission, I never did. You’re all mine.”
I grab her by her hands , making her to stand, then squeezing her ass. She sits on my lap and I keep my hand on her hip. She runs her finger through my hair, her tongue being sucked at. “I want to have you Liz,” I moan, “ Sure daddy. Take all of me, loot me tonight. Have me until you’re really finished. I want all the nights we didn’t spend together. And I beg you to please me” “I won’t stop fucking you until you beg me to stop.Girls with hour glass figure deserves to get rounds as of their birth date. You not only deserve, but also you’ll have. So that means 30 rounds, you sure you can bear the pain?” “I can the bear the pain of pleasure. Then all I want is my daddy to give me kisses” “sure” I assure her.

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