First fuckdate – Quality Erotic and sex stories


“Do you know what?” she asks him, in bed. “I know someone who likes you.
Yeah, they do! Do you want me to tell you who it is…? You do? I think you
should have to guess… I’ll give you a clue… it’s a part of my body. Can
you guess?”

His hands are running over her bare skin. “No, not that part…” she tells
him, “no, not them either… they do like you but they aren’t who I was
thinking of. Down further. Getting warmer. Getting really warm… but not
quite. No, further back than that. Don’t you believe me? you still have to
go back a bit further… oh yeah, you’ve found it… yeah right there…
it’s my ass.”

“Oh yeah, she really likes you. She might want to go on a date with you.
Would you like that? Would you go on a hot date with my asshole? I bet you
want to… yeah, I can see you want to. Well, don’t tell me – tell her! Go
on, ask her out… I want to hear you say it… thank you, that’s very
sweet, and she says to tell you that she’d love to go out with you. No, not
now, silly! A girl needs time to pretty herself up… you can come back and
pick her up in five minutes.”

He’s back in four minutes and fifty seconds by his watch, knocking at the
door. “Come in,” she calls. She’s lying on his bed on her tummy, legs spread
wide, wearing one of his shirts (unbuttoned) and her skimpiest pair of lacy
black panties. “Hi,” she says, “yes, come in. Yes, she’s home. She’s pretty
excited to be going out on a date… she’s quivering with anticipation in
fact. Isn’t she looking good tonight? Yeah, come and look… where are your
manners? Tell her how pretty she looks… oh yes, that’s sweet of you. Well,
time to pick her up… touch her… yeah, just slip your hand down the back
of my knickers… mmm yeah… oh! that tickles. No – don’t stop.”

“Mm, she definitely likes you. Do you like her? You do? I think she might
let you kiss her. In fact I know she wants you to, but she’s too shy to
ask… Yeah, just slide the gusset of my panties out of the way… ooh!
Yeah… you’re a good kisser. She likes that. Yes, you can take my knickers
off… if it makes it easier. Kiss her some more. You can slip her some
tongue if you like… yeah, go on, French her up. Oh God, she loves it…
yeah, give her more tongue…”

“Do you think you’re in with a chance? Do you think you’re going to score on
the first date? I think you might… I think you might hit a home run
tonight. Yeah, I think she wants to do it with you… little hussy. Did you
bring some condoms? You didn’t? Silly boy – always bring condoms when you go
on a date… you never know when you might get lucky. That’s ok though… I
think she’s a good Catholic girl tonight… she’ll do it with you without a
condom… aren’t you lucky.”

“Pass me that… yeah, there on the dresser… I’m going to lube you up.
Don’t squirm… there you go. Now you do her. I’ll just lie back here while
you get her ready. Eek! It’s cold. No, keep going, use lots… get her
really wet. That’s good. I think she’s ready now. Are you ready? Wow, you’re
really ready.”

“I’m just going to roll over on my tummy again… I’ll leave you two to get
to know each other… I’m going to rub my clit while you two get thoroughly
acquainted. Ah! Ahhhhh… oh yeah. Keep going… she can take it all… but
slowly! Slowly, slowly… yeahhhh…”

Her eyes close and her head sinks onto the pillow with a little sigh, a
picture of languor apart from her fingers working quickly between her legs.
He waits for a long moment, letting her get used to the fullness, then
slowly starts to move in and out.

“Oh, wow, you two are getting along really well,” she says after a few
minutes, eyes still closed. “I bet you’re going to be seeing more of her. Do
you like her? Do you think you’re compatible? … oh, you do? She likes you
a lot… she likes what you’re doing… she’s getting really hot. I’m not
even invited on this date but I’m getting really hot too. I’m getting there.
I bet you’re getting there too, I can feel you are. You must love it up her.
Yeah, you love fucking her! God, the way you fuck her almost makes me
jealous! Do you get this hot when you fuck me? No, don’t answer that…”

“Roll me over on my back,” she tells him huskily, “I want to see you screw
her. No, don’t pull out! Just stay inside while you turn me over… uh…
careful… okay, bring my leg over now… that’s it! Pass me that pillow, I
want to prop my head up so I can watch… okay, now you two just go on doing
what you were doing… I’m going to watch you and rub myself off. God, I
should never have let my innocent little girl asshole go out on a date with
you. I should have known you’d get her into bed somehow… Are you going to
boast about it to your pals tomorrow, are you going to tell them you scored
on the first date? You better not…” She moans, bites her lip. “Oh, God,
I’m going to stop talking now…”

She’s writhing soon, head tossing from side to side, fingers working
frantically. “Fuck! Oh, fuck! I’m getting really hot now. I’m going to cum
soon! I’m going to cum, she’s going to cum, I hope you’re going to cum too.
Stick it right up her and cum… Aaaah… fuck!” Her head rolls back and her
eyes close, and for a couple of minutes there is nothing but moans and

After a few moments of silence he pulls out, gingerly gets to his feet and
slips out to the bathroom. He tiptoes back in a few minutes later, to find
her lying on her side hugging a pillow, breathing evenly with her eyes

“End of the evening,” she says quietly, without opening her eyes. “Time to
take her home… Where are your manners? You should thank her for going out
with you… That’s better… yes, she says to tell you she had a wonderful
time too. She’d like to go out with you another time.” She rolls over, lifts
her hips towards him. “Now, kiss her goodnight…”

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