Fuck me and cum in me! – Quality Erotic and sex stories


“It’s your wife,” my secretary said.

“Thanks,” I’ll take it in my office. I sat down at my desk and picked up
the phone.

“Hello, Beautiful.” I said with a smile.

“Hello!” came my wife’s sweet voice. “Guess what! Today’s the day!”

“Really?” I said with some excitement. “So your sure now?”

“You bet!” she said.

My wife and I were planning to have a baby. For the last couple of
months she’d been monitoring her body temperature and her cervical mucus
in an effort to predict her most fertile days. Her ovulation had been
approaching and we’d been avoiding intercourse to build up my sperm
count accordingly.
Wife Porn
“I’m very wet right now,” she continued, “right on schedule. I’m as
fertile as I get today.”

“Do you want to meet this afternoon?” I asked. “I could leave work
early.” My cock started to harden in my pants. It had been four days
since I had last ejaculated and the slightest thought of sex felt

My wife laughed. “I don’t think we need to do anything as drastic as
that! Tonight will be soon enough.”

“Then tomorrow morning too, right?” I asked with excitment.

My wife laughed again. “Right. As often as we can for the next couple of

I felt horny the rest of the day. That evening we went out for dinner to
celebrate our first attempt at making our baby. When we returned home it
was already after 8:00pm.

“Let’s go to bed,” my wife said with a sultry smile. I grinned back as
she pranced into the bathroom to clean up.

My wife was already in bed with her book when I had finished in the
bathroom. I didn’t bother putting on my clothes so instead I just draped
them over my arm. On the way to the bedroom I fished some candles out of
a drawer. When I arrived at the bedroom door with my wares my wife
looked up from her book and smiled.

“Mmmmm,” she said glancing over my nude body, “how nice!”

I returned her smile and then, after throwing my clothes over the back
of a chair, I started setting up the first candle.

“Special occasion, eh?” my wife said.

“Well,” I replied, “we don’t do this very often.”

“What are you talking about?” she said with a laugh, “we probably have
sex four or five times every week!”

I gave her a sidelong glance and she laughed again before going back to
her book.

I finished lighting the first candle and started setting up the second
one. As I did I reflected on what we were about to do. Sure we’ve had
sex many times before, but never for the primary purpose for which sex
exists. We were going to create a life. It wasn’t something either she
or I could do alone. To make the child we needed to connect our bodies
together in primal lust and I needed to ejaculate into my wife’s body.

As I thought about this — and especially the part about ejaculating
into my wife’s body — my cock began to harden and lengthen in
anticipation. By the time I had finished lighting all the candles, I had
a full, hard erection jutting outwards and upwards from my loins. My
balls felt heavy and full of sperm.

I turned to look at my wife as she lay reading on the bed. It was a warm
night so she was on top of all the sheets and blankets; only the bed
spread had been turned down and moved out of the way. She was wearing a
thin, white cotton nightgown that went down to just below her knees. Her
long black hair, which she kept in braids during the day, was hanging
loose about her head and shoulders. I could tell that, as usual, she
wasn’t wearing a bra because I could see one of her dark nipples through
her nightgown where it was pressed against the thin fabric. My cock

I stepped forward to the edge of the bed and my wife looked up from her
reading again. She took in my body and my erection in silence for a

“Well, well,” she said as she let her book fall into her lap, “you
certainly look ready for this!”

I nodded. “It’s been four days since I last orgasmed. Right now I almost
feel like I could cum just looking at you!”

She smiled and reached up to stroke my stomach. “I hope that doesn’t
happen. We’ve been saving those sperm up for tonight. Let’s be sure they
end up where they can do some good!”

I climbed into the bed as she put her book aside and turned out the
light. The room was plunged into candlelight. Laying back, she put her
arms around me and kissed me. It was a warm, gentle, and lingering kiss.

“Nice,” she said when our lips parted. I touched her cheek. Her eyes
were sparkling. “I am the fertile Earth, my husband,” she whispered,
“plant your seed in me so that our child may grow.”

I kissed her again in response. I nuzzled her neck. “In good time, my
wife,” I replied, “but first let’s make love together to celebrate
this.” She nodded and then added with a grin, “besides, I want to be a
lot wetter before you try to put that hard cock into me!” We both

We kissed and made out like teenagers. My wife loves being kissed and I
knew all her pleasure spots. It wasn’t long before she was panting with
arousal. I pressed my erection against her belly as she carressed my
body with her hands.

“Mmmm,” she purred as she kissed my chest. “You smell so good.”

“So do you,” I said as I nuzzled her hair.

I reached down and began to stimulate one of her nipples through her
thin nightgown. It was very erect and as I rolled it between my thumb
and forefinger my wife gasped loudly.

“I like that.” she whispered. I continued pinching and rolling her
nipple and she nodded, eyes closed. “Yes, yes, oh, yes.”

I pushed her gently onto her back and, with my other hand began to give
her other nipple similar treatment. She threw back her head and moaned

After a few minutes I paused and touched her nightgown. “Why don’t you
take this off?” I suggested. My wife nodded and, sitting up, she quickly
pulled the nightgown over her head and threw it on the floor. She tossed
her head slightly to shake her hair down and it spilled over her
shoulders across her breasts. Then she slid off her underwear and layed
back on the bed completely nude.

My wife was very beautiful. Her eyes were a deep brown — almost black,
and her skin was relatively dark as well. Her breasts were medium in
size, but firm and pert. They were topped with brown, chocolate colored
nipples which, at that moment, were very erect. She also had excellent
muscle tone for she worked out regularly with weights. Her abdomen was
taught and the muscles in her arms, legs, and back could be seen beneath
her smooth skin.

The most striking thing about my wife’s appearance, however, was her
hair. She had a thick and luxurious mane of black hair which drapped in
sensuous waves over her shoulders and breasts. It was as black as the
night and yet it seemed to glimmer in the candlelight. Like the hair on
her head, the hair between her legs was also very luxurious. She had a
large, thick, tangled mat of curls covering her labia, pubic mound, and
the lower part of her belly. Of all the women I had ever slept with, my
wife’s hair was the most extensive, exotic, and beautiful.

I layed down beside her and we kissed deeply and passionately.
“Mmmmmmm,” she moaned softly. She writhed on the bed pressing her body
against mine. After a few more kisses, she threw one of her legs over my
legs and hooked her foot against the back of my thigh. Using her
powerful muscles, she pulled me tightly against her; I could feel my
cock burrowing in her lush bush.

“Gnnnnnn,” she groaned as she began to rock her hips sensuously,
thrusting against me with a primal rhythm. I replied with similar
thrusts letting my erection slide over her belly.

“You seem ready for this yourself,” I said softly during a pause in our
kissing. She smiled.

“It’s been four days for me too!”

“But at least you could masturbate.” I replied. “I haven’t even been
able to do that!”

“It’s not the same,” she said. We kissed again.

I wrapped my arms around her torso and with a powerful heave I rolled
her over on top of me. Aggressively I licked her neck all the way down
to her shoulders. Occasionally we kissed, mouths open, our tongues
darting against each other. Her black mane flowed over us. Her nipples
pressed against my chest. Her legs straddled me with our loins only a
few inches apart.

I began to lick her breasts. I caressed them with my hands, cupping them
and stroking them as I licked. I spent time first on one breast, and
then after a few moments, I went to the other. Back and forth I went
with a relaxed, sensuous pace. I nuzzled the skin around her armpits,
taking in her sweet, musky odor. I caressed the undersides of her
breasts with my fingers sending shivers over her body. I let my tongue
dance over her skin leaving a warm, wet track as it went. I used my
hands to stroke her body from her shoulders to her belly passing over
her breasts smoothly as I did.

She stopped stroking my cock and just held on to me as her excitment
grew. “Ohhhh, you know how I love this,” she hissed softly. She was
panting. I could smell her genitals plainly. I knew she was wet with
arousal. “Unnnnn, yeah, I love this.”

Her eyes were closed as she relished the sensual pleasure of having her
body stroked and touched. I sat up slightly so that my hands could roam
further. I caressed her hips, her abdomen, and then her theighs. I moved
a little and let my hands slip down her calves and caress her feet. She
lifted and spread her legs slightly to make it easier for me to stroke

I brought my hands back up her legs slowly. As I passed her knees, she
gasped and spread her legs widely, lifting her feet off the bed for a
moment. As I moved my hand up her thighs, she gradually lowered her feet
so that just her toes where just the bed. She seemed profoundly open and

“Unnnnnnnnnnn,” she moaned in sensual pleasure. Her genitals were
swollen and, even in the candlelight, I could seem them glisten.

I slowly moved my hands closer to her pussy and she waited in tense
anticipation. Finally I slid my hands through both the clefts between
her legs and her labia. As I did, I pushed her labia gently together
letting the motion of my hands pull them back over her clit.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh, yeahhhhhhh,” she hissed as she clutched at the blankets
with her fists. “Feels good.”

Her lower body relaxed as I moved my hands back up over her belly, her
breasts, and onto her face. Tenderly I touched her forehead. She opened
her eyes and looked at me.

“I love you,” she said seriously as she reached for me. We kissed a
loving kiss edged with passion.

“I love you too,” I replied.

I let my hands stroke her breasts again briefly and then, gently, I let
two fingers rub against one of her erect nipples.

“Ohhh, God!” she moaned breathlessly. “Oh my God!”

I started rubbing her nipple firmly between my thumb and forefinger.
“Unnn,” She groaned and bucked slightly. “That’s so fucking good,” she

Her other nipple was standing proudly above her other breast, pointing
upwards reaching for attention. I leaned over and licked it and then,
after a moment, brought it into my mouth. I clamped my lips over her
areola and started sucking on her excited nipple as I started stroking
her breast with my hands.

“Unnnnnn!!!” she moaned loudly as she writhed and wriggled beneath me. I
sucked on her firmly as she groaned and panted in pleasure. After a few
moments, I moved to sucking on her other nipple with similar effects.
Back and forth I moved between her two breasts giving her pleasure from
one nipple while I gave the other chance to recover a little.

I paused to blow a stream of cool air across the nipple I had just been
sucking. She gasped and shuddered from the new stimulation. “You will
feed our child from your breasts,” I said taking a breath. “You will
nourish the life that we will make.” I sucked on her nipple again this
time using a pulsing rhythm squeezing against her areola as if I was
actually trying to draw milk out of her breast. She purred with delight.

“Fuck me…” she panted softly. “Fuck me now. Let’s make that baby!”

“Turn over, my Love,” I said. “I want to do you doggie style today.
Besides, that’s supposed to be a good position for getting pregnant,” I
added with a smile.

“Of course,” she said, “that sounds great.” Then, getting on her hands
and knees, she turned to present her buttocks to me. She leaned forward
to expose and open her wet, turgid genitals in lewd invitation.

“Do it!” she said. “Fuck me now!”

I mounted her immediately, my cock slipping into her body effortlessly.
“Unnnnn!” we both groaned at the same time. We giggled. I buried my cock
into her as far as it could go on the first stroke and then I withdrew
slowly but steadily until I was almost falling out of her.

“Yeah,” I hissed. “I certainly need this!” I thurst into her again all
the way, pushing her slightly forward in the process. I grunted as I
touched bottom.

“I’m not going to last long.” I said with a gasp.

“That’s ok,” my wife said, “I’m not expecting you to.”

I began to fuck her steadily and powerfully. I loved fucking my wife
from behind. It was my favorite position. It was so animal and primal
and the penetration was so deep and satisfying. I fucked her with an
urgency I hadn’t felt for a long time. My body needed to cum — to
plant my seed into her — to start our baby growing.

“Yeah,” I hissed. She made appreciative noises as we fucked. She
wimpered and moaned. She grunted and groaned. She clutched at the
blankets and thrust her buttocks at me eagerly. She put her head down on
the pillow to further accentuate her position and to give me even deeper
penetration. My wife loved sex and I loved her all the more because of

“Unnnnng!!” I groaned and she returned my groan with one of her own. Her
voice was light and feminine compared to mine, but still laced with
building passion. I grabbed her hips with my hands and used my arms to
guide her motions. I impaled her drippng wet, wide open cunt onto my
hard cock over and over again.

“Ohhh Yeahh!!” she cried out, “Fuck me good!!”

“You are the fertile Earth, my wife,” I cried out.

“Ohhhh, yeah,” she said softly.

“You are the fertile Earth and I’m going to plant my seed in you.”

“Yeahh. Cum in me,” she replied panting.

“Our child will grow in you from that seed.” I was getting into it.

“Unnnnggg, yeah. Cum in me,” she said breathlessly. “Cum in me.
Fuck me and cum in me.”

I changed my position slightly so that I was leaning over her more. The
angle of my thrusting changed slightly and my wife groaned in

“You are the fertile Earth,” I said.

“Oh God!!” she replied with a desperate yell, “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna

I fucked her steadily. In her position she could barely move was really
quite powerless to resist the sensations that were building in her. In
seconds her orgasm overtook her.

“UNNNGGGHHH!!” she screamed into the pillow by her face. I could feel
her vagina grabbing at my cock, but I fucked her with the same steady
rhythm regardless. “Unngg! Unngg! Unngg!” she grunted helplessly.
It was an unusually strong climax for her, and very beautiful.

As her climax finished, I felt my own brimming over. “I’m gonna cum!” I
cried out. I thrust into her deeply, planting my cock into her body as far
as it would go. I held it there with my hands firmly holding her hips
against me and ejaculated. “UNGHH! UNGHH! UNGHH!” I grunted with each
pulse. It felt exquisite. I looked down to see just the base of my cock
outside my wife’s cunt. I could feel the semen squirting from the tip that
was lodged someplace inside her body.

“Whew,” I gasped afterwards as we were disengaging ourselves. “That
was powerful.” My wife quickly moved to a position where the semen
would stay close to her cervix and I layed down next to her.

“Yeah,” she said, “that was unusually good fun.”

We kissed and I snuggled against her shoulder. Neither of us spoke for a
time. Then I lightly touched her belly just above her pubic bone.

“So,” she said, “what about names?”

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