Horny fat mom and two boys – Quality Erotic and sex stories


Teddy and Paulie had been getting together for a while, after school. As was
their habit, they would go to Paul’s room, get naked and play with their

One day, Teddy comes over and says “Hey Paulie, I learned some new stuff
this weekend we can try.” The two quickly got naked and Teddy began sucking
his friend’s cock. They had just gotten started when the door burst open.

“Boys boys boys, what are you two doing?” It was Sarah, Paulie’s mom. They
were so excited they had failed to hear her come home from the store. Poor
Teddy was about to freak. “You two march out to the living room right now
and sit on the sofa. No, put those clothes back down, you stay just like
that. I’ll be out in just a minute.” Teddy went first, followed by Paul who
got a wink from his mom.

Teddy and Paul sat on the sofa, naked. Teddy was squirming, dreading what
was to come. Sarah emerged from her bedroom a moment later, having changed
from her jeans and t-shirt to her thin, short bathrobe. She put a DVD in the
player, than sat on the sofa beside Teddy.

“Teddy honey, I know you probably think you’re in trouble, but let me assure
you that you aren’t.”


“Yes baby, really. I think what you and my son were doing is wonderful.”

“You do?” Teddy said, confused. “Geez, my ma woulda freaked.”

“You see, I have a much different attitude. I think it’s perfectly normal
for kids your age to want to explore their bodies, and to want to share that
with their friends.”


Sarah laughed, which made Teddy relax. “Yes, wow. So I want you to know it’s
perfectly OK with me if you come over anytime and play with Paulie. It
doesn’t matter if I’m here or not, you are free to get naked with him and
have fun.”

Teddy couldn’t believe his ears! “Really?”

“Yes baby, really. Hey, I even have some videos of boys your age doing fun
stuff, maybe you could get some ideas. Paulie, why don’t you turn it on?”

Paulie leapt up and turned on the TV and DVD, his little cock stiff with
excitement. They watched as two boys sucked each other off. Out of the
corner of her eye, Sarah noticed as her son slid to the floor and got
between his best friends legs. Paul began sucking Teddy’s cock.

“Does that feel good Teddy?” Sarah asked.

“Oh yes ma’am!” Teddy groaned.

Sarah stood. “Teddy, have you ever seen a naked woman before?”

“Well, just my ma.”

“Well if you’re going to be hanging out here a lot, you’re going to have to
get used to seeing me naked too.” As she spoke she was unfastening the
buttons on her short robe. “After all, fair is fair, if you get to be naked
I do too!” With that Sarah flung her robe across the room, putting her big
jiggly body on display.

Teddy’s eyes got big as saucers as Sarah sat back down, this time leaning
back with her legs spread. Paul left his spot between Teddy’s legs to come
over and stand beside his mom, straddling one of her legs. They shared a
deep french kiss as Paul played with her monster jugs.

“It’s OK Teddy, you can come over here and touch me if you want. I’d enjoy
it, explore all you like, I know you have to be curious.” He was,
practically leaping up he ran his small hands all over her big body. He ran
his hands over her hairy twat, then bent over and sucked her enourmous tit,
Paul on the other.

Sarah moaned, when Teddy picked his head up Sarah pulled his face close and
kissed him, teaching him how to French kiss. She felt Paul kissing her
cheek, and alternated between kissing her own son and his best friend. Then
a wicked idea hit.

She moved their faces closer together, until the three were all kissing at
once. Then slowly Sarah moved back, leaving Paul and Teddy sharing a hot
tongue swirling spit swapping kiss. She guided to the two to the floor where
Paul laid on top of Teddy. Still kissing they ground their tiny cocks
against each other while Sarah watched, fingering her own pussy to the
delightfully wicked show.

In no time they had lost control, and were shooting their cum all over each
other. Not wanting to miss out, Sarah quickly moved to the floor and pulled
them apart. Leaning in she began licking their crotches, slurping up all
their young cum.

“Wow, that was great!” Teddy yelled.

“Well baby, you just come over anytime, and you can play with us as much as
you want.” Sarah replied.


“And did he?” I asked, anxious to hear more of Paulies story.

“Oh yeah, he comes over quite a bit, mom lets him suck her tits and pussy
sometimes, just like I do. Although just between us, Teddy told me he really
likes sucking my dick the best, or letting me fuck his ass. Mom likes to
watch when we do that.”

“Hell, I wouldn’t mind watching that myself.” I said, getting hard again.

“Sure, maybe I can bring him over one day. I bet he’d like to suck your dick
too! Well, I better get going, it’s getting late and I got a test tomorrow
in school.”

I saw my new friend to the door, and decided I might just have to have a
little chat with Sarah tomorrow.

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