If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 6


If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 6

Previous episode – If married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 5

The next day, when my brother sat in the shop, I said to him, “Mama, how do you feel?” She said how would it feel like.

I: No, I mean, how do you like my body?

What are you saying, how does your body feel?

I said – I mean, do you think my figure is sexy? Hmmmm she said.

Me: How much do you love your mother?

Brother: A mother needs more love than she needs.

Me: I’ll say something, I won’t get angry, right?

Brother: Tell me what to say. Me: No, tell me first, don’t be angry? Brother: No, I won’t.

Me: I like your wife the first day I see her. I see him many times in my dreams.

Brother: What are you talking about?

Me: Yes, indeed I am in love with your wife.

Brother: got a bit angry and said why are you talking like a fool, she is thinking about you now, leave all those thoughts and the girl is watching for you.

Me: I know that girl is watching but I want your wife.

Brother: I will tell my parents everything about you.

Me: You don’t have to tell me I told them long ago. They agree.

Brother: Do you agree?

Me: I mean parents also want me to fulfill my dream and it will benefit you a lot.

Brother: How good?

Me: Come on line, I will give you a chance to fuck mom.

Brother: Are you saying all this in surprise? If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 6

Me: I really say that I am having physical relationship with my mother for 3 years now and apart from mother I have fucked many others including elder sister, younger sister, elder sister, table sister, …………… and if you agree to my proposal then you will fuck all of them too. Parbi, think about how many people I can give you the opportunity to fuck instead of your wife?

Brother kept quiet for a while and said – are you telling the truth?

Me: I can prove it tonight.

Brother: Ok first see me then I will believe. Me: OK, how about you come to my room after sleeping bhabhi?

Brother: Okay.

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I left there and after coming home I told everything to my parents and also told them the night plan. After dinner, everyone went to their rooms and I, parents, went to my room.

We are busy with our work as usual. At around 12 midnight I heard a knock on the door and signaled my father to open the door.

Dad got up and went to open the door while I was fucking mom. Father opened the door and asked Biya to come in and closed the door himself.

And the brother came and saw our condition and was shocked. Can’t believe that mom is getting fucked by her little son that too in front of dad.

I said to him – What do you think is sleeping?

Brother: Hmmmmm.

I: Do you understand that now you believe me?

Brother: Hmmmmm.

I: Now what do you say I will go to your wife?

Brother: He did not say anything and remained silent.

I saw his condition and understood that he had a wish now. I quickly fucked my mother for some more time and filled her whole body with material. If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 6

Then I got up and said, “Mom, I have brought your son, now you make fun of him.” And I said to my brother – from now on, my body is yours and your wife’s body is ours.

Brother: You mean us?

Me: I mean me and father but don’t worry now I will go alone later I will subdue your wife and send father. I went out saying that you are going to give your mother a good life with your father.

I went and slowly opened the door and found the lights off.

Bhabhi also thought that she was a brother and hugged me and started caressing me. I started undressing her without delay thinking to say something I stopped her by putting my hand on her mouth.

Then I fucked her completely and started pressing and sucking her milk as I wanted. Sometimes I was biting lightly. And I was shaking the clit of my wife’s pussy with my hand to make her excited.

Within a few moments the thought became completely hot. And started kissing me like crazy not realizing that it was not her husband.

I was nervous thinking to cover my treasure without delay but didn’t say anything. As I slowly thrust, some came in and I think Magoo screamed.

I put my hand on his mouth to silence him. Then when I was thrusting slowly, she felt that it was her husband’s money and tried to get up but could not get up due to my pressure.

I slowly started to increase the speed of the thap like the little Bhoda, her pussy was very tight and it was very difficult to insert my treasure.

After thrusting for a while, the bhabhi’s cum came out and the pussy got a little slippery which made it easier to insert the money but still half of my money was out of her pussy.

After another 20 minutes of fucking like this, suddenly I took out the money and hit a ram. Bhabhi and Ma went and screamed that the Ray was bursting and my Dhan was completely fit in Bhabhi’s pussy.

Now Bhabhi was completely sure that it was her husband and not someone else and started trying to get rid of it.

Seeing the situation, I started pounding harder and after 15 minutes I filled my wife’s pussy with my sticky semen. Then I lay on my wife’s body for a while. Bhabhi also remained dull. He could not move.

After some time I got up and switched on the light. Bhabhi was surprised and looked at me and said how are you here and where is your brother and you destroyed my one how can I show my face?

I said: I wonder why you are doing this, my brother sent me to your room to caress you. Think: That means where is your brother? Me: He is busy with other work.

Think: Where do you say? Me: She is in my room with parents. Thinking: What is he doing there? Me: What I am doing here is what I am doing there.

Think: with whom? Me: will you see? Bhabhi: Well ok let’s go I took Bhabhi with me to my room then we both are completely naked.

As we knocked on the door, father came and opened the door. Seeing us in this condition, father also looked at my sister with a smile.

I went inside and said to my wife, see what your husband is doing, he is fucking his own mother. I was surprised to see it. My brother saw us entering and said: I have finished my little bag. His pussy is now a canal, yours is bigger.

Me: Hey Chudte Dil where is your wife. I quickly threw the goods while going to fuck.

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Brother said to Bhabhi, look what has happened, I know you also like to fuck her, so from now on, my brother and father will fuck you every day, I gave them permission.

After taking Bhabhi’s clothes and laying her on the sofa, Bhabhi’s small pussy was inserted into her father’s treasure and started fucking.

On one side, brother started to fuck mother and on the other side, father started to fuck bhabhi. I said what should I do then father said come you and I fuck grandma together.

I was also very eager to crack the tight leg of my husband. Dad and I fucked bhabhi for about 1 hour then dad cummed on bhabhi’s pussy and I cum on bhabhi’s face.

And on the other hand, brother ejaculated in my mother’s vagina. Then my brother took my sister to his room and my parents to their room and I slept in my room. If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 6

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