It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together


It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

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Satyar woke up as the morning sun came through the window. Looking at his long body, he remembered last night.

The bite marks are still visible on Mai. He patted his breast lightly. Then he turned around and saw Byom sleeping with his arms and legs spread out.

It looks so innocent to see Byom. Who will say that this guy is going to fuck his wife’s pussy and ass all night long with his best friend.

Remembering his friend, Satya turned to the other side and looked for Aji, but he is not there, he is on the bed. Maybe he is in the bathroom. Nah, now the truth must rise. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

He slowly got off the bed and walked towards the bathroom. Aji opened the door as he knocked on the bathroom door. bangla choti uk

Satya saw that Aji was taking a bath in full length and swinging the camel. Satya got a little smile after seeing this scene.

But he suppressed a smile and sat down on the commode in front of Aji. Oof, the way Byom and Aji fucked Satyar’s ass together last night is causing him a little pain today.

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In any case, there is comfort hidden in the pain, this is the truth, he thought in his heart. On the other hand, seeing Satya sitting on the commode, Aji’s cock swelled up. While touching the cock, Aji asked Satya how he slept that night. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

Truth – I sleep well after you both fuck, Thakurpo.

Aji-Bouthan you are not having trouble now? bangla choti uk

True-so loud ass fuck now asking if my ass hurts?

Aji-Bouthan doesn’t want to fuck you slowly while fucking you. And while fucking your heavy ass, I forget whether I am in heaven or on earth.

True-Yes, if you and your friend get close to me, forget everything, I know. But Aji, now that I see your blooming cock, my ass is looking for relief mixed with pain again.

Aji-so why late? Come quickly. Even seeing you like this Langto, I was sleepy. So don’t delay and come quickly. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

Satya got up from the commode and washed his ass well and stood in front of Aji. He took Aji’s blooming cock in his hand and began to shake it, looking into Aji’s eyes. bangla choti uk

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Aji began to take comfort in pressing one of Satya’s nipples. Last night, Aji bit Satya’s mite once. When that mite continued to press Aji, Satya cried out in pain.

Aji-what is Bauthan?

Did you forget the mite you bitten last night? Please tap slowly that mita.

Aji let go of the mai tapa and lightly squeezed Satya’s nipples, and with that, Satya’s entire body was electrified.

Satya-Issa Thakurpo, how can I explain to you the comfort in this?

Aji started doing the same thing again and Satya’s mouth started shouting again and again.

Satya-iss Thakurpo please don’t leave, keep doing keep doing…. bangla choti uk

Aji closed his eyes in comfort and immediately two drops of Satya’s milk fell from his fingers and immediately electricity played in Aji’s body. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

Satya put his cock in his mouth and started sucking it suddenly, and suddenly Aji’s body was electrified by the hot red touch of his tongue.

Aji-ooff Bouthan, our cocks get excited by getting this heavenly suck of yours….suck suck….oofff please don’t take it out of the mouth Bouthan.

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Saying this, he closed his eyes comfortably. Seeing this situation, Ajir started to play with his tongue in Satya’s mouth.

And that’s when Aji’s hands and feet started to come uncomfortably. In the meantime, Satya started rubbing a finger of his hand on Aji’s ass opening which brought Aji to the peak of comfort.

Aji-Bouthan Now the more you relax, the harder I will ride your ass.
Truth – I have left my back door open for your horse, Thakurpo, you can let the horse out whenever you want. bangla choti uk

Hearing this, Aji started thrusting inside Satya’s mouth, and Satya removed his finger from Aji’s ass and inserted it into his own ass and began to rub his ass with his fingers, because he knew that if he was thrust in his mouth, Aji would make the horse go away with his ass. Getting his ass ready.

Aji was thrusting in Satya’s mouth in such a way that Satya was almost suffocating so he pushed Aji away with some force. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

But he still did not take the finger out of the ass. Seeing that Satya inserted her fingers in her ass, Aji immediately pushed Satya to stand up and put her face on Satya’s ass hole and started sucking.

Satya also pressed Aji’s head in his ass with this sudden relief and a muffled grunt came out of his mouth. bangla choti uk

Satya-Uffff Thakurpo how long will you make me wait?

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Please don’t give me so much comfort I will go crazy….aaahhh Thakurpo……

Aji did not pay attention to Satya’s words and continued to use his tongue in the ass.

Meanwhile, Satya began to squirm with the urge of lust and the comfort of sucking her ass.

Aji began to rub his finger on Satyar’s pussy along with sucking his ass, Satyar’s pussy also became wet.

Satya-please no Thakurpo please….I can’t anymore….saying this he pressed one of his breasts and started humming.

Now Aji stood up and turned Satya back, stood up and set his cock on Satya’s butthole and looked at Satya by pressing one of Satya’s breasts. bangla choti uk

Satya looked back at Aji and nodded once, Aji inserted his cock into Satya’s ass hole.

Satya immediately winced in mild pain and bit the finger inserted in her ass.

Aji started hitting Satya’s ass, and Satya was getting a little hard. Satya pushed her ass towards Aji and pushed her body against the wall.

He was enjoying the pleasure mixed with the pain of ass fucking, while Aji pressed one of Satya’s breasts and stroked Satya’s ass. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

Satya-dao Thakurpo dao…..Ahhhhhh let me come please….please come….ahhhhhh ughffff mago I will die….ahhhhhh…. bangla choti uk

Please bear with Aji-Bauthan. Sona Bauthan am….saying this, Aji lightly bit Satya’s ear and flicked his tongue lightly on the lobe of the ear.

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Satya-aaaahhh Thakurpo arammmmmmm….ahhhh ummmmmm….even the pain from last night hasn’t subsided yet…aaahhh….at it again now….oooooffff….mago….

Am I going to die in this tension of pain and comfort?

Saying this, Satya started humming and Aji started to touch Satya’s ass with ease.

On the other hand, Byom woke up and did not find Satya and Aji in bed, thinking that maybe the two had sat together for tea, he got up and wrapped the dhoti around his waist and walked towards the living room.

But where who?? Neither of them are there. Realizing this, Byom ran to the kitchen, but there was no one there either. bangla choti uk

Now she slowly walked towards the bathroom, and opened the door of the bathroom and went inside and was shocked by what she saw. She saw Aji pinning Satya against the wall, pressing one of Satya’s breasts and kissing her ass.

And Satya Ajir is mad at Chodna and muttering, it is not clear what he is saying and he is also holding one of his breasts.

Byom’s cock is also swollen seeing this scene. He quickly takes off the dhoti and tells Aji to stand with his back against the wall and fuck Satya so that Satya can see Byom. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

Aji did so and satya saw him fucking Aji and Byom’s cock also became a cannon. Now Byom came near Satya and started rubbing his fingers on her pussy.

Satya bit her lip and started fucking her ass. Meanwhile, Byom inserted two fingers into Satya’s pussy and started shaking. Satya’s mouth came out with a loud moan.

Satya-ahhhh you two….aaaahhhh… you two are going to drive me crazy

Vom- will not give??

Satya-dao dao….ahhh honey I will die in comfort….aaaahhhh….saying all this Satya was bending over in comfort. bangla choti uk

Byom’s cannon is also ready and Satya’s pussy is also ready to take two cocks in two feet.

Aji and Byom took Satya in their lap while the cock was inserted in Satya’s ass. And Byom filled his cock in Satya’s cunt with the rhythm of Aji’s fucking.

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Satya-Ahhhh……Maa let out a deep breath, while Byom placed his lips on Satya’s lips and started kissing. Satya couldn’t make a sound anymore, it was so relaxing to fuck her pussy and pussy together.

But Satya knows that this kiss means that Byom will start fucking at the speed of Durbar. And he did. Without letting Satya make a sound, the two friends started pounding Satya hard together.

Satya hugs Byom’s neck and takes her pussy and ass while Byom and Aji are pressing Satya’s breasts with happiness.

Satya can’t hold back while fucking two feet together. Tears are rolling down her eyes in comfort and she is humming bangla choti uk

True-give and give…. More aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Auji and Byom increased the pace of their fucking. Byom continued to suck and suck on one tit while Auji pressed and pressed one of the teats.

Byom bit one of Satya’s breasts and continued to fuck her

Satya-ogo plz let go mita….aaahhh please let me go mita….aaaahhh i feel like i’m going to die

Byom continued to bite the teat, the truth knows that Byom will not let go of the teat so easily, so he clenched his teeth and began to fuck with the pain.

Meanwhile, Satya’s condition worsened as she fucked her pussy and ass together, any time her pussy dam would break and Byom’s cock would be bathed in her pussy juice, so she told Byom and Aji to fuck together.

Truth-I’ll have it, I’ll have it. Bangla choti uk please bangla choti uk

Aji-I will have a baby too….Ahhhh we will too….Aji said and began to hit Satya’s ass even more.

Satya is excited by the two of them, so she wants Byom to come out now and get her ass and pussy together. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

And Satya doesn’t want to miss out on the comfort of having hot material on her ass and pussy together. But Bhomere doesn’t seem to be getting the goods right away so Satya does something that is very Bhomere

Dear, Satya showed her clean shaven armpits in front of Byom. Satya’s armpits are very dear to Byom.

By licking these two, Byom can take out the material very quickly. And that’s it. As soon as the two armpits met, Byom pressed his face to the right armpit, blew his nose into the armpit once, then started licking the armpit and held a breast. And with his The pace of the fuck increased.

True-Lick Gold Lick….aaaahhhh ummm eat that armpit eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

By licking the armpits, the goods came on the head of the ram. On the other hand, heavy fucking, armpit licking and mi taper comfortably filled Satyar’s pussy with juice and with a strong waist jerk she released all the juice from her pussy.

True-aaaahhh aaaahhh gold is going to be going to be going to be going to be going to be….aji is going to be…..aaaahhhhhhhhhh I’m dead baby ooo….eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee bangla choti uk

It all came out aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

Seeing the speed of Aji and Byom’s sex, Satya realized that both of their goods would come out immediately. He pressed Byom’s face to his armpit and Aji’s hand was pressed to his breast.

After two minutes of pounding Satya at high speed, Satya was once again in the sea of ​​bliss, because she got what she wanted. Both Byom and Aji were humming in a loud voice, one pressing her face into Satya’s armpit and the other by Satya.

One of the breasts was pressed hard and jerked hard and poured the material into her pussy and ass together. Satya himself shivered a little at the touch of hot material in two feet together.

And Byom and Ajir’s trembling is not stopping. Only one of them understood the truth of how much money they have poured into the pussy of truth.

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After filling Satya’s pussy for about a minute, the two took Satya down. Satya knelt down and Byom and Ajir licked the material stuck to the bull’s head. It feels great to fuck pussy and pussy together

Then by looking into the eyes of Byom and Aji, they realize how satisfied they are by fucking Satya, even though Satya is also satisfied and tired at the same time. bangla choti uk

So he stood up and took both Byom and Ajir’s bulls in both hands and took them to the bedroom. Because all three of them were satisfied and all three of them were tired after a great fucking fun.

So as soon as they lay on the bed, all three fell asleep. Leaving Satya in the middle, Byom and Aji hug Satya and pass into the land of sleep.

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