My Wife My Life-13 – Sex Stories


Thank you for all your encouragement, please read the previous part here ( My Wife My Life-12 )

I smooched them both and our games resumed. After a few minutes C stiffened pumping my ass full of his cum till the last drop before letting go of me.

E did not need an invitation and he quickly took his place resuming fucking my ass. He too lasted much longer than his first time even though he went full speed right from the start.

All this sex underwater had made my shorts to slip further down my legs and come up floating next to us. A quickly saw it and grabbed it before the ocean took it away for good.

This was the first time I was enjoying with 5 men together and I am sure if we were in a better setting like on a bed then they would have ensured all my holes were constantly busy.

The full speed pounding E was giving my butt brought me to the edge of my next orgasm but sadly he didn’t last long enough to help me enjoy it. He too pulled out and I let flushed my ass letting out the loads of cum into the ocean.

A gave me my hot pants while I cleaned myself underwater and wore my hot pants and corrected my top. All of them thanked me for the wonderful experience and I gave them each a lip kiss and boob press in return.

I turned to go back to Ramesh who started grinning as I got close. He got up and covered me with the gown, he said “looks like you have had your first gangbang that too underwater. Did you enjoy it”?

I said “yes it was very thrilling because of a public space. I really enjoyed it because of the five who did me twice each, 3 of them were real studs giving me great orgasms”.

Ramesh asked “do you think you want to have them again? We still have lots of time left in Goa, what do you say darling”? I looked at him astonished, I asked “did you get excited watching me darling”.

He said “yes my dear, actually watching your action got me so excited that I couldn’t control cumming. I used your clothes as cover and dropped my load on the sand, see there” pointing to where he was sitting.

I saw a sizeable quantity of cum, Ramesh surely had a great time watching. I said “now that I know how much you liked it, let me get their numbers”. I walked back to the young men nearby and took A’s number.

I asked “are you all from here only”? A said “yes”. I asked “if I want to meet you again then is there a better place where we can go”? He said “yes, I stay alone and have a big place, we can all meet there”.

He asked “how long are you here Rekha”? I said “I am here for a week”. He stepped closer and asked “can we meet tomorrow, see your hot sexy figure has made me hard again” showing me his bulge.

I placed his hand on my crotch and said “I am again wet too. We will surely meet tomorrow afternoon”. He pressed my boob gently saying “we will all be eagerly waiting for you Rekha”.

I gave him a quick kiss on his lips and walked back to Ramesh. Ramesh asked “where do you want to go now”? I looked at the huts behind us and said “let’s go there, I am sure Ravi will be there too”.

As expected we met Ravi there and he took us to the same hut. Once inside he shut the door and I hugged him in a lovers kiss. He said “madam I was praying that you should come again and god granted my wish”.

I said “I have also been waiting to be with you again”. Ramesh said “Ravi bring two beers quickly, then she is all yours”. Ravi rushed out while I stared at Ramesh thinking for the first time today he was telling someone to enjoy me.

I asked “darling looks like you are very horny now, can I take care of you first”? He said “no dear, I am fine. I will ask you when the time comes. Right now I want to enjoy your live show again”.

Ravi came quickly with the beers and served us both, he stood by the closed door waiting for his turn. I saw he had a very prominent tent in his pants. I went bottoms up on my beer and called him to me.

I opened his trousers letting them drop with his undies. I opened my top spreading it and removed my hot pants completely. I took his stiff cock in my mouth giving him a blowjob for a few minutes while he played with my tits.

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