Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties – Quality Erotic and sex stories


I remember the day the magical panties came into our lives. The four of
us were having a sleepover to celebrate our graduation from high school,
celebrating in our usual fashion.

I lay on the bed with Brandy May. Our legs entwined each other as we
scissored, our favorite position. We ground our pussies together hard
and fast, gliding on a layer of our mingled juices. Brandy always knew
how to make me cum hard that way, rubbing her clit against mine like a
bow across a violin. Her muscular legs braced against my hips, holding
me close like arms. Our hands clung to each other with sweaty palms. I
kept my eyes locked on her blue eyes, half-closed in ecstasy. I loved
the way her long blonde hair swept over her face and clung to her
forehead and cheeks. Her eyes didn’t meet mine, though, watching instead
my round ass bouncing up and down. She always loved my butt the best. I
thought it was a little too big, but Brandy said for a Latina, it was
downright tiny. I admit, it does put Jennifer Lopez’ ass to shame.

My head rolled back to watch Raven Osbourne and Cindy Angelis on the
floor next to the bed. Cindy lay on her hands and knees with her ass
pushed up into the air. Her tiny eyes squeezed shut. You could barely
hear Cindy’s screams of pleasure over the buzz of a vibrating butterfly
on her pussy. Raven knelt behind her with a huge midnight-black dildo
strapped around her hips. Raven clenched her fleshy buttocks over and
over as she drove the dildo deep into Cindy’s clenched asshole. Raven
held Cindy’s short brown hair tight in one hand like reins while her
other hand held a video camera to record the scene.

“Yeah, bitch,” Raven growled. “You take it. You like that hard black
dick up your tight ass?”

“Yes, mistress,” Cindy shrieked. “I love it, mistress.”

I should probably take a moment to describe the four of us to complete
the visual. I’m Maria Lopez, Puerto Rican by heritage, and big-bootied
by my mother’s side. I also think my butt got the plumpness from my
tits, which are pretty small. I have long black hair down to my waist.
My partner at this moment was Brandy May, who I called the Amazon. She’s
close to six feet tall with blond hair, blue eyes, impossibly big and
firm boobs, and an athletic body. Her year-round training for soccer
gave her a rock-hard ass, long and lean legs, and a narrow waist.

Raven Osbourne was the gothic freak of our group. She takes pride in not
working out. I wouldn’t call her fat, but plump. She has a wide butt and
heavy breasts that move freely because she doesn’t usually wear a bra.
She dyed streaks of pink into her red hair and covered herself in
tattoos. She is very dominant, and I think she takes advantage of Cindy
Angelis’ submissive nature. It seems like Cindy likes it, though. Cindy
herself is as small as Brandy is tall. She often gets mistaken for an
underage girl. We know she’s under five feet, but she won’t let us
measure her for sure. She is desperately thin with small breasts, but
her face makes up for any lack of curves. If it weren’t for her height,
she could be a supermodel. She has large soulful brown eyes, plump lips,
and a pert little nose.

Anyway, back to that night.

Raven let go of Cindy’s hair to pick up a leather whip and lash it
across Cindy’s back. Cindy jumped, pushing the dildo in harder and
making her squeal louder.

The scene was enough to send me over the edge. I clenched my eyes shut
as I came hard, gushing my juices all over Brandy’s swollen lips. Brandy
moaned harder at the sight of my orgasm. I could feel her body tremble
as she reached the point of no return. I let go of her hands to reach
out and cup her ripe breasts with both hands. I forced my hips to pound
harder, squeezing our cunts up tight until I felt her cream squirt over
my thighs. We writhed together in a shared orgasm that seemed to last
for hours.

As I softened in the afterglow, I opened my eyes to see Raven had moved
around to the front of Cindy. She lay on her back with one hand on the
back of Cindy’s head, forcing her face up against her pussy. Cindy’s
cries grew muffled as she feasted on Raven’s lap. Raven’s breasts swayed
back and forth as she curled her hips in circles.

“Eat it, bitch,” Raven snarled. “Make me cum. Make me cum and you get to
breathe. Eat me!”

Cindy’s hands waved on the carpet until Raven pinned them down by
putting her feet on her wrists. I knew how this game went. Raven would
keep Cindy’s face buried between her legs until she came or Cindy passed
out from lack of oxygen or both. I decided to help out by untangling
myself from Brandy and crawled off the bed onto the floor.

I grabbed Raven’s whip off the floor and slashed Raven across both
breasts, making sure to hit her dragon tattoos. Her tits glowed with red
lines left by the whip, and she arched her back high. Her teeth bared in
pain and pleasure. I leaned down to take one of Raven’s nipples into my
mouth. My tongue played with the silver ring in her nipple, making her
moan louder. Her ample breast bounced against my face as I bit down as
hard as I could.

Raven screamed, “Yes! Bite it, Maria! Bite it the fuck off, you cunt!”

I didn’t do that, but I did give her other nipple a hard chew. That made
Raven’s hips quiver in sharp spasms as she came. I pressed my lips
against Raven’s, probing her tongue with mine as she grunted against me.
Raven tried to bite my tongue, but I knew better, and pulled it out
before she bit down. Raven’s dyed pink-and-red hair whipped back and
forth. When Raven’s body went limp, I looked down to see that Cindy had
been freed, but was still on all-fours, pumping her hips. Brandy had
crawled down to lie on her back between Cindy’s legs, feasting on her
pussy. I kissed Cindy’s trembled mouth, muffling her cries, while Brandy
coaxed one last orgasm from her body.

All three of us finally collapsed and lay on the floor of my bedroom,
gasping for air. Cindy crawled up onto Raven’s lap who held her tiny
body like a baby. I leaned over to plant gentle kisses onto Brandy’s
face and neck. Her hands stroked the cheeks of my butt. We lay there for
a few minutes, regaining our breath.

I think we all thought the same thing, but it was Brandy who said it.
“Wow. Our sleepovers usually end in a foursome, but that one was

“Yeah.” Raven switched off her video camera. “That one is definitely a

I threw her whip at her head. “I’d better not see that tape on eBay.”

“No way, Maria. This is like all the others, for our personal use. I
swear, I’m gonna jill off to that one for years. But when I make my
first porno, I’ll use it for reference.”

Cindy’s face turned red as she giggled. “Are you really going to spend
this summer trying to make a dirty movie?”

“You bet.” Raven wrapped Cindy’s brown hair around her hand and pulled
her closer. “You’re still welcome to join me.”

Cindy laughed and pushed Raven away. “Yes, well, if I wasn’t going to
Greece for the summer and if I wanted to out myself as a lesbian on the
cover of a dirty DVD, then yes, I would do that.”

Brandy laughed so hard that she rolled over, then threw a pillow at
Cindy’s head. “You mean you still haven’t come out of the closet? I
thought you said you were gonna tell your Mom the night you graduated.”

Cindy curled her small legs up under herself and traced circles on the
carpet with her finger. “I was planning to, but I lost my nerve. My
mother kept talking about how she was looking forward to grandkids and I
just…couldn’t do it.”

Raven blew air out of her lips. “What a pussy.”

“Back off, Raven.” I stroked Cindy’s chin, drawing a smile. “She’ll come
out when she’s ready. And I’m glad you’ll be having a good time this
summer. Wish I was going to Greece instead of meeting my Dad’s new
girlfriend and her brood. Even going to soccer camp like Brandy would be

Brandy lay on her side. I took a moment to admire the fact that her full
breasts barely shifted. She braced her palm on her cheek to hold her up.
“Yeah, it’ll take me one step closer to being a pro soccer player. And
being bi in an all-girls camp is like bein’ Anna Nicole Smith at a
buffet. I wish you all could come with me. I’ll miss you.”

Raven shrugged, causing the dragons tattooed on her breasts to bounce
together as if they were kissing. “Yeah, it’ll be a bummer. With the
three biggest lesbos leaving town, I dunno who I’m gonna fuck. I guess
I’ll watch my tapes and rub my fingers raw.”

Cindy pouted her full lips. “Come on, Raven. Be serious. I’m going to
miss you all, too. We need a way to stay in touch, to stay connected.”

“Hey,” Brandy interrupted, pointing at my dresser. “What’s that?”

I glanced over at the lacy threads hanging out of an open drawer. “Oh,
those are my graduation gift. Would you believe my Mom gave me a pair of

“No way! Your Mom is so cool.” Brandy jumped up and I watched her butt
swaying as she walked over to the dresser. She pulled out the lacy red
panties and held them up while the girls howled. “Boy, your Mom has
great taste.”

I rolled over onto my stomach and waved my legs in the air behind me. I
enjoyed the moment as the girls all glanced over to check out my rear.
“Yeah, she does. Those panties are the best ever, I swear.”

“Cool. Lemme try ’em.” Brandy began stepping into the panties.

I laughed. “No offense, Brandy, but my big ass barely fits in those,
much less your tight little butt.”

Brandy pulled them up her hips and spun around. “How do I look?”

It took a moment before I could speak. “Wow. They fit…perfect.”

“They do.” Cindy got up and walked over to admire Brandy. “That’s

Brandy yanked the panties down her thighs and kicked them off her ankle
into Cindy’s hands. “Here, you try them.”

“Oh, come on.” Cindy looked up at Brandy leaning over her. “If it fits
you and Maria, then these would hang off me.”

Raven laughed. “Maybe we should get some Barbie underwear. Come on,
Cindy, I gotta see that.”

Cindy’s round face turned beet-red, but she giggled and leaned down to
slide the panties up her legs. Her laugh stopped cold the moment they
slid up her hips. She stared down at them with an open mouth, then
whispered, “They fit.”

I held up my hands. “Okay, that is too freaky. No way there’s a pair of
panties in the world that fits three of us.”

Raven got up and bent over to tug the panties down Cindy’s legs. Her
heavy breasts bounced off Cindy’s stomach. “Okay, my turn.”

Cindy squirmed as she tried to pull Raven’s hands away. “Okay, okay,
give me a second.”

Brandy and I just giggled watching Raven strip Cindy and pull on the
panties. I admired the barbed-wire tattoo on the small of Brandy’s back
as she turned away from me. The panties made the words “REAR” and
“ENTRY” tattooed on each of Raven’s buttcheeks disappear under frilly

Raven smacked her own ass with both hands. “These panties are the bomb,
no joke. I think they’re magic or something. I’m serious.”

Cindy pressed her hands together. “Oh, I have an idea. We should share
the panties this summer. Mail them to each other, along with a letter on
what’s going on. It’ll be something that unites us.”

Brandy made her hands into fists and pumped the air. “Yeah, a
Sisterhood. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties.”

Raven rubbed her crotch through her panties. “Hey, I wouldn’t mind
getting panties that’ve had all your pussies in them. I can sniff them
while I fuck myself.”

Cindy covered her face and turned away. “Raven, you are such a perv.”

Raven shoved one of her fingers between Cindy’s butt-cheeks, making her
jump. “And you love it.”

We all laughed, but as the night wore on, it became a reality. And
that’s how the Sisterhood of the Traveling Panties was born. Cindy came
up with the idea, so she got to wear them first. Her story comes first,

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