Step-Daughter adventures – Quality Erotic and sex stories


It was first in the morning as I passed my step-daughter’s bedroom door, on my
way to the bathroom. “Come on, it’s my birthday.” I heard my son
saying, “Won’t you at least give it a try?” Since it was after
midnight, it was technically his 18th birthday and his big sister,
Peggy, would be 18 in just 8 more days. I paused to listen, wondering
what was going on.

Peg’s reply shocked me, “I’m not letting you stick that thing up my
ass! Either find a condom so we can fuck, or you’ll just have to
settle for a blowjob.”

Joe whined, “We used the last one the other night and I forgot to buy
more. Just look at this picture, that dick in her ass is bigger than
mine, and look at the smile on her face!”

“I don’t care! You’re not fucking me in the ass and that’s final!”
Peggy spat.

I quickly opened the door, and said “Maybe I can help you guys with
this problem.” They jumped as I stepped into the room. Both were
completely naked on the bed. Peg had the sheet covering her from the
waist down, and tried to hide her luscious tits but her hands weren’t
big enough to completely cover the recently formed mounds. Joe was
covering his erection with both hands and trying to push the magazine,
which I recognized from my collection, under the covers with his foot.
“It’s OK kids, really, relax” I assured them. “I understand what’s
going on. As a matter of fact, this brings back a lot of fond
memories.” I went over and sat on the edge of the bed with them and
said, “Your not in trouble. It’s OK, really.”

Peg’s face was beet red as she stammered, “What do you mean – fond

“Well, you know I grew up with 2 sisters, your aunts, Joan and Sara.
Joan is 16 months older than me and I’m just 11 months older than
Sara.” I began to explain. “When I was 14, Joan and I started fooling
around and were soon experimenting with sex almost every chance we
got. It was only oral at first but I thought her pussy was the most
delicious thing I’d ever tasted, and there’s still almost nothing I
like better than a good blowjob.” Both kids were staring at me, wide
eyed, not quite believing what was happening.

I continued my story. “Finally, I found a gas station with a condom
machine in the restroom. Now we didn’t have to worry about “making
babies” so we’d head to your Aunt Joan’s room whenever our parents
were out. Joan would always lock the door, so Sara couldn’t walk in on
us, and we’d fuck like bunnies till we heard the car pulling into the
garage. Sara suspected what we were up to and kept asking us to let
her in, but Joan didn’t want to, and I wasn’t going to do anything to
jeopardize having sex with my beautiful big sister!

By now, my sweet children had begun to relax. Their hands hadn’t
changed places, but instead of trying to hide her gorgeous tits, Peggy
was squeezing them, succulent teen fresh bulging between her fingers.
And Joe was lightly stroking his re-inflating cock, as he tickled his
nearly hairless balls. I knew this was going to be one hell of a
night, as I went on with my tale.

“Things has been going along nicely for about 4 months, having fairly
regular sex with Joan, till she left for a three week cheerleading
camp. By the second week, my dick was hard enough to drive nails. I
finally decided to do something about it and snuck into Sara’s bedroom
at 2 in the morning. There lay my little sister, cute as could be and
just barely covered by her baby doll pajamas. She awoke to find my
head between her legs, licking her 13 year old pussy through her
panties. It didn’t take much convincing to get her to remove them, but
I had to stop licking her sweet virginal box several time to remind
her to be quite, so we wouldn’t wake our parents down the hall. I
taught her how to give a proper blowjob, and she proved to be even
better than Joan, swallowing my cock till her nose was buried in my
pubic hair, sucking down the entire load, as I pumped 2 weeks worth
down her throat.

Two days later, our folks went out for the evening and Sara wasted no
time. As soon as I heard the car pull out, she came waltzing into the
den, wearing nothing but a big smile. Her tits were just starting to
bud out, and she had the cutest patch of blonde fuzz over her cunt.
I’ve had a lot of pussy since that day, and the best will always be
the next, but I’ll never forget how it felt to slide my cock into my
little sister that night. Your aunt Sara loved sex so much, she’d
crawl into my bed late at night. There’s nothing like waking up to
find your dick being sucked!”

By now, Peggy had moved, the sheet slipping down to expose her lightly
furred mound. She was really giving her nipples a workout as she
licked her full lips. Joe was listening to me, but staring at his
sister as he openly stoked his raging boner.

“When Joan got back from camp, Sara couldn’t wait to tell her what
we’d been up to, and Joan agreed we could all play together, but she
wanted to be alone with me when we fucked. She didn’t mind watching
Sara and me humping away, but she didn’t like being watched. We had
some fantastic nights when our parents were away, and even some nights
when they were in the next room. So you see what I meant by ‘fond
memories’. Why do you think I’m always so excited about family
reunions, I get to screw my sisters again! Incest must run in the
family, and I’m very glad to hear that you two have been using

They both had totally relaxed as I related my own incestuous past, and
Joe responded to my comment about protection. “Do you have any
rubbers, Dad?”

“No, I wish I did” I replied as I ran my hand up Peggy’s leg. “I’d
love to fuck your sister’s pretty pussy, too. But I think we can work
this out to every ones satisfaction.”

Peggy had been staring at the growing bulge in my boxers and one hand
had slipped down to rub her twat. Her breasts were fantastic! Someday
they might sag, but at almost 16 they were firm and perfect. She
pushed her fingers through her slit and opened her pussy lips so I
could see how wet she was, smiled and asked, “What have you got on
your dirty little mind, Daddy?”

“First, let me ask a question. How long has this been going on?”

Again, Peg’s face flushed red as she quietly said, “About a year, we
started playing around shortly after Mom left. I walked in on Joe, in
the bathroom, while he was jerking off. He let me stay and watch if
I’d show him my tits. Things sort of went from there.”

Joe jumped in, “Yeah, it took months to get her to suck me off, but
she only let me screw her for the first time about 5 weeks ago!”

I looked at my wonderful kids and said, “Well then, I guess you two
are ready to learn all the ins and outs of sex, so to speak.” They
both groaned at my bad pun – as usual.

As I stood to strip, I asked Joe “Do you have something to lubricate
your dick with?” He frowned and said, “No, I hadn’t thought about
that. What can we use?”

I told him, “Go to the kitchen and get the bottle of olive oil, that
will do fine.” He trotted out of the room, his hard young cock leading
the way.

Peg was looking troubled as I turned to her. “Oh Daddy, your dick is
bigger than Joe’s!”

“Don’t worry Baby, I would never hurt you. We’ll take thing nice and

“But I don’t want to have anal sex, Dad. I know it’s done, but I’m not
ready for that, yet.” Peggy protested.

“Oh my sweet little angle, that’s not what I’ve got planned. No one’s
going to do anything they don’t want to, I promise” I assured her.
“Now let me see if your little pussy tastes as good as my sisters’
did!” I crawled onto the bed as she giggled and lay back, parting her
knees to show me a very wet, inviting pussy. I dipped my head and
licked the length of her hot slit and found her sweet as nectar. I
pushed my tongue deep into her tight box then returned to tease her
clit some more. I was so lost in my little girl’s tasty cunt, and the
sound of her moans that I didn’t hear my son return.

“What the hell! You started without me!” he complained. Raising my
head from between Peg’s thighs, I saw his cock had deflated while he
was gone.

“Get up here and let your sister get that pecker good and hard again.”
He moved to place his semi-limp dick in her mouth as I returned to
licking her.

After a few moments, I stopped and looked up. Joe was busy fucking his
sisters’ face and playing with her boobs. I watched his 6-inch shaft
slide past her lips, amazed to see his cock was an exact twin of mine,
only a little smaller. He still had some growing to do. I wondered if
she could get the whole thing into her mouth. but I had other plans,
“OK, now for my idea. Joe, you wanted to do some ass fucking, but
Peg’s not willing. Well, I rather enjoy having something up my butt
and I’ve fantasized about being fucked. I can’t imaging anyone I’d
rather have do it than my own son.”

Joe pulled his wet dick out of Peg’s mouth and said, “I can’t fuck
you, that would be gay!”

“No” I reasoned, “you sucking my cock might be considered gay, but an
ass is an ass. Why is fucking mine any different than fucking your

Peg sat up and joined the conversation. “Come on Joe. You wanted to
stick it in my ass, didn’t you? Well, I’d really love to watch you do
it to Dad!”

“Oh, don’t worry,” I said, “you’ll have the best view in the house
with what I’ve got in mind.”

I could see Joe’s doubts fade as his ridged cock did the thinking.
“OK, what do we do”, he asked.

“Peg, take that oil and coat his dick really well”, I instructed as I
got up and began arranging some pillows. She poured the oil over his
throbbing rod and stroked him till his cock was coated.

“Now Sweetie, lie back down with your head at the edge of the bed so I
can feast on that delicious pussy again.” She did as I instructed and
I straddled her body so my mouth was at her cunt and my cock was
poised over her head, my ass sticking over the side of the bed. “OK
Peg, would you please reach up and slip one of those oily fingers into
my ass”. She did as I asked, and slid a slim finger all the way into
me, in one motion. I ran my tongue across her tender clit as my
step-daughter began to finger fuck me.

She worked a second finger in, as I continued the instructions. “Now
Joe, stand behind me. Peggy, take his dick and guide it to my
asshole.” I felt her fingers disappear and the head of my son’s cock
press against my puckered anus as I continued directing. “Grab my hips
and push your dick into me, but not too deep.”

I really do enjoy the feeling of having my ass filled and often used a
dildo on myself when masturbating. Joe complied with my request and as
I pushed back I felt his dick slide about 2 inches into me, stretching
my anus open. It hurt a little; his cock was bigger than the dildo I
liked to use. I said, “Hold it there a sec while I get used to the
size.” His cock felt warm and I could feel it pulsing inside me.

Joe replied, “Damn Dad, your ass is even tighter that Peggy’s pussy,
this feels great!”

“Thanks a lot, brother!” Peg said sarcastically. Then she added, “I
think this is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, your cock sticking
into Dad’s butt!”

“Now for you Peg” I said. “Let me feel those soft lips wrapped around
my meat, while your brother starts screwing my ass.” Neither kid said
a word, but I felt her warm mouth envelope my penis as he started to
slowly stroke in and out of my ass, sinking deeper with each thrust.

I lowered my tongue into my baby girl’s honey pot and began to munch
like mad. The feelings of being fucked and sucked at the same time
were incredible. I slid 2 fingers into Peg’s pussy as I licked her
clit. Soon she clamped her thighs tight on my head as her body
convulsed in orgasm. After the spasms stopped and her legs parted
again, I resumed licking her cunt. Her juices were flowing down the
crack of her ass so I used them to start rubbing around her tiny
asshole. She lifted her legs higher to give me better access to her
butt, as she sucked harder on my cock. I pressed my forefinger to her
puckered star and watched it slowly slide into her. I felt, rather
than heard, her moan as my finger sunk deeper into the slick sleeve
and she raised her head to take my cock deep down her throat. That
answered that question! She could definitely take it all! I hooked my
thumb into her quivering pussy, worked my finger deeper into her ass,
while nibbling on her clit, as she continued to deep throat my raging

All this time, Joe had been steadily stroking in and out of my
uplifted ass. He was giving me a damn thorough fucking. Then suddenly,
he squealed and started thrusting like a pile driver. He pulled hard
on my hips, driving his pole deep into my bowels. I felt his cock
swell, and then begin to pulse as he unloaded what felt like a gallon
of sperm into me. The sensation of the hot goo coating my insides was
too much, and I felt my own orgasm begin. As my cum began to explode
into my step-daughter mouth, her thighs clamped tight on my head again. As
I pumped sperm down her throat, she filled my mouth with her own

By the time Peg released my head, Joe’s limp cock was sliding out of
my ass. Peg continued to lightly suck me until I fell over to lie
beside her. “Damn, that was incredible!” I exclaimed. “Joe, what made
you go crazy like that, at the end?”

“That was Peg’s doing. I thought she wanted to rub my balls, but she
shoved her damn finger up my ass!” he explained.

“Well it was only fair.” Peg said. “Dad had his finger wiggling around
in my butt and you had your dick in his. I thought you needed
something in yours too!”

Peg reached over to caress my limp cock as she asked, “How did it feel
to have something that big in such a small hole? Is there some way for
me to learn to do that so it won’t hurt, ’cause your finger felt
really good.” I smiled at her and said, “It felt great, and I can’t
wait to show both of you all kinds of new tricks. In fact, you keep
stroking my dick like that and you won’t have to wait long for me to
show you what a stud your old man can be.”

I knew that things would never be the same again, I’d have to put
condoms and KY jelly on the weekly grocery list. But like they say,
the family that plays together stays together.

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