The busty Avon lady calls on our home when my wife is away – Quality Erotic and sex stories


My wife, Becky, started buying products from Avon about
a year ago through an Avon lady named Susan, who had
several accounts in our rural neighborhood. She would
come in, sit down next to my wife on the couch and go
through the catalog, the sales, etc. explaining the
products. Becky would always buy something, even some
of the men products like after-shave and cologne for

Susan was gorgeous with a great personality which no
doubt helped her succeed in the Avon business. She was
like 5’6″, reddish hair, perfectly styled to her face,
fair skin, blue eyes and a sweet smile. I would guess
she weighed in at about 125 with no fat and a shape
other women surely envy.

There were times I would be home and often got a glance
up her dress as she pulled it over her knees while
sitting there on the couch with Becky. She saw me
looking a few times and came back with a quick smile
letting me know she knew that I had seen up her dress.
A few times, while Becky had her eyes on the catalog,
Susan spread her legs for just a second so I could see
up further up her dress. Her inner thighs were
beautiful and very inviting to my hungry eyes.

Susan always delivered whatever Becky bought to our
house about once a month or so. Unfortunately for me,
Becky was home just about every time except once or
twice when I was home alone to answer the door and take
the products Susan was delivering. I promised myself
that the next time, I was going to ask her in to show
me some of the Avon stuff for men as a ruse to get her
on the couch.

That day came. Becky had gone into town and would be
there for a few hours at least. Susan rang the doorbell
and in true fashion said “Avon Lady” as I opened the
door. I asked her in, took the bag of stuff Becky had
ordered and asked her to show me something I might
like. In the back of my mind, I was hoping it would be
her pussy.

We sat together on the couch, she smelled so great and
it was hard to keep my eyes off of her. She showed me
most of all the men’s stuff and I did order some just
to keep her there longer. To my surprise, she said ” I
noticed you looking at me the other day, did you like
what you saw?” As she said it, she opened her legs a
little more and leaned over to show me her cleavage. I
said ” I really liked seeing under your dress and have
thought about you and that a lot since then..” Susan
said she was attracted to me too as she moved over
closer to me with our bodies touching and I was getting
very aroused.

Susan placed her hand between my legs and asked me
“What would you really like to do today if we have
time?” I told her that we had at least an hour before
Becky would be home and said, “I am hot for your pussy
and I would like go down on you right now.” She told me
she was hoping that’s what it was, because she was
really ready to get her pussy sucked. She stood,
reached under her dress, pulled her panties off, left
her dress well above her waist and sat back down on the
couch with her ass at the edge. I knew right then that
her reddish hair was natural because the full patch of
hair on her cunt was also reddish,

I pushed the coffee table aside, got on my knees, put
my hands on her knees, spread her legs wide and gazed
at her pretty smelling pussy. I felt both inside thighs
with my hands, rubbed her pussy up down and around. She
was already wet and ready for me. I went for her pussy
licking her thighs, putting my tongue on her pussy lips
and then inside to taste her juices. Susan thrust up
and toward me as I sucked her in and out and all around
inside, finding the clit, sucking harder. I was glad
she took awhile to have an orgasm, because I was so
aroused and exciting making love to her this way. She
made a final lunge upwards and said “I’m cummimg, I’m
cumming!” I stayed inside her until her body completely
relaxed and told me “That was so very wonderful, thank
you so much.” I helped her on with her panties and she
pulled her dress down eased back on the couch and said
she felt so good and loved it very much.

She said, “Can I do the same for you?” She could see I
had a big rock hard-on under my jeans. As much as I
wanted to say yes right then, I told her we better not
take a chance that Becky might come home early. What
she did do was to reach over for my hard cock in my
jeans and said “With a cock that big, I promise you I
will suck you off real good next time I come by and
Becky isn’t home.”

And there were other times when we kept our sex to just
sucking each other off. But it was always nice to hear
the doorbell ring when Becky was out and hear Susan
calling, “Avon Lady!”

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