Timmy becomes Rosie – Quality Erotic and sex stories


Tim was just 17 coming up to 18 and becoming more
aware of just how different he was to other boys.
Tim was the only child to a single mum called Tara, Tara Rose.

Tara was not very tall at five foot four; with long blond hair
green eyes and wonderful natural 34H tits that looked decedent on
her slim frame her tight twenty-six inch waist and thirty-six
inch hips. Her nipples were fat and protruded from her chest like
baby’s thumbs that when excited would poke through almost
anything she wore, and impossible to hide. At twenty-nine she was
still stunning.

She had Tim when she was fifteen, and growing up he never knew
who his farther was. Even worse neither did Tara.

One thing for certain was that the farther was coloured and most
probably had a very big cock. This was the only thing Tim
inherited from him apart from his light brown skin that was like
a deep Mediterranean tan.

Tin knew he was different from other boys and not just because of
his interactional parentage, but his obsession with the sexy
clothes his mother wore. And the desires and feelings he had
stirring within him for her.

Tim had always liked the feel of female clothing against his
skin; it was so much nicer than the rough coarse material boys
had to wear.
And he had no shortage of opportunity to indulge his fascination
and urges. Tim’s mum Tara was a prostitute, and she had a very
extensive collection of sexy underwear and clothing, more than
any panty boy could dream of. Not to mention a vast assortment of
sex toys.

They lived in a fairly large but modest Victorian detached house
just on the outskirts of London that backed onto a main train
line. The house was narrow but went back a long way and
originally it had four bedrooms. One bedroom was at the front
that was originally the master bedroom and was now Tim’s, and two
at the back with the bathroom in-between Tim’s and his mum’s.

Tara called her room, her working / entreating room. At the time
Tim rarely got to glimpse inside that room, but soon that was
going to change, big time.

The spare bedroom was opposite Tara’s was used as her walk in
wardrobe or dressing room, and it was packed with the most
amazing shoes, boots, dresses and underwear. And everything was
kept very neat, and in its place.

With one exception, the laundry basket she used to put all her
used and soiled clothes in, and she did go through a lot.
As Tim was getting older Tara started to do some outcalls at the
weekends as she said Tim was now old enough to look after
himself. He could never remember having a baby sitter.

When Tara was entertaining at home he was always sent to his room
and told to make himself inconspicuous. This was ok by Tim he
could entertain himself on his play station, watch TV or listen
to some music as long as he used his headphones. This was so the
punters or clients as she preferred to call them were not put

It was on one of these weekends Tim’s life changed. It had just
gone three on a Saturday afternoon as Tara pooped her head round
the bedroom door and told him that she was off out for a couple
of hours. Her long coat still unbuttoned and hung open to reveal
what little she had on underneath. A black pair of knee high
boots, fishnet hold ups that did not reach the hem of her micro
mini skirt, and the red blouse she wore did nothing to hide the
black bra underneath struggling to encase her breasts and thumb
sized nipples boring their way to freedom. Her makeup was heavy
and very slutty it shouted out dirty slag.

Tim quickly replied “ok mum see you later” and she was gone
before Tim’s erection swelled in his pants. Over the years you
would have thought that seeing his mum in an almost constant
state of undress would have made him comfortable with it.

When he was a child growing up he never gave it a second thought.
Even when she would slip into his bed at night after her last
client had left to give him a cuddle and a goodnight kiss,
dressed in just a baby doll nightie.

He could smell the sex on her breath and on her body mixed with
her perfume, as she would gave him a squeeze and a kiss

Now with his body changing into that of a young man and the
constant talk of sex at school with the other boys, he was
confused about his feelings.
He knew he shouldn’t have such a strong sexual fixation on his
mum, but then he also knew he should not be going down her used
laundry, wearing her slut gear and jerking off into her soiled
damp and cum stained panties. But he couldn’t stop himself.

With the sound of the front door closing he was up of his bed
like a shot, jeans T-shirt socks and pants discarded in a flash.
When Tara went out on business in the afternoon she would always
be away for least one and a half hours and sometimes as long as
five hours, but if she was going to be more than a couple of
hours she generally said what time she would be back.

So Tim always had a guarantied window of opportunity of an hour
and a half. He moved quickly to the spare bedroom and opened the
treasure chest of soiled clothes. As Monday was Tara’s wash day
the weekend always provided him with a good deal of choice and
the horney little boy was not disappointed.

On the top was a pair of pink fishnets matching waist clincher,
bra and panties she had worn for her two punters a couple of
hours earlier. Tara often did more than one man at a time, and it
was normal for him to spend Friday and sometimes Saturday night
in his bedroom with what sounds like five or more men having a
good time with his mum.

Tim wasted no time in rolling the stockings in his thumb and
fingers and expertly pulling them up his smooth flawless legs, he
took a quick look in the full length mirror and admired how the
pink contrasted against his light brown skin. Next on with the
waist clincher, it was an easy fit on his small frame, he knew he
had some more growing to do, but coming up to 18 he was
small and had a very light bone structure.

He stood posing in front of the mirror while snapping the front
clasps in place and tightening the laces at the back.
After a quick twirl in front of the mirror he picked up the bra,
putting it on backwards and fastened the three hooks and eyes
then span it round and put his arms through the straps. The
massive empty cups hung loosely on his chest.

Going back to the laundry basket he took out some more stockings
and used panties and started the fill the empty recesses. This
completed and another look in the mirror admiring the
transformation he reached down for his cock, now at full erection
protruding from his sparse downy pubes a good seven and a half
inches in length and a good one and a half inches thick, and it
seemed to be getting bigger by the week.

A few gentle strokes were all he dared do, as Tim wanted to pace
himself and build up for a big cum in his mum’s panties.
He picked up his mum’s cum stained and still damp panties
stepping into them and pulling them up his legs felling the cold
damp gusset on his balls, and arse.
The guys earlier must have pulled her panties aside and fucked
both her cunt and arse leaving good deposits of cum in both

Tim had been taught at school all about safe sex, in fact you
couldn’t turn on the telly without being warned about the dangers
of unprotected sex, HIV and AIDS. But he knew that this one thing
his mum was not into.

Tim had heard her on the phone telling potential punters that she
was bareback only, a condom free zone and all holes were
available, cum as much and as many times as you like, anywhere
you want.

Kneeling in front of the mirror Tim rubbed the spunk stained
panties into his ball sack and the crack of his arse, god it was
heaven. Reaching up his hands pawed and played with the stocking
filled bra, loving the felling of silk and lace. He thought to
himself how wonderful it would be to have real tits like his
mummy’s filing this bra with real flesh.

Tim’s right hand continued to cares his silk and lace clad body
from the moist damp panties over his stomach encased in the
clincher and bra as his left hand sort out his tight love hole.

As Tim’s finger entered his arse he imagined that he was a whore
and a real man was behind me, groping his tits calling him a
filthy fucking slag as he pushed his bare cock up into his hot
arse. Just like some of them did with his mum.

Pulling his finger out of his pussy he reached for his mum’s toy
box! He had been slowly working his arse up to bigger and better

He reached out and took hold of a finger vibrator, dipped its
head in his mum’s industrial size pot of anal lube and slipped it
buzzing into his hungry hole. He repeated the exercise three or
four times to ensure that he had enough lube in there for Tara’s
seven inch vibrator that he hadn’t managed to get all the way in
yet. And today he was determined that it was going all the way

With a black pair of soiled panties at the ready for him to cum
in he kneeled in front of the mirror and positioned the lubed up
and already buzzing vibrator against his now itching fuck hole
and slowly started to descend into heaven.

At this moment his heart stopped, from the corner of his eye he
saw his mother.
How can this be? It had only been ten minutes maybe twenty tops.
He could hardly force himself to turn his head, but something
inside him forced to.
She was leaning against the doorway, her long leather coat
hanging open with one hand on her hip.

Tim could not read any anger on her face, just confusion
bewilderment and possibly deep thought. The silence was
unbearable, with just the sound of the vibrator buzzing between
the checks of Tim’s arse.

All Tim could do was bow his head his cheeks blushed bright red
in shame. As he looked down at his pink fishnet covered legs and
wilting cock with a tear of pre cum dripping from its tip. Tara
spoke calmly and in a low concerned tone.

“Tim, I think we need to talk, if you want to talk I will be in
the kitchen”
“And even if you don’t fell like talking I think you should
listen to what I have to say.
With that said she left, leaving poor Tim to gather his thoughts
and recover from the shock of his life.

As Tara left to go down to the kitchen her pussy was leaking like
a sieve, and she felt flushed. It frightened her to think what
would have happened if Tim had not noticed her for another few
minutes. She doubted that she could have controlled herself.

Tim removed the vibrator from his arse turning it off and stood
up slowly and started to take of the underwear. Having cleaned up
and put back on his jeans and t-shirt he gathered up the courage
to go down stairs and face the music.

Tara was sitting at the kitchen table and a half empty glass of
white whine in front of her. She leant back exhaling a cloud of
smoke from the newly lit cigarette. Tim could not help but look
at those perfect tits jutting out and straining the fabric of her
blouse as she did so.

The packet of cigarettes lay opened on the table with the bottle
of wine and an empty glass. Tim had been caught by his mum on a
number of occasions smoking and felt her wroth because of it.

He was totally taken back when she flicked the packet over to him
and said “go on I think you might need one”

As his shaking hand took one from the packet, Tara poured him
half a glass of wine. This was not unusual he was brought up with
alcohol, having it on special occasions as well as with most

Tara took another drag on her cigarette as Tim lit his. As she
exhaled again she looked directly at Tim, now composed and
desperately trying to be a mother and not a lusty whore she began
to speak.

“Please Tim answer me truthfully, how long have you been dressing
up in my underwear and playing with my toys?”

“About a year” he answered truthfully with his face a picture of
embarrassment and shame.

“That must have been about the time you started wanking then, its
ok darling you can’t hide anything from me when it comes to sex,
well maybe just the transvestite tendencies for a whole year” She
said with a cheeky grin trying to lighten the mood.

“I just want to know because some men are born gay or bi and some
just develop that way” She reach over to him tacking his hand as
her lips formed a little smile. “I’m your mum, and I’ll love you
no matter what”

Tara left that thought hanging for a few seconds before
“The fact that as soon as your hormones kicked in you took a
certain path, and that makes me think that is how you were meant
to be, but you may not be an out and out queer”

“It’s ok baby, I have meet many men in my time who like to cross
dress and have a little anal stimulation. I don’t mind you
dressing up and using”
Her sentence was cut short as her mobile phone vibrated across
the table; they both had a chuckle at the timing even though
Tim’s was a little nervous and forced.

Picking up the phone she answered it with a very sexy “Hi Paul”
“Yes I can fit you in tonight what time would you like to come
“Oh I already have a booking from 6:30 to 7:30 sorry, can you
make 8:00 to 9:00”
“You can! oh that’s great, any special request on how you want
“No problem I will be waiting for you” With that she said bye for
now big boy and blew a kiss down the phone.

Returning her attention back to Tim she started talking again.
“As I was saying I don’t mind you experimenting a little with the
dressing up. In fact I would love to help you, but you must keep
it a secret”
The words just came out of her mouth and she had a pang of guilt,
she hadn’t meant to say that, but she told herself it was ok, no
harm in it.

“Others wouldn’t understand like me. I know you are almost
18 but as far as school and the outside world is concerned
you must appear just like a normal and healthy teenage boy”

“You may grow out of this by the time you are sixteen” The devil
in her said not if I can help it.
“You don’t want to be labelled a sissy and a fagot if you’re not
one. It will be hard enough to deal with if you are, but I will
help you, and support you”

She paused to put out her cigarette and refilled her glass. She
needed another drink as her prepared little prep talk was not
going the way she had wanted it. Or was it? That was her little
boy sat down in front of her. And she shouldn’t be thinking of
doing the nasty things to him that were whirling around her
depraved mind.

“If I was a doctor and you broke a leg I would fix it for you and
if I was say a driving instructor I would give you driving
lessons. Think of me as a sex therapist, I don’t think anyone
could be more qualified. I have done almost everything and when
it comes too wired I have heard it all seen it all and done it
all. So I want you to talk to me, let me understand your desires
and fantasies”

“What were you thinking of when I caught you in my dressing room

Casting his mind back to just a half an hour ago and thinking of
the vibrator buzzing away in his arse made his cock stir, and he
shifted awkwardly in his chair.

Tim bowed his head slightly and said that he was thinking about
having a real man in the vibrators place and that he was a whore.

Tara’s cunt positively pulsed, but she kept her composure “Good,
you are being honest with me, and that erection in your pants
proves it. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed. I have had a lot of
clients over the years and a few regulars now that like me to
dress them up as prostitutes or little girls and fuck them in the

“They all like to be told what sluts they are, and that they are
good whores as I give them a good seeing to with one of my

“Most if not almost all of them are normal straight men with
wives and families, they are just living out their fantasies”
“So you are not alone in this, in fact you are in good company. I
have degraded and fucked the arses of the best of them, MP’s,
councillors, high-powered business men, even the man who runs the
video shop”

This made Tim lighten up and they both giggled.

“Tell me, is it just men you fantasise about or are you turned on
by girls as well? Most boys your age and especially the
good-looking ones like you, with lets just say your unnaturally
large equipment would have a string of girlfriends”

“I like girls too, I like you mum” Tim left the sentence hanging
there for a few seconds and blurted out “I fantasize about you a

Tara’s pussy was creaming up good and throbbed as she lit another
cigarette and took another sip of wine. She had to control
herself she was his mum and had to put a stop to her wicked

“I guess that is my fault, and I shouldn’t be surprised. After
all, I do spend all my time dressed like a slut, always getting
changed out of one sexy outfit into another. And I have never
hidden my lifestyle from you. Maybe this was wrong of me”

“I know I have not been the best of mothers, just look at me now
I’m dressed like a cheap whore. At the request of some punter who
had to cancel. But I’m glad he did. I wouldn’t have caught you in
the act”

“But fantasies are just that, fantasise, some should stay that
way and some should be lived out”
“I would love to help with the dressing up but the other! Well I
will see what I can work out” Tara’s mind was in a spin, she
wanted to do such nasty things with her baby boy and she knew now
that she could if she wanted to. But it was wrong, only if she
could find him a girlfriend. Yes she could be happy if he was
with a nice girl. And she could bury her feelings.

The time just seamed to disappear and Tara checking the kitchen
clock realised she would have to start getting ready for her next
“I am sorry baby but we will have to continue this conversation
later, I have got quite a busy night. It will make up for the
cancellation this afternoon”

And smiling she said, “We could also do with a little extra cash
if we are going to get you a new wardrobe”

Getting up from the table she took Tim’s hand pulling him up
saying come here and give you mum a hug.
Before he knew it she had pulled him into her embrace, her hard
thick nipples and the heaving flesh of he breasts pushed into his
chest and moulded them to him.
Tim nestled his head in her neck as she pulled him a little
tighter. Tim was trying his best to hold his crouch away from
her, so not to push his steel hard cock into her thigh.

But Tara pushed her thigh into him, and the sensation made his
cock jerk. Tara felt it too and she wanted to grind her thigh
into his throbbing cock. Tim was so close to coming in his pants
right there. The moment was over and coming to her senses
released him from the embrace. Looking at the clock again it was
5:15 she said had just enough time to get ready for her double up
at 5:30.
God she needed to get fucked, and get fucked hard.

Turning away from Tim she was off up to her workroom for her pre
flight checks as she called them.
This was also Tim’s queue to make himself scarce.

Tim went to his room and shut the door taking of his jeans of to
relive the pressure on his cock as he lay back on his bed.
His hand went automatically to pick up his headphones for the TV
but he stopped.
He was so horny and he wanted to hear his mum get fucked.

Tim had listed to her many times and jerked off. Sometimes he
fantasised that he was his mum and it was him taking cock after
cock in his arse.

But tonight he wanted to fantasise about being one of her punters
doing just what he liked in all her holes.

He didn’t have to wait long, just before 5:30 the doorbell rang
and he could hear footsteps coming up the stairs.
Tara chatted with the men asking if they had any particular
fantasy, telling them not to be shy and that she had done it all
and can’t be shocked.

Arriving at her room and hearing the door close the voices became
a little muffled. With the bathroom separating their bedrooms and
the thick Victorian wall’s it made it hard to hear the quiet
But within a minute or two it didn’t matter. The familiar sound
of the bed creaking got underway and as always the volume rose as
soon they got started.

“Yes that’s it lick my cunt out, get it ready for some hard cock”
“Oh yes feed me that cock let me suck it, while your friend gets
me cunt ready”

“John is getting that cunt of yours warmed up for himself. This
cock ain’t going in your cunt slut, not at least first time
round. I’m getting first crack on that arse hole of yours. And
your going to give me some arse to mouth when I’m done coming in
your shit hole?”

“Fucking right I am, try and stop me. I love cleaning off cock
after its been buried deep in my shitter”

With that Tim’s cock exploded, oh how he would have loved it to
be his cock right now shooting rope after rope of hot spunk into
his mum’s arse.

Having just cum Tim quickly lost interest in listening to mum
getting fucked, and worked on spooning up the pool of cum from
his belly sucking it off his fingers. He had just started doing
this and he was really getting the taste for cum. Finished
cleaning the last of cum up with his underpants, he wish he had
thought of getting a pair of his mums panties for the job.

He laid his head down and dozed off for what seemed like five
minutes when he heard his mum’s door open. Looking at the clock
it was just gone 6:30. Tara was doing a back to back as she
called them and Tim knew what was in store for the next punter.
It didn’t take long for his suspicions to be confirmed.

He heard Tara on the phone saying to the guy on the other end
that she was ready and fully loaded.

The guy was waiting outside in his car for Tara’s call and was
pressing the doorbell within seconds.

Cumming up the stairs the man asked if her pussy was well fucked
and sloppy like he has asked it to be.
You bet, I have got a full house for you today baby. Cunt and
arse freshly fucked and 2 hot loads in each, just how you like

The way Tara was talking to this punter he must have been a
regular, as Tara didn’t even ask him what he wanted.

“Get your clothes of and get on the bed” Tara instructed the man
in a no nonsense tone. Within seconds the guy was naked on the
bed as Tara pulled down her sopping panties.

Tim straining to listen and heard her bed creak, As Tara
positioned herself above her victims face.
“That’s it take a good look at my creamy cunt, you are going to
eat this sloppy mess up. I want my cunt and arse clean and spunk
free for my next punter. And you better do a good job or you
won’t be getting your cock sucked”
“You hear me?”

“Yes Mistress Tara”
“Then stop your dithering and get to work on my cunt”

After that all Tim could hear was mostly faint moans and groans
and another satisfied customer went out the front door, this one
with a belly full of cum freshly drained from his mum’s cunt a
arse, lucky bastard Tim thought.

He turned on the TV put on his headphones and stated to flick
through the channels waiting for the 8 o’clock movie to start.
Even with the headphones on he could still hear the opening and
closing of Tara’s door and the footsteps coming up and down the
stairs so he knew her regular Paul had been and gone. The old war
film was just getting to the end when he heard a lot of footsteps
on the stairs, looking at the clock it was a quarter to Ten.

With the footsteps on the stairs he could hear the banter, this
was almost certainly going to be her last engagement of the night
and it sounded like she would be taking on at least five guys.

Tim had fallen asleep with his headphones on and woke up when he
heard the sound of the guys leaving to calls of what a slut and I
will see you next week Tara.
Then Tim heard the familiar sound of the shower running and he
closed his eyes and snuggled naked under the duvet.

Tara washed herself under the shower her mind unable to shake off
the days revelations.
She took a little extra care over her appearance, even applied a
little makeup that she would never normally put on before going
to bed. Sorting through her nighties she selected a real sexy one
that was see-through, the bra cups exaggerating the thirty four H
mounds of flesh and revealing her rock hard fat nipples. The hem
of the nightie came her hips and her pussy lips would have been
visible if she was not wearing panties.

Tara went to Tim’s bedroom and opened the door, silhouetted
against the landing light framed in the doorway Tara looked all
woman and sexy as hell in her baby doll nightie.

She went across to his bed. “Got a cuddle for your mummy” she
slipped into his bed and pulled him to her. Tim made no attempt
to hide his growing erection and pushed it into her thigh. She
pushed back slightly and gave him a light kiss, and asked him if
he would you like to do some dressing up with her help.

“It’s Sunday and I have no bookings until four, and I won’t take
any, promise”
“Yes I would love that mum” he replied, and with that she forced
herself to slip back out of his bed and leave him there, now with
a full hard on.

Tim woke up at ten o’clock with his morning hard on tenting the
duvet and his mum at the bedroom door looking sexy as ever in
just her cut-off jeans that sliced into her bulging cunt giving
her a wonderful camel toe. She also had on a tight boob tube and
obviously no bra, her large thick nipples stuck out through the
thin material.

With so much flesh on display her tattoos were very visible, and
Tim wondered what other ones if any she had hidden in her pants.

Tara was given her first few tattoos very much against her will
when she was thirteen, round her neck a choker was tattooed made
up with the repeated word whore, at the same time she was forced
to endure the words cum dump tattooed just above her clit with a
sign on either side of the lettering depicting a condom covered
by a red circle and a red bar going diagonally across it. And
just encase the person seeing them didn’t get the message across
the bar had the words NO CONDOMS. The final tattoos she was
marked with back then was one of a girl getting fucked by a big
black dog, this was on the very top of each thigh the mirror
image of each other.

As time went on and she turned twenty she got into tattoos and
got more of them, pushing the boundaries and having the original
tattoos redone and touched up.
On her right breast she had a spider’s web radiating out from her
nipple and two inch diameter areola almost covering one of her
huge tits following its contours stretching up to her shoulder,
making it look like her breast was encased in a webbed tit sling,
A deadly looking spider was tattooed on the web as if it was
making its way to her nipple.

On the top of her left arm she had a picture of three playing
cards fanned out the ace, king and queen of spades. The queen was
the one with the face card showing in full, and it had the queen
in an erotic pose sucking on the spade symbol like it was a cock.
Beneath it was a scroll with the inscription BLACK COCK WHORE. On
the other arm she had a barbed wire armband.

On both calves running up from her ankle to just below her knees
she had a blond slut with her legs rapped round the stem of a
black rose impaled on one of the thorns head thrown back in
ecstasy. On both thighs’s she had a tattoos of lace garters.

But her favourite was the one she had done to her arse and back,
it was a real work of art. The crack of her arse was inked with
every detail of a pussy, giving it the appearance of a cunt, with
the folds, lips and clit.

Two massive cocks grew out from the anal tattoo curving like
horns up over her buttocks and slightly inwards to the small of
her back. The massive cock heads had cum dripping from them and
ropes of cum spurting up her back. In the middle of her back she
had a pair of sexy red lips making an O shape with a tongue
hanging out catching some of the cum, and between the two cocks
she had in fancy lettering CUM SLUT with cum dripping off the

“Come on get moving, I have some bread in the toaster and tea in
the pot. Do you want some eggs?”
“Yes please just one on my toast”
With that she left calling back to tell him to hurry up.

As soon as the breakfast was finished and the dishes washed up
and put away Tara turned to Tim and with a mischievous smile ask
him if he was ready.
Ready for what Tim thought?

Not waiting for a response “I have had a sort through and have a
really sexy outfit that will fit you. Do you want to try it on
for mummy?”
She walked over to him and took his hand leading Tim upstairs,
like a lamb to the slaughter.
Instead of going it to her dressing room as Tim had expected they
went into Tara’s workroom.

Tim looked around taking in the shear sexual decadence of the
room. The carpet was deep red and the walls a pail pink with a
ceiling high mirrored wardrobe covering the wall on one end of
the room. And a large dressings table the other. Mirrors were
fixed to the ceiling, covering the area above the bed. Also on
the ceiling a number of large metal rings had been fitted.
Four chairs were pushed against one wall with a small table.
On the bed that was covered in black silk sheets she had laid out
some sexy underwear, a small black mini skirt, bra, see-through
red blouse and stockings. In addition a couple of boxes also lay
on the bed.

“Come on Tim don’t be shy with mummy take of those nasty boy
Tim took off his clothes and feeling a bit insecure and nervous
his semi hard cock was dying on him. For that he was actually
very grateful.
When he was naked Tara produced a small pair of rubber pants.

“Before we start we need to ensure that that cock of yours
doesn’t get in the way. Come here and step into these, they will
keep your cock in place between your legs and restrict it so you
can’t get an erection, they also have a hole at the back so you
can work you arsehole with a dildo”

With the pants in place and his cock going nowhere Tara handed
him a pair of hold up red stockings.
“Let me see you put them on”
Sat on the bed and he put them on taking out any creases and
checking that the tops were at the same height.

“I can see you’ve done that before, now the red panties”
She handed them to him and he put them on.
You have a lot of panties mum, why don’t you have the little
ones, G-strings; the boys at school say that real sluts ware
G-strings virgins have panties.

Tara laughed real hard, before answering.
“G-strings are ok if you want cum running down your legs. Now put
this bra on”
She handed Tim the black bra and it was not one of hers. He
looked at her and knowing what he was thinking she said. “I told
you that I have a number of customers that like to dress up. Well
I have a collection of different sizes this should be perfect on

Tim put the bra on and looked down at the empty cups. Reaching
for one of the boxes Tara opened it and took out 2 flesh coloured
fake boobs and inserted them into my bra.
“Now how does that feel?”

Reaching up he cupped them with his hands. It felt electric, the
soft yielding flesh under the material of the bra was wonderful.
His cock strained in its prison causing him to rub his thighs
together. But that only made the sensation worse.
Tara saw his distress and came up beside him. The next thing he
felt was a stinging slap on his arse folded by another.

The shock was enough for the erection to subside.
“That’s better; you can play with your cock when we are finished.
And by that reaction you just had I think you like your tits”

“Yes mum I love them”
“Now let’s get you into this skirt and blouse”

Having watched Tim put them on she reached for another box in it
was a blond wig with a blunt cut and long strait hair that would
fall a couple of inches below Tim’s shoulders. She also produced
a pair of black shiny court shoes with three inch high heels.

Tara fixed the wig onto Tim’s head and made a few adjustments
before he stepped into the shoes.
“Let’s see how well you can walk in them”

Confidently Tim took some steps round the room and put his hand
on his hip, catching glimpses of himself in the mirror, he was
amazed how good he looked.

“Wow you have been practising on the QT you walk great in them,
and with some lipstick and makeup you would be red hot”

Tim stopped strutting around and looked at her. “Please can I try
“You bet, come over to my dressing table”
After about twenty minutes she was finished. Tim turned and
looked into the mirror.
He was speech less and his mouth just hung open, what he saw
before him was the face of a cheap hooker, a very attractive one,
but definitely a slut.

Getting up from the dressing table he walked over to the
full-length mirror wardrobe and took in the full impact of his
Tara came up behind him and put her hands on his waist, her tits
pressing into his back and her lips so close to his ear Tim could
feel her breath, as their eyes meet in the mirror.

“So what do you think Timmy, or maybe I should call you Rosie”
“I know the boys at school call you that to tease you. So Rosie,
is this the look you wanted?”
“Looking like this, men will line up just to get a crack at
fucking your arse”
Tara desperately wanted to get one of her strap-ons through him
on the bed and fuck him, fuck her little boy like she had so many
other men, and some wimen.

Tim lent back further pressing against his mum as her hands come
further round his waist.

“Yes, I love it” Tim was almost delirious with pleasure his cock
encased in the rubber pants oozing precum and his arse itched to
be fucked.

Pushing him gently away she told him to take a toy from her
dressing room and that he could play in his room in private.
With that she ushered him out taking his boy clothes with him and
closed the door.
With the door closed Tara lent against it as if to subconsciously
preventing Rosie from coming back in. She had to put a stop to
this she thought, but she couldn’t.

Tim was slightly shocked, at her sudden change of mood. But
nothing could dim the sexual excitement he was feeling right now.

Tim played in his room the whole afternoon and by the end of it
his mum’s seven inch vibe had flat batteries and was slipping in
and out of his arse pussy with ease. And his dick was soar from
the constant abuse it was getting.

The weeks ticked by as normal after Tim’s first dress up time
with his mom. If you can call getting your mum to dress you up as
a slut every Sunday and spend the afternoon shoving dildos up
your arse and beating your meet until you can’t get it up again

But for the next few months, even Timmy’s 18th birthday
came and passed without any real event. Tara continued to
struggle with her emotions but she got so hot dressing her little
boy up as a slut. She bought a few more girly things for Tim or
was it for Rosie. Like his own breast forms with a matching skin
tone and a couple of nighties, and such like. But on the whole it
was uneventful.

It was coming up to Christmas and they were sat down at the
kitchen table having one of their chats, Tara asked what Tim
wanted most for Christmas.

“I want you mum, I still fantasise about you. I can’t help it, I
try but seeing all those men come through our door, hearing
them… you know….. I can’t get the thought of it out of my

“I’m sorry Tim but we just can’t, I’m your mother. But I have an
Tara was desperate to take her baby boy to her bed and do such
nasty things with him, she felt shame for the wickedness of her
own dark desires. But she had a plan, she would hire him a girl
for the night, maybe she could get over her own issues if he got
over his and having some time with a nice young girl might just
do that.

Tim didn’t push for information on what her idea was but he was
incredibly intrigued as to what it might be. And as it happens he
didn’t have to wait long to find out.

Tara did some searching on the internet for just the right girl,
but they were all wrong. Instead of picking a sweet young
prostitute she settled on a real dirty slag.

The following Friday as Tim got home from school the door opened
before he could get the key in lock. Tara looked all excited and
almost dragged in.

“Well Tim that idea I said I had, tonight is the night. Go get
washed and changed out of your school uniform, I have left some
clothes out for you in your room”

Tim’s heart leaped and he beamed, god he thought what has she got
He shot of running up the stairs to his bedroom desperate to see
what was in store for him.

He was more than a little disappointed to see a pair of smart
trousers and a freshly ironed shirt lying on his bed. But his bed
was made up with some of mums black silk sheets.

What the hell, he thought, just go with the flow, but his mind
was in a whirl wondering what exactly his mum had in store for

He took a shower and cleaned his arse out just in case, all dried
and his hair combed he put on the clothes and went down stairs to
meet his mum in the kitchen.

“My you do look handsome she said as she passed him a large glass
of chilled white wine”

Tim’s initial thought was that they might be going out, to a
restaurant of something but obviously she was not dressed to go
out in public, all she had on was a see-through dressing gown
showing of her corset bra and panties.
“What’s going on mum?”

“Sit down, here have a cigarette” Now he was beginning to get a
little worried.
“You know I said that I had an idea on you fantasising about me.
I think it is because I am the only real woman in your life. What
I mean is that I am the only one that you see like this! She
stood up displaying all her charms”

“I think if you had the opportunity to have some fun with another
girl, a younger girl closer to your age then you might find that
you will stop thinking of me in that way”
“Look, I have this gorgeous girl coming round and she is all
yours till eleven o’clock”

“You got me a prostitute mum?” Tim almost chocked the words out
totally taken aback by this unexpected turn of events.

“Please Tim try it just for me, see if you enjoy it. You might
find that you enjoy girls more than you thought you would”

“What is she like mum, have you met her?”
“No I haven’t met her but I have spoken to her on the phone and
she seems real nice” “Come with me she has a site on the
internet, that’s where I found her”

Going into the front room where the PC was kept Tara quickly
typed in her password and the screen flicked on, and up came
Steph’s web page.

The title was Slutty Steph. And the picture below was of a young
girl totally naked lying on her side sucking on a large dildo.
She did look sexy with her long light brown hair large breasts
and slim figure.

Tara clicked onto her about me page
It also had apicture of her kneeling down thrusting he tits out
with a little caption, Slutty Ssteph and her thirty-four DD’s

The text read: Hi I’m Steph the hottest eighteen year old
bareback slut in London.
Fuck my pussy and arse no condoms required as long as you are
It went on about gangbangs YES please, water sports and much

Tim had his mouth open and looked up at his mum in shock.
“Yes I know she is a dirty slag. Maybe she will be as big a whore
as your mum one day, but I spoke with her on the phone and she
seems very genuine, even gets regular VD and HIV tests and the
same clinic I go to”

“I didn’t think you would want a nice girl!! That would want you
to wear a condom for a blowjob”
Not knowing what else to say he responded with a simple “No mum,
she’s perfect, thanks”

Tara beamed and did a little victory jig her tits bouncing, she
was more excited than Tim was and he was getting pretty excited.

Steph was due round at 6:00 and Tim would have five hours with
The next hour dragged and mum made sure that she had no bookings
until 06:30. She wanted to meet the whore who was going to take
her little boys virginity.

Tim had his heart in his mouth when the doorbell rang bang on
six. It was Steph, Tara answered the door and ushered her into
the kitchen where Tim was waiting. Tim’s mum was a little more
conservatively dressed now and was wearing a short skirt that
almost covered her stocking tops and a blouse that was not quite
see through. She was grinning from ear to ear holding Stephs arm.

Steph also had a big smile on her face and went over to Tim
bending down giving him a lingering but gentle kiss on the lips.
In her four inch heels on top of her natural height of five foot
six Steph dwarfed little Timmy standing at five foot three, “Hi
I’m Steph” A little tong tied and nervous he responded with a
hello “I’m Tim can I get you a drink”

Her smile grew even more and she said you can help me with my
coat first please.
She started to unbutton the front, It was a long coat the type
his mum like to wear on her outcalls and all he could see apart
from the coat at the moment was the white high heeled boots Steph
was wearing. Not taking her eyes away from his she continued to
unbuttoned her coat. When she reached the last button she opened
her coat up and slipped it of her shoulders in one motion,
revealing all. Tim was gob smacked.

Her boots went up to just below her knees, light blue fishnet
stockings encased her legs ending quite low on her thighs and
held up with suspenders, two inches of naked thigh was exposed
before the suspenders disappeared beneath her white spandex
skirt. The only other garments were a waist clincher and her bra
holding in those double D’s. The bra had holes cut out at the
nipples and they both proudly stuck out.

Tim’s cock grew rapidly in his pants and her eyes were drawn to
his crutch.
“Oh my you have got a nice big one and by the looks of it he like
s what he sees”
Putting her coat over the back of a kitchen chair she reached out
and grabbed Tim’s crotch, why don’t we take that bottle up to
your room”

Tim looked at his mum still smiling, but now the smile looked a
little forced. She nodded and with that he picked up the wine
bottle and two glasses.

Steph followed Tim up the stairs and into his room.
Tara’s eyes followed them her stomach churning at the thought of
this young whore taking away her little boys virginity when it
should be her. She wanted to grab the slut and through her out.
In her heart she knew this was not what she wanted, it was a big

In Tim’s room he put the bottle and glasses down on the bedside
table. As he turned around without saying anything Steph went
down on her knees in front of him and undid his trousers pulling
them down with his underpants, he stepped out of them and removed
his shirt.

Holding one foot up at a time Steph removed his socks.
Wasting no time Steph put both hands around his cock and licked
the head, while looking up into his eyes.

“I’m going to enjoy this, it’s not often I get to fuck a virgin”
“Don’t be embarrassed, your mum told me and she also said that
you are only 18”
“I would not normally do someone your age but Tara Rose’s boy
wow!! How could I refuse?”

Standing up she pushed Tim back onto his bed. “Would you like me
to start on top?”
“Anything you would like to do just ask I am here for your
pleasure; the fact that I am going to enjoy this is a bonus”
Tim was now lying on his back with his cock pointing to the
ceiling as Steph straddled his chest, her spandex skirt rising up
revealing her smooth hairless cunt.

He reached up and felt the weight of her firm breasts through the
fabric of her bra. She lowered her tits down to his face so her
right nipple brushed his lips and Tim gently sucked it into his
mouth. Reaching behind her back he unclasped her bra.
“Oh you naughty boy I would have said you have done that before”

She slipped the bra of and discarded it on the bed and smothered
his face in the soft flesh of her breasts asking how he learned
to undo bras like a pro.
“You can tell me, if you are going to have the best time possible
you need to tell me all your secrets and fantasies”

Moving her tits slightly away from his face so he could speak he
told her about his love of dressing up.
“That’s interesting maybe we could play a little later but first
let’s get that cock of yours deep inside my cunt, I am so wet and

She positioned herself over his cock and lowered herself down on
it. It was wonderful and Tim knew he was not going to last long.
“Fuck your big for such a young man. Your daddy must have been
hung like a horse”
“So are you a little sissy who likes dressing up in slut’s
underwear? What else do you do, or fantasize about?”

The sensation of Steph’s pussy on his cock was taking away any
inhibitions he had and he revealed that he used vibrators in his
arse even that he had tasted his own cum.

“Do you want to eat your own cum out of my cunt when you fill it;
I love it when men do that for me, eat me out after my cunts been

At that he could hold on no longer and said yes please as his hot
seed shot out of his cock into her pussy.
She milked his cock with her cunt muscles for a few more seconds
before pulling herself of. She cupped her sex and moving up the
bed she straddled Tim’s face moving into a sixty-nine position.

Steph slid her hand away from her cunt that was now inches from
Tim’s face.
“Go on lick it all up, suck you’re cum out of my cunt”
She squished her soppy cunt down onto his face and Tim needed no
further enticement. He devoured the mixture of sex fluids with
gusto, as her lips engulfed his still hard cock”

After a few minutes she swivelled round and sat back on his face.
Reaching for her handbag she removed a small tube of KY jelly and
started to apply some to her arse.
“There I think you have cleaned me up enough, let’s get that hard
cock of yours up my arse and see how good you can fuck”

With that she got of his face and positioned herself on the bed
next to him indicating that he should go up behind her, as Tim
did she told him to go slow. “That big dick could do some damage”

Kneeling behind her Tim placed his cock at the opening to her
arse and started to push as Steph pushed back.
Almost at once the head of his cock slipped into her arse and
Steph let out a small gasp and pulled forward a little preventing
him from slipping further into her anal passage.

“Just hold it there for a few seconds big boy”
She rotated her arse and pushed back again into him and as she
did he pushed forward slipping a good 3 inches of shaft into her
Another small gasp escaped her lips and again she pushed back.
This time when he pushed forward he buried his cock to the hilt
in her hot arse.
“Fuck’in hell Tim, that fells so fucking good. I love the feeling
of a big hot cock stretching my shit hole out”
“I bet you would like to know what this feels like wouldn’t you

Tim didn’t respond but thought yes, yes you bet I would. Tim just
stayed motionless, his hands on Steph’s hips and his cock buried
up her arse as she rotated her hips.
“Now start fucking me, but slowly at first I will let you know
when I am ready to be fucked hard”

He started to pull out about three or four inches at a time and
push it back in, after a few minutes Steph started to rock back
and forth with him picking up the pace.
Soon she was calling out for it good and hard lost in passion and
Tim obliged.
“Ohh yes that’s it, that feels so fucking gooooood”
“You didn’t answer my question Tim!…. Would you like to know
how good this feels, getting your arse reamed out by a big hot

“Oh yes Tim replied yes, yes I would love too”
Steph timed her probing question catching him at his weakest, as
he was on the verge of filling her bowels with his cum.
A few more deep thrusts and he was there shooting his load into
Tim left his cock in her and put his arms around her so I could
fondle her tits and nipples.

Their heavy breathing was starting to settle down and they lay
spooning with his cock now softening and starting to slip out of
her arse.
They heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Tim’s mum talking
to a punter.
This made Steph grin and she turned to face Tim, does your mum
ever take a day off she asked.

“Only if she is sick or something I replied why? And you
mentioned something earlier about wow fucking Tara Rose’s boy.
What did you mean by that?”
“I don’t know if I should say anything” Tara paused knowing that
she would, that she couldn’t help herself. This situation was
just too awesome for words.

“Your mum Tara is a bit of a cult figure in the seedy underworld.
There’s not a whore south of the river, or north of it probably
that hasn’t heard of Tara Rose”
“When she called me up I was gob smacked, especially when she
asked me if I would be willing to fuck you. I had to double-check
her website for the contact details she gave me to convince
myself that I was actually talking to the one and only NO!
Condoms please! I’m Tara Bareback Rose”

“My mum has a website?”
“Yes, you haven’t seen it? Oh my god you will be in for a shock”
Just search for “Tara Rose bareback slag” or “Tara no condoms
Rose” or almost any variation and you will get a lot of hits, and

“Anyway enough talking, I’m leaking cum out of my sore and well
fuck arse hole. Be a good boy and give it a thoroughly good
cleaning out for me would you”

With that Steph rolled onto her stomach and smiled at Tim. “Go on
you know you want to”

Tim didn’t need to be told twice and went to work burying his
head between her arse cheeks cleaning up first the cum that had
run out into her crack then going to work on her hole pulling her
checks apart to gain greater access to the red and still slightly
loose opening of her shit box.

Tim’s tongue darted in and out with little effort lapping up what
cum he could find.
“Fuck you are good at that, I wish I had someone like you around
on my busy days to clean me up after each punter had finished
with me”

“Oh that sounds so sexy, I would love to do that” Just thinking
of it made his cock hard again.
“How about cleaning me up after I’d been gangbanged, five or six
loads in both cunt and arse?”
“Fuck yes I would eat all the cum your pussy and arse could hold”

Happy that her arse was cleaned out sufficiently Steph turn over
so she was now on her back with Tim kneeling between her legs
sporting a fresh hard on.
“It looks like all that talk of cleaning up my holes has given
life back to your cock”
“Yes the thought of it turns me on, would you let me do it for

“I don’t think your mum would like me using you as a cleanup boy”

“Let’s not waist that stiff cock of yours, fuck me properly. You
came so fast the first time when I was on top I didn’t get a
chance to cum myself. You do want to make me cum don’t you?”

“Yes I do” And with that he lined his cock up with her cunt and
plunged it all the way in slamming his pubic bone into hers.

“Yes that’s it fuck my whore hole hard and fast. That big cock of
yours just hits the spot, yes harder, oohh baby you like my well
used cunt don’t you”
“I know you fucking do, don’t deny it, hardcore slag’s like me
and your cum dump of a mother turn you on”

“Yes, yes she does, you do”
“You want to fuck that old whore you call mummy don’t you”
“YES!! YES!!”

“Call me mummy, tell mummy how much you want to fuck her”
Ahh mummy I want to fuck your used cunt I need to worship your
fucked holes, I want to be you’re clean up boy”

As the filth and profanities came pouring from his mouth Tim was
drilling Stephs cunt to oblivion, and only the shacking spasms of
her body beneath his with an orgasm ripping through her body
broke the trance like state he was in.

Her cunt griped his cock milking it and he could no longer hold
back, his young body shuddered as he pumped another load of cum
into the whore, the whore who he had just told his darkest desire

Both of their body’s glistened with sweet and Tim could feel the
heat coming from Steph as he held his body weight off hers
supporting himself on his elbows.
As Tim’s cock softened and slipped out of her cunt, Steph told
him to lie down on his back.
“I want to drain my cunt out. It was matter of fact not a
request. And Tim complied.
Straddling his face she said she needed a drink and grabbed a
glass and the bottle of wine, poring herself a glass she took a
hefty gulp, as Tim took a dollop of his own cum that was hanging
of her swollen cunt lips.

Putting the glass down Steph picked up her cigarettes and lit
one. She then lowered herself onto Tim’s face and started to
slide her slippery snatch up and down from his chin to his nose,
now with a glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the

“I wish more of my punters were like you…….. Yes baby use
that tongue on my clit and cunt lips”

“Your cock is pretty limp now sweaty….. Mind you three good cum
loads in an hour and a half is pretty good. And that last fuck
must have taken it out of you, I didn’t think you were ever going
to cum.

Steph poised for a few seconds to put her cigarette down and
refilled her glass of wine then restarted slowly fucking his

“We are going to play a little game now, put your hands on the
cheeks of my arse…… that’s it”
“This is a yes or no game. If the answer is yes I want you to put
a finger up my arse. One finger is for yes and two fingers is for
YES!! YES!! fucking right. Squeeze one arse cheek for no and
squeeze both for fucking no way. Got it, I said have you got it?”
Tim slipped two fingers easily up her arse and then replaced his
hands back on her arse cheeks.

Good boy, now how many times do you think you will be able to
fuck me in the remaining three and a bit hours we have, three
Tim stuck two fingers straight up her arse.
How about four more?
Tim wasn’t to overly confident about four so he put one finger up
her arse.
“Not bad seven fucks in five hours is fucking good stud material”

She took another sip of wine and a drag on her cigarette.
“I am being very rude, here I am having my cunt licked while
sipping wine and smoking a cigarette”
“Would you like a drink to wash down all the cum and cunt juice?”
Tim quickly put two fingers up her arse.

“You might not be so eager if you knew what kind of drink I had
in mind”
“You are too young for alcohol; I think you need to drink it nice
and diluted straight out of my piss hole”
“Will you drink my piss?”

Tim paused and squeezed one of her arse cheeks.
“A little indecisive I see, let’s see if I can change your mind”

As Steph paused for another sip of wine they could her more
footstep coming up the stairs, and they could hear Tara’s regular
banter to her next fuck of the night.
Steph moved back slightly so she could make eye contact with Tim.
“That cunt you are so lovingly pleasing has only been whored out
for a couple of years, and it’s had over a thousand cocks. Almost
all of them bareback and Cumming inside me”

She glanced back to catch the sight of Tim’s cock jerking
slightly at the thought of it.
“Yes that turns you on, you could not fuck a nice clean girl your
own age. You are just not turned on by them are you?”

“That was a question by the way, are you turned on by nice clean
girls your own age?”
Tim squeezed both her arse cheeks.
“Yes I know, you need the thrill of a real ditty whore. And they
don’t come any dirtier than Tara Rose”
Tim’s cock jerked and twitched again and Steph continued, can you
begin to imagine just how many cocks have been in your mum’s cunt
and arse and mouth dumping their cum in her.. His cock jerked

Tim’s face was now slick with the mixed sex juices and his cock
was semi erect.
“Do you want me to continue?”
Again he stuck 2 fingers up Stephs arse. He desperately wanted to
hear more about his whore of a mother, more about the woman he
desperately wanted to fuck and be fucked by.

“Well here is the deal. I need to take a piss and your mouth is
where I want to piss. You drink my piss and don’t spill a drop
and I will tell you more. Yes! Or No!”
Tim hesitated before putting one finger in her arse.

“Good boy I knew you would come round now open wide and get ready
to swallow” With that a hot stream of piss hit the back of his
throat and he swallowed. Steph had hold of the back of his head
and clamped her cunt over his opened mouth causing a airtight
seal, she was making sure he swallowed the lot. She didn’t let it
all out in one go she filled his mouth and then cut the stream of
piss and started it again when he had finished swallowing what he

The taste was nowhere near as bad as Tim was expecting it to be
and after all the sticky cum and pussy juice he had consumed it
felt pretty good. So good it made his cock jerk.

“A cock doesn’t lie, I had a feeling you would like drinking my
piss. I bet I get two fingers up my arse to my next question”
“Would you like to drink your mums piss?

Tim’s cock jerked violently and grew now to almost a full
erection and he thrust two fingers up Steph’s arse.

“Wow that was a YES! YES! oh my fucking YES!! Just look at your
cock grow.
If you did drink your mums piss there would be a good chance that
you would be drinking some else’s as well. Your mum drinks piss
for a living baby. It’s one of her many! many! Specialities”

That was enough to put Tim’s cock back into a full erection.
Moving of Tim’s face Steph positioned herself over his cock and
impaled herself in one swift downward plunge and started to
slowly ride his cock.

“You check out the internet and you will see just what kind of
depravity your mum’s capable of. I’m one of the dirtiest whores
around. But I am Snow White compared to Tara fucking bareback

Steph’s train of thought was lost as she started sliding up and
down Tim’s cock with force and one hand frantically rubbing her
clit. Her other hand and forearm where trying to support her tits
as they flopped and jiggled to the frantic pace of Stephs

Tim was trusting up as hard as he could to keep pace with the
animal intensity of Steph’s fucking. Eventually her eyes closed
and her pussy pulsated clenching and releasing again and again on
his cock. Having already come three times Tim was close but just
not there and Steph collapsed on top of him clamping her mouth
over his forcing her tong into his mouth in between gasps for

Tim continued to work his cock in her over heated love box
holding her sweaty body tightly to his until he came.
“Fuck that one was good I think I get as turned on as much as you
just thinking of what your mother has done. I would love to have
a go on her myself. I should have negotiated a freebee as well as
the cash for fucking you”

“How much is mum paying you to fuck me?”
“Naughty boy you should never ask how much your Christmas present
cost. I just hope it is the best one you have had up to now”
“I can honestly say this is by far the best”

“It’s not finished yet! Let’s have a quick sixty-nine so you can
give my cunt a quick clean out and then we will have a fag break”
“Sounds good to me” Tim said as Steph swivelled round to plat her
sopping cunt down on his face.

All cleaned up they sat on the edge of the bed with the last of
the wine now poured evenly into two glasses, Steph picked up her
cigarettes and lit two giving Tim one. As they puffed away the
familiar sound of footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs.
Looking at each other they smiled. And when the punter said that
he’s was looking for a good strap-on session, Steph’s face
beamed, and beamed even more to Tara’s reply.

“You have come to the right place, but I don’t do good strap-on
fun I do the best.
It’s one of my faves, you can set your own limits on size or you
can trust Tara to find them”

With that Steph whispered in his ear. “I want to fuck your arse
and I know you want me to. Tara must have more strap-ons than you
can shake a stick at, any chance you can get hold of one, and is
your arse clean”

“Yes and Yes, I didn’t know what to expect tonight and mum knows
about my dressing up and the toys, I was kind of hopping she was
going to fuck me, well I didn’t know what to expect really so I
cleaned my arse out just in case anyway”

“And yes mum has quite a few dildos and strap-ons. If she doesn’t
have what she needs in her workroom she will get it out of the
spare bedroom, her walk in dressing room”

“Let’s give her five minutes to get going and then you can creep
down and do the snatch and grab” Steph giggled a little at her

“In the meantime would you like to put my underwear on, if I am
going to fuck you rotten you may as well be dressed like a

Tim smiled and said that he had his own, and that his mum had
bought them for him. He got up and pulled a small suitcase out
from under the bed and opened it.
Steph’s face was a picture as he started unpacking his treasures.
He mouth was a gape as Tim quickly rolled up and put on his red
fishnet holdup’s, standing up to check that they were strait and

Steph said impatiently. “Go get that fucking strap-on, your arse
is mine”
Tim crept down to his mum’s dressing room and selected a strap-on
harness with a seven inch dildo, as he knew that he could handle
that. He was tempted to get something bigger but some sanity
stopped him.

Back in Tim’s room Steph was on her knees looking at the stuff in
his suitcase. She held up with one finger his rubber panties with
a what the fuck look on her face.
Tim returned with the strap-on and saw Steph with the rubber
panties and the slightly puzzled expression.

“My mum makes me where them when she helps me dress up so my cock
doesn’t get in the way. I can’t help getting an erection, wearing
them prevents me from getting one”

With a sarcastic smile Steph said “O you poor thing, well an
erection round me is something I insist on. Now let’s have a look
at that strap-on”

After a quick inspection Steph announced that it would do nicely.
“A nice sized dong. Have you had this up your arse before?”
“No but I have had a vibrator about the same size up my arse many
“Ok let’s get you dressed, I see you have breast forms, your mum
get you these as well I assume”
“Yes mum got me those for my birthday, back in October” Tim
picked up the bra and put it on then inserted the breast forms.
As he was doing this Steph had now discarded her spandex skirt
that had ended up just a bunched up roll of material that had
gathered above her hips, and had the strap-on all buckled up and
ready to go.

“Fuck the rest of your gear, get on the bed, doggie style”
The next thing Tim felt was Steph’s tongue liking his arsehole
probing and pushing its way into his arse that was now itching
with anticipation.
Using her tube of KY jelly Steph greased up the strap-on and put
a good blob into and on the entrance to his rectum.

The suspense was killing him as she positioned the cock against
his fuck hole, the tip just pressing against him not quite
“Tell me Tim have you got a fem name for yourself? If not I will
give you one”
“Yes, its Rosie mum calls me Rosie when I dress up”

“That’s a good name for a boy whore, she has chosen well. What do
you think?”
“Yes I like it, fuck me and call me Rosie”
Steph applied a bit more pressure to his hole and he felt it
start to open and yield to her cock.
“Tell me Rosie how much do you want this? Do you want to be my

“Fucking yourself up the arse is one thing; giving your shitter
it to someone else is another matter entirely Rosie”
“When a man is lost in his lust, the whore must take it as hard
and as deep as the bastard wants to go. Just like you were with
me, just an hour or so ago”

She was teasing him with the tip of the strap-on cock just inside
his anal ring.
“You want it Rosie, you want me to fuck you?”
“Please fuck me; yes I want it, Please do it”

With that Steph push forward in earnest getting half of the cock
in his arse with ease and quickly buried the rest.
“Fuck Rosie your whore arse swallowed that cock, you dirty slag”

Now she started pumping his arse, increasing the force going at
him harder and harder. The violent assault was making his eyes
water and his nose run with snot, he could feel saliva running
out of the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t want her to stop.

“God Rosie you are a good whore, you take it like a pro. I bet
you wish it was your mum in my place battering the fuck out of
your arse”
“Yeesss!!” was all he could manage as his cock pulsed and

Steph reached under him and gently stroked his dick as he came.

“Fuck Rosie you are a slag, another load shot off and I hardly
touched you cock”
“The thought of getting a good hard fuck from your dear old mum
must have really pushed a button or two”

Steph never let up even though Tim had almost spontaneously
ejaculated. A good load of his cum was now over the bed sheets
and his cock was still rock hard and swinging wildly between his
legs as Steph continued to pound his arse.

“The games not over because you came slut, I’m not giving up on
your fuck hole until I do my nut”

Steph’s pace was relentless but Tim’s arse was well adjusted to
the size of the dildo, and the fucking he was getting was pure
pleasure. He was even thinking that he should have brought a
second bigger dildo for her to use. He reached back and started
fisting his cock to the rhythm of Steph’s fucking.

Tim came again just before Steph shuddered in climax collapsing
on his back and grabbing his false tits.

With only one arm supporting him and one hand still on his cock
her weight pushed him flat on the bed beneath her.
She laid panting on his back with the strap-on buried up his arse
for over ten minutes whispering sweet nothings in his ear,
telling Tim what a good fuck he was, and a natural whore.

They heard Tara’s punter leave.
“I bet your mum didn’t enjoy fucking his arse as much as I
enjoyed fucking yours”
“Do you really think I am a natural whore?”
“Rosie, you were born to be a whore. Your mum may not like it but
it’s a fact. You can’t fight it, and she can’t stop it. You will
be selling that arse of yours before you know it; you need cock
up it, and lots of it. Just like I do and you’re mum does”

With that more footsteps could be heard on the stairs and the
loud chatter coming from a number of men.
Steph whispered five? Tim whispered back seven and smiled, adding
that his mum says two of the Friday night guys let their cocks do
the talking.

Steph giggled still lying on Tim’s back, and snuggled up to him
rotating the dildo still in his arse.
“I’m thirsty any chance of steeling another bottle of wine?”

“Yes I can get another bottle I desperately need a piss anyway
but you will have to take that cock out of my arse”

With that Steph got off Tim’s back pulling the cock out of his
abused arse hole. And he could feel cool air reaching inside his
stretched sphincter.

As he got off the bed to go and get the wine Steph stopped him.
“Do you want to piss in my mouth” she asked as she was already
going down on her knees mouth open.
Tim didn’t reply, he just put his cock in her mouth and she
grabbed it with both hands. She looked up at him as if to say,
why aren’t you pissing, and then he let go.

She swallowed as fast as she could and giving up she gripped his
cock hard stemming the flow, and then releasing the pressure on
it to refill her mouth.

Finally with Tim’s bladder emptied Steph licked her lips and said
thank you I needed that.
“You see your mum isn’t the only piss drinking whore round here”

Tim’s cock was stiffening again, and Steph took it back into her
mouth for a few seconds before releasing it and looked up at him.
“I only have to mention your slag mother and you get a hard on
don’t you”

He didn’t need to answer the stiffening of his cock did that for
“Go get the wine”
She gave him a playfully slap on his arse as he left to fetch the
wine, leaving Steph taking of the strap-on.

When he returned Steph had her tube of KY squirting a blob onto
her finger she applied it to her arse.
“Let’s have a quick drink and then it is your turn to fuck my
arse and fuck it hard, I don’t give a fuck and I have suddenly
got the need to be drilled good and proper. And I know how to
make you do it”

Tim poured out to full glasses as Steph lit up two cigarettes and
they sat on the edge of the bed and sipped the wine and had their

Steph put her cigarette out and put down her wine glass before
taking Tim’s half smoked cigarette off him and stubbing it out.

“Time to fuck, but you cock needs a little help by the looks of
it, and like I said, I know how to get you hard”

Steph got on the floor between Tim’s thighs and sucked him into
her mouth then she let his cock slip from his lips. “I wonder how
many of those men in there with your mum have already shot their
spunk up her battered old cunt or arse yet”

His cock stated to stir as she briefly took it back in her mouth.

“You think they will all fuck her twice?” She dipped her head
back down to flick his cock head with her tongue not wanting or
expecting a reply from Tim but got one.
“Yes, at least”

“So she the dirty slag will have 18 loads of spunk sloshing
around in her well used whore holes”
Tim’s cock was rejuvenating fast now as Steph slurped away on his
cock, massaging his balls and slipping three fingers into his
still quite loose arse.

His cock now ready for her butt hole she got on the bed doggie
“Come on Rosie what are you waiting for? Your mum’s in her room
just down the landing getting gang fucked the lucky slut. The
least you can do is tear my arse hole up a little”

Tim got on the bed and lined my cock up with Stephs arse and
rammed it home, “Ahhhh fucking `A’ I bet that’s how mummy dear
likes it. How many guys does mummy fuck a day?”
“I don’t know maybe five on weekdays”
Tim started plunging into Stephs arse, but in his mind’s eye it
was his mum he was fucking.

“Fuck off!! Maybe five in the evenings when you are home from
school. But how many men does she do during the day when you are
not here?”
“I don’t know”
“I’ll tell you, that cum bucket thinks it’s been a slow day if
she doesn’t reach double figures, and you want to drink her piss
and clean her holes out”

This was too much for Tim and he hammered into Steph’s shit hole
as hard as he could.
“Ooo yeeesss now you are getting it fuck me, fuck me harder. You
know your mum would appreciate this kind of pounding”

Tim carried on fucking Steph’s arse as she kept on saying what a
whore his mum was and he loved it. He closed his eyes and again
imagined that Steph was his mum and it was her arse he was
fucking, he was lost in his own world again and only when he shot
his load did he come down to earth.

His cock was still in Steph’s arse and she turned her head round
and said ready to go again.
Sweet was dripping of Tim and he said no he don’t think he could.

“Leave that cock in my arse you bastard. You are the son of the
filthiest whore alive and your cock is going to stay hard and
fuck me again. Rumour has it mummy made her first porn movie when
she was twelve, fucking twelve!”

“Her body was sold all over London to perverts that liked
underage girls. She must have fucked thousands of men before she
got pregnant with you. It’s hardly surprising she doesn’t know
who your farther is”

“That’s it I can feel your cock growing in my arse, you will put
another load in me.
Even the underage prostitution and movies your mum made before
you were born pale in comparison to what she did afterwards”

“A small group of six triple X rated theatres sprang up in a
round London, members only clubs supposedly, to get around the
law. Each of these theatres had a twice a week floorshow a
matinee and evening performance each theatre having a different
day. It was always one girl and normally one or two very well
hung men and I am talking hung”

“After the fucking display the girl was anybody’s who wanted to
wait in line and fuck her”
“Yes you guessed it by the thickening of that cock in my arse and
they way you are inching in and out of my shitter”

“Your mum was a regular; it was difficult to find a slag prepared
to take on anybody with any hole all bareback, so I’m told”
Tim’s cock was unbelievably getting hard again, and he was
starting to slowly move his cock more and more in Steph’s
shitter, what she was saying about his mum could not be true
could it, yes he thought yes it could.

“Each theatre held between thirty and forty paying customers, and
they were always full on floorshow nights. Not everybody fucked
the floor girl but most did, that’s why they paid for the ticket”

Tim’s cock was rock hard again and he was building up a good
steady rhythm listening to Steph’s account of his mothers early
years of whoredom.
Tara was just sixteen when she started doing three theatres a
week matinees and evenings. And by all accounts she was really

Tim started to pump harder into Steph’s arse just the thought of
his mum and all those men.
Steph felt his arousal and said you haven’t heard fuck all yet.

Tim’s cock felt like it was growing even more than he thought
possible and it was sore from the use but he started to fuck long
hard deep strokes into Steph’s now loose and sloppy shit box,
with her pushing back just as hard on his downward stroke.

“About six months in disaster stuck and three girls all want down
with VD at the same time, another two girls refused to work. Your
mum did the matinee and evening shows at all 6 theatres for 3
weeks running”
“Do the maths on that, she was into her fourth week when a number
of customers complained that they had picked up something nasty
from Tara”

“Your mum went down to the clinic, the same one she and I use now
and she was diagnosed with more types of VD than you can shake a
stick at; anal, vaginal, oral”

Tim was now flying into Steph’s arse struggling to reach a
climax, with his balls straining to produce yet more cum.

“A month or so after getting the diagnosis and treatment Tara was
given a clean bill of health. And what does the slag do, with a
clean bill of health she does a gangbang movie with twenty-one
black men and then strait back to the theatres”
At this point Tim’s cock was pumping what liquid was left in him
and it continued to pump but with nothing left to give into
Steph’s abused hole.
It was Tim’s turn to collapse on her.

The next thing Tim knew was Steph prodding him.
“I have to go my taxi will be here in ten minutes, be quick and
give my arse a quick work out”
Tim rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock, it was just coming
up for ten to eleven. He quickly got up and buried his face
between her arse cheeks and wormed his tongue around sucking up
the drags of slim he could reach.

“That’s enough Rosie” She gentley pushed his face away from her
bottom and got of the bed putting on her bra. Fishing in her
handbag she pulled out a pair of panties and slipped them on.
“Stops most of the cum from running down my legs”

Tim laughed to himself inside at the comment. Getting of the bed
he took of the stocking and bra he was still wearing and put all
his things back in his little suitcase and pushed it back under
the bed.

Tim put on his dressing gown as Steph picked up her cigarettes
and had one last look round to check nothing was left behind
before they made their way downstairs.

Tara was in the kitchen having a cigarette and a very large glass
of wine.
Looking up and smiling at them both.
“Well Tim how did you like your Christmas present”
Tim looked at Steph and said it was best ever, the very best
ever. And then looking back at Tara he added thank you mum.

Steph chipped in; “It was one hell of a night miss Rose. You
have, let’s just say a multi talented son, and there is nothing
wrong with his equipment either”

Tara smiled again but it looked a little forced. In fact it was,
Tara’s was torn with her emotions. But the smile on Tim’s face
told her it was worth it; well maybe it was worth it.

Tim felt more than a little awkward standing in the kitchen with
his mum wearing a see-through dressing gown a half cup bra that
just about supported the bulk of her breasts, a pair of panties,
her fishnet holdups and her high heels.
And Steph in her nipleless bra, waist clincher, fish net
stockings, thigh high boots and spandex skirt.

Tim passed Steph her coat right on cue as the doorbell rang,
Getting up Tara said “That must be the taxi, I’m not expecting
anyone else tonight” she walked over to Steph and gave her a kiss
on the check, and saying I will be in touch.

“Tim, see Steph to the door please I better not go looking like
At the door Steph gave Tim a long and deep kiss that broke as the
impatient taxi driver stated ringing the bell again.

Tim opened the door and Steph went out up the garden path
following the taxi driver. Turning at the gate she waved and said
goodbye Rosie until the next time.

Closing the door Tim went back into the kitchen and poured
himself a big glass of
water and downed it in one. Refilling it mum pitched in “worked
up a thrust”
“You could say” he beamed a smile back at her. “It was out of
this world mum thanks”

A little relief came to Tara’s face and she got up out her chair
moving towards him, her dressing gown opened up with the
movement, her arms stretched out. “Give mummy a hug”

Tim went to her and slipped his arms inside her dressing gown
putting one hand on the small of her back and one up between her
shoulder blades. Her arms came around him and pulled him tightly
into her.

For a couple of seconds mother and son just hugged, but Tim felt
something was wrong, his hands felt the sweet on her back, her
skin was clammy and for a few second he could not put my finger
on it, then Tara pulled slightly away and her lips inches from
“What did you think of Steph then?”

Even though Tim had been eating his own cum and licking out
Steph’s cunt and arse all night the heavy smell of cum on his
mums breath was unmistakable, and her body smelt of piss and

She had been repeatedly fuck by seven guys, in addition she had
been pissed on or in by the smell of it. And hadn’t bothered to
clean herself up.
“I loved her mum, in a lot of ways she reminds me of you”
“All good ways I hope”
“Absolutely mum”

Tara pulled him to her again and squeezed him tight, Tim couldn’t
resist the temptation and whispered in her ear “she even wares
panties like yours to stop the cum from running down her legs” as
he was telling her this he patted the back of his mum’s panties
low down between her arse cheeks. They were drenched.

Mum pulled away with a chuckle. “You cheeky beggar” Get yourself
up stairs and cleaned up before I cancel all further Christmas
“Yes mum I’m gone”

With that Tim skipped up the stars to the bathroom picking up the
strap-on on route.
Showered and all cleaned up he put the strap-on back in its place
and went back to his room.

He pulled of the soiled silk beading and put back on his nylon
and cotton sheets, through the duvet on top and flopped onto his
bed and he was quickly in the land of nod.

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