Expect the Unexpected-6 – Sex Stories


Please read the previous part here ( Expect the Unexpected-5 ). Now let’s continue

Nina feeling his cock ejecting his warm seeds deep inside her womb went into raptures too. With her eyes closed her body convulsed in violent spasms as if a giant tsunami had crashed thru her.

Bunty looking at his mother trembling wildly, held her tightly till her body relaxed. A few minutes later Nina opened her eyes finding herself in the tight embrace of her son who had made her experience what she thought was beyond her wildest imagination.

She kissed his lips saying “Thank you son for giving me the most incredible honeymoon ever”. Bunty said “I need thank you mom for helping me realize my dream with the most insanely wild and erotic sex ever”.

Nina naughtily asked “Is this what you do to Rupa too”? He said “no mom, she sleeps off right after our second bout and I too never thought I could get it hard again to go for a third”.

Now realizing that he was still on top of her, Bunty got off and lay by her side still holding her in his arms, Nina asked “why did you get off son, I was enjoying it”?

Bunty kissed her lips followed by all over her face and said “I know my darling wife is really tired now so I thought why not we both get some rest”.

Nina could not believe her ears when he called her his wife. She hugged him tightly resting her face on his shoulder with tears of joy running down her cheeks.

She asked “am I really worthy of becoming your wife Bunty”? He broke the hug and looked at her, he wiped her tears with his mouth and kissed her eyelids.

He said “mom, if there was anything greater than having you as my wife then I would choose it because you mean the world to me”. He smooched her again saying “in fact I should be asking you if I am worthy of being your husband”?

Nina hugged Bunty and said “yes, I would love to be your wife and accept you as my husband for life”. Both fell asleep in each other’s arms. Next morning Nina was woken up feeling Bunty’s tongue on her privates.

She looked below and saw Bunty between her legs eating her pussy. She saw the time and it was slightly past 9am. She was surprised that she slept till so late because she was an early morning person waking up at 6am sharp every day.

Guess the unexpected but memorable honeymoon she had last night had taken a toll on her and clearly was more than she could handle. Nina reached out below running her hands in his hair while he was eating her.

Seeing her awake Bunty came on top and smooched her. He said “good morning my sweetheart, did you sleep well”? Nina blushing like a newlywed wife nodded a yes.

He started kissing her sensually from the top of her forehead slowly moving down. He whispered in her ears “is my wife ready for her new life”? She again blushed and nodded yes.

She asked “Is my darling romantic husband not getting late for work today”? He replied after giving a long kiss on her lips “no my darling, I don’t work on weekends. Besides even if I did I would not want to stay away from my new bride” continuing to kiss further down her neck.

He was now squeezing her breasts while sucking and nibbling her puffed nipples. Nina could feel a strong current rush thru her body instantly arousing her.

She asked naughtily “does my darling hubby always get so horny in the morning”? He said “with you now around, yes I will always be naturally horny not just in the morning but all the time” while continuing to nibble her nipples.

Though Nina was experiencing marital bliss for the second time in her life, this time, it felt like the first time. Everything she had dreamed for in her hubby and how he should treat her, she was really experiencing it only now.

Now feeling the pressure in her bladder building and getting unbearable she asked “can my horny hubby please excuse me for a few minutes so I can relieve my bladder”?

Bunty looked up at her and said “yes, of course darling. Come let me help you with that”. Nina never expected this because bathroom is the one place which she had never shared anyone, not even with his dad.

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