I took my now very sloppy wet dick out of her mouth and rubbed it all over her face – Quality Erotic and sex stories


I came home one afternoon, put away my keys, removed my shoes as usual
and called out to the wife, honey…. I’m home… We’re back here in the
pool, a shout came back. Wondering who is WE, i made my way to the
backyard. I opened the kitchen doors and entered standing on the deck
that overlooked the pool. I see my wife Melissa and her best friend Dee
were in the pool. My wife said hey honey, you’re just in time. I was
about to get out and shower, how about you make some hot chocolate. Sure
I said, and then called out to Dee, hey Dee how about some hot cocoa?
She said, oh I’d love that… and added, would you mind if I stayed in
the water a bit longer? I said , stay as long as you like dear, by the
way where is that no-good over working husband of yours? Oh you know
Bob, he’s still at work. Will probably stop by later. My wife had in the
meantime come out the pool, dried herself cursorily and was making her
way into the house. She gave me a quick kiss as she passed by and
thanked me for making the beverages (which I was still to start making).
I excused myself from Dee and headed to the kitchen to put the pot to
Spank Porn Stories
As I stood over the gas range just below the kitchen window that
overlooks the pool, I found myself staring at Dee who had now come out
of the water to make her way to the diving board. She sure was a foxy
one I said to myself. I could ogle her from here all I wanted as I knew
my wife was probably going to bath for a good 40 minutes or so and
probably wants her hot chocolate in her tub. Also the window being quite
high up and given that bright sun outside, Dee would not be able to look
in and tell that I was staring at her. Gosh she is soo sexy I thought.

I started to appreciate her body from the ground up. Looking at those
beautiful feet, small, well manicured, her smooth calves, strong but
slim, her thighs were the color of milk, white smooth, well taken care
of. I would see her mound bulge from the very tight bikini she was
wearing and took in the sight of her sweet round butt. very sensuous they
looked and swayed in the most sexy manner when she walked. She also had
a slim but well rounded hips with a super flat tummy. Atop were a set of
wonderful 34Bs small, taut and firm the way I liked them. One could hardly
say she was 32 years old. She looked more like she was 24. I would see
that her nipples were hard from contact with the breeze. She wore a bikini
that tied around her neck so I could get a full view of her flawless
back, not a single blemish or mark on them. Her beautiful dark red hair fully
wet and was swept back and falling over her back, she had very sexy hair
indeed. As I saw her raise her hands over her head ready to dive off the
board, I could not help but imagining myself stepping up behind her and
sticking my hot throbbing hardness into her bums, to make her feel my
dick that was hot for her.. boy that’d be nice I thought. I was so hard
I thought I might burst in my pants.

Putting my thoughts away for a moment as the pot of water and milk
almost boiled over, I measured chocolate in 3 cups. I carried one down to
the pool and laid it on one of the round tables on the pool decking. I
called to Dee and let her know her drink was there. She thanked me
again, and I once again excused myself to go give my wife her cup too.
As I knocked and entered our bedroom, I was surprised to see my wife was
all bathed and in her robe. Her hair was still wet and instead of using
a blow-drier as she usually did, she had combed the damp hair back slick
and tight. Not a single flyaway any place. Though my wife is blond the
wetness made her hair look a shade or two darker. My thoughts
immediately went back to Dee in the pool. Oh how sexy she looked. I was
soo hard now and I desperately needed the relief. I laid the cups down
on the table and grabbed my wife from the back. My ravishing hardon was
poking her just above her bums. I put my hands around her and grabbed
her 36D breasts with both hands, massaging them gently I planted a wet
slobbering kiss on her neck and started to lick her ears. She knew very
well I was aroused and we started to kiss deep with my tongue probing
her lovely mouth. As we broke our kiss, the wife exclaimed, Oh my are we
hot or what!!! and with that we both stripped off the clothing we were
wearing (me more than her) and jumped into bed.

My wife always closes
her eyes when she’s aroused beyond a certain point and moans and groans
quite erotically. and this time was no different. In my wild lust I
spread her legs wide apart and entered her while kneeling on the bed in
one hard push, burying my dick to the hilt. Arrrgh she screamed in
delight and slight pain as her cunt was not fully sloppy and lubricated
yet. I started to imagine I was fucking Dee and started to pound in
stroke after stroke into my wife’s now slopping pussy. I was filled with
images of sweet Dee being mine, instead of the looser Jay and me filling
her cunt, ass and every hole. I wanted to fuck her sooo bad, I cannot

Soon my wife was on the verge of a massive orgasm and normally
I also cum by the time she is at her peak. but thinking of Dee somehow
was keeping me from cuming while my wife was fucking me by bucking
her hips up and down trying to eat my dick away. She came and came and
came and I kept pumping her but unable to reach climax myself for some
reason. To top that I could not get Dee out of my mind. At last my wife
begged for me to stop, and being the good wife that she is laid me flat
on my back, crawled over me on all fours and started to rub her tits on
my dick. She did this a few times and I caught her beautiful head and
pushed her lower. Taking the cue, she had her hot lips over my dick and
started to suck making loud vulgar noises, slurp, pop, slurp she went. I
was reaching heights of pleasure with my wife sucking the shit out of my
dick as I was imagining Dee doing this to me. I came hard in my wife’s
mouth, holding her head with my hands powerfully and disallowing her to
pull off. I made sure I got it all out into her mouth. She had no choice
but to swallow. My wife was exhausted, and when I let her head go, she
collapsed on the bead like a rag doll.

I think I’m going to have a nap she said, can you please make sure
everything is cool with Dee? I said sure and got up from bed and got
dressed. I went down and found Dee still in the pool. I found a nice
spot on my deck from where I could observe her without her noticing too
much that I was staring. I started to play out a little plan in my head
to fuck this red haired vixen. As I thought out various scenarios I
mentally started to weigh the pros and con’s of the various approaches.
A direct approach and proposition of having sex would be quite out of
the question. Not only was she Melissa’s best friend, but Jay was a very
good friend of mine too. And I also knew that having a very good moral
upbringing Dee would never cheat on her husband willingly. I considered
drugging her. Now was quite a good chance too. Mel was asleep. I bet I
could convince Dee to have another cup of the chocolate and I had the
vial of GHB I had scored from a previous party (where some of us took
Tamara, a very dark and sexy 18 year old and I got to pop her virgin
cherry ass… but that’s another story). I could fuck her and then
simply say she dozed off in the pool chair.

I quickly dismissed this plan away as too hasty. Also I wanted this to
be hot and interactive. Taking a drugged Tamara’s ass was fun but very
dull in some ways. Sorta like fucking a life-size very realistic
inflatable. No I wanted her to cum hard when I fucked her and hopefully
develop a lust filled fucking relationship with her. Staring at her I
could see how sexy her bikini top was. Suddenly I sat up and clicked
my fingers. I think this is a bit convoluted but it just might work I
said to myself. Got to figure out a few things first and wait a couple
more weeks. That would be the perfect time to go shopping for Melissa’s
birthday present. As I was lying there relishing my plans, Dee finally
got out of the water, wrapped herself with a towel and made a quick
exit. She said something about having errands to do and don’t bother
getting up, Oh Mel’s asleep? well say goodbye for me etc..

Over the next couple of weeks I got my various digital cameras in order,
a still cam, a video cam, wireless transmitters and various other gizmo’s
that I thought would help me make my plan of getting in Dee’s pants come
true. I also used the time to get down the details of Dee’s and Jay’s
schedules. This was not difficult as we met all the time and plus I have
known both of them for ages. Finally after all the planning and scavenging
of parts. the day had come…..

I called Dee at home knowing that she would be alone. Hi Dee, can you do
me a huge favor? I asked. Sure she said. What’s up? Well as you know
Mel’s birthday is coming up pretty soon, I was wondering if you can help
me pick out a few gifts for her. I want to get her some er… something
that she would really enjoy it has to be something personal from her
husband you know. And I always screw up. Last year I got her some tools
for her new SUV and she really did not like that. She chuckled a little
and said. What do you have in mind Bob? I was thinking of er.. you know
some nice lingerie etc. U see I don’t have an idea. She paused a little
and then said. OK lets head out to the mall and see what we can do,
alright? Sure I said. Lets do that.

Soon we met at the mall. Dee had her hair pulled back tight, with a
little bun at the back held by a stick thingy that the Japanese use. She
wore a white turtle neck which hid her cleavage but was tight enough to
show off her perky tits and the shape of her body in the most beautiful
manner. She wore a pair of tight black jeans that also showed her pretty
bums off very well. My dick twitched in anticipation of bedding this
beauty. If things go as planned I should be cuming in her mouth pretty

We went to a the lingerie store and Dee in all earnestly started to take
me through the various styles and features of the intimate garments. Se
was a little shy at first but I guess she took it in her stride that
after all she’s helping out a friend. We picked out several pairs and at
last I took the first step. I wanted to take it slow and make sure she
gets comfortable with me. I said, Hey Dee, I know you have already
helped me out a lot, but I’m not sure how these will really look when
worn. Would it be too much to ask you to try these on (in your size
of course)? She thought about it for a minute and then said. Well Bob I
can understand that you will get a better feel for your gift if you see
them in action but one cannot try on Bra’s and panties before purchasing
them. They have trial versions but that’s only for the basic stuff. None
of the specialized ones we have picked up will be available to try.
Gee Dee, you know it’s Mel’s 30th. I really really dint want to screw
up. I want everything to be perfect. If it’s OK with you I’ll pay for
what you try on and I can then pick the one’s I like for Mel in her
size. Please Dee don’t say no, It would really mean a lot to me. The
look on her face told me I had her sold. I was in luck.

Though this was only the very initial part of my plan to fuck the
beautiful red-head I was almost bursting in my pants as she modeled one
set of sexy underwear after another. I would turn and face the other way
each time she had to try on a new pair. I pretended to be cool about it
but I am sure my lust must have been evident to any one. Dee did not
catch it cause she was busy chatting with me to cover her awkwardness of
trying on under cloths in front of another man. Now we had picked out a
good 15 pairs. So I knew we would be in the changing booth for a while.
I whispered to her. Hey that young kid of a store clerk is trying to
listen in and get a peek.. Let’s mess with his mind a bit. Yeah she
said. Might as well do him a favor while I am at it. So we started to
talk dirty. I was telling her how sexy she looked in these and how Id
love to take her back and fuck her. She was saying similar things
thinking we are playing a little game of “tease the store clerk’s dick”
All in all we were in there for forty minutes, and I would have at least 30
minutes of video after I edited the innocent parts away, in which Dee
was talking of fucking me, while modeling one pair of sexy under
clothing after another. (Miniature electronics are an amazing thing. The
actual recorder was inside my bag working off a Blue Tooth network
connection. But I guess this is the wrong story to discuss that setup 😉
We took off from the mall, I dropped Dee at home. All the while in the
car she was laughing and joking about various things. She thanked me
over and over for the several pairs of under garments I had bought her. I
dropped her home and got down from the car to give her a thank you hug.
Her firm breasts touched my body as I hugged her goodbye and I’m sure she
felt my raging hardon on her tummy. I left before I came in my pants. I
was going to have a great time watching videos tonight, and an even better
time starting tomorrow…

Later that day what I saw in the videos I had made amazed me. It seems
that Dee was very aroused with our dirty talks and each time I turned
around for her to change into a new pair of undies, she was pinching her
nipples, rubbing her breasts and finger fucking her self. Right around
the last couple of sets, she was sitting on the bench with her legs
spread wide and was clearly experiencing a quite orgasm while
continuing to talk dirty. I edited the tape to erase any evidence of
the fact that it was me who was with her. I also added a audio filter to
change my voice in the video. So to an outsider (Mainly Jay) it would
look like a slutty video of Dee and some guy.

The next morning I waited outside Dee’s home hidden from site waiting
for Jay to leave. After I saw his car drive away I went up to her door
and rang the bell. In a short while my icon of lust opens the door
wearing a bath robe. Her hair was wet obviously from just having taken a
shower. Hi she said. What are you doing here? Nothing I said, Mel’s at
work, I don’t have much to do at the office today, thought Id swing by
and catch this video with Jay. Is he home? (Thursdays are normally Jay’s
day off, but the was going in today. and I knew that). Oh you just
missed him. He had to go in today. They have had a lot of work lately.
He will not be back till late evening. She replied, and then added, You
can hang here and watch the video with me if you like. I have nothing to
do either. Perfect!! I said, why don’t you sit down and I’ll start the
tape. I walked to the DVD player and being familiar with their system,
popped in the disk and went and sat right next to Dee. I could smell her
lovely body, all fresh from the shower and her wet hair was sticking
close to her scalp making her look very very sexy.

The disk started with a song and the title “Introducing Dee Williams” as
“The SLUT”. You should have seen the look on her face. It was anger,
shock, grief and disbelief all in one. She looked at me with hate filled
eyes, and started to protest. But she was cut short cause I was sitting
right next to her. I threw one leg over her, asserting my body weight on
her and immobilizing her. With my hands I grabbed her by the back of her
head and planted a forced kiss covering her lips with mine. I pulled back
on her hair and that made her gasp and open her mouth. Soon my tongue
was inside her delicious mouth and I was now molesting her boobs with my
other hand pinching her nipples just as she was in the video. Dee’s
frenzy at this moment was beyond words. She tried her level best to
throw me off and tried her best to scream for help (not that anyone
would have heard her), tears rolling down her cheeks, gosh. She was more
sexier than ever. I was now licking her face in the most vulgar fashion
and probing into her ears with my tongue. I took her ears in my mouth
and started to suck and nibble at them. Her mouth now being free she
started to scream and abuse me, seeing that that was not working she
started to plead, and asking me “Why”, “Bob no please.. Bob.. don’t” “Bob

I now straddled completely and sat on her lap with my legs on either
side of her. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her face very
close to mine. Dee darling, in case you have not caught on, this is
blackmail. You either behave as I ask you, and satisfy me in any way I
want, else this video is going to be on every teenager in the
neighborhood’s collection. Leave alone a copy for Jay and his parents.
I’m sure you will be very highly respected in your society after that.
She was shocked, and the reality of it started to sink in to her. I
said, darling you have no idea how much of a slut you look like in that
video. I tell you what, I want you to tie your hair up, wear the cheetah
spotted under wear I bought for you yesterday and remove this ugly bathrobe,
After that we can sit down and watch this lovely movie. She said
something to the effect of “Never you bastard”. I gave one of her
nipples a very tight pinch and pulled hard. Aggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee she
shrieked. Don’t be stupid Dee. I am giving you a last chance. Either do
as I say or I’m out-of here. You’ll probably end up on the streets
hustling any ways. May be I’ll just buy you then. It makes no difference
to me.

She was trapped and she knew it. I lifted her bathrobe above her waist
and gave a hard slap on her bums. and said, now go get changed. Dejected
she walked into her bedroom and in a minute was back, dressed as I had
asked her. I restarted the movie, and told her. I want to you watch every
minute of that show. I’ll ask questions so you better watch carefully!!!
she was now openly crying, Don’t cry darling I said patting her cheeks
gently. She spat at my face. I paused the disk, lowered my head down to her
boobs and bit her left tit really hard.

ANgngeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nooooooooooooooo owwwwwwww donttttt that hurts
you bastard she cried. OK Dee there are
rules. I want to control your appearance and behavior at all times I am with
you. Believe me if I want to make you cry, I can!! But when I ask you
not to, you better not!! I gave another sharp pinch and pull to the
left nipple and she screamed once again but a much controlled one. I
then slapped her boob real hard and asked… Understood? She wiped her
tears away and gently nodded her reply. Good I said, caressing her
boob with my hand and now gently kissing it. I wiped her tears away and
sat by her side. I put my arms around her, as she sat with her legs
crossed next to me. Come love I said, lets enjoy the show. Let’s behave
we are lovers. Over the next 30 minutes I sat next to her, holding her,
massaging her boobs. I made her open my belt and slide my pants down to
my knees. I asked her to pull out my dick and feel it. I made her play
with it, moving the skin up and down. I wanted her to get used to me
feeling her up and molesting her.

I wanted her to become my slave. and the initial violent behavior had
definitely driven the point in to start with, but I decided I’d go gentle
on her for a while. I asked her, Dee do you and Jay watch X rated films
together? A little tug on her arm was enough to remind her of her recent
boob abuse and she answered with a Yes. And does that arouse you? She
was quite, i put my hand on her crotch over the sexy pantie and cupped
her mound. Does it make you feel nice and warm in there? I asked. She
was red with embarrassment. She simply looked down and did not answer. I
put my right hand around her now and held her lovely hips, with my right
I reached inside the elastic of the panties and pulled out a couple of
hairs. This brought out a very hurried Yes.. i do, I do, just don’t hurt
me, response from her. Dee I wish you would not make me hurt you. I do
love you so much you know. She looked at me with her beautiful hazel
eyes and pleaded, Bob, please stop this. It’s bad enough you are making
me act like a slut and using my body, please don’t make me answer all
these personal questions. I am very embarrassed to talk about things that
are private to Jay and I. I simply ignored what she was saying. I took
her hands and made her cup my dick once again. Play with it baby, move
uncle Bob’s dicky up and down, I teased her. She obeyed without further
complaints. Does Jay make you play with his dick? She nodded a yes. Do
you like to do that? Again she answered with a nod. Then I asked her,
who has a better dick Jay or Me? She looked with me with tears in her
eyes and said, please let me go Bob… I slid my left hand down her
panties once more and this time got hold of a good number of hairs, then
said, you don’t seem to learn bitch. Answer me before I turn nasty on
you. I am treating you gently now am I not? ungrateful bitch!! She was
shocked, she also remembered the painful experience of having her pubic
hair pulled. This time would be worst than the previous time. So who has
the better dick bitch? you do, she replied, barely audible. I tugged on
her pubic hairs slightly but firmly, enough to get her to gasp in pain.

I can’t hear you, I said. Your’s is she replied. In what way I asked?
it’s bigger she said, longer and thicker. She said still holding my dick
and moving the skin up and down. I have never seen myself ooze so much
pre-cum before in my life. Mel’s a sexy one but this was a trip of its
own. Complete control over my sexy Dee. OK Dee, since its better why
don’t you show it some love. Kiss it, lick it clean of all that precut.
You know it’s oozing for you don’t you? she nodded. Bent down closed her
eyes and started to kiss and lick the head of my dick. Now obviously she
had done this before. In a couple of expert licks she had it all cleaned

Dee’s lovely hair was all messed up now and I always like my women
to have very neat hair all tied up. Either a high pony tail or a formal
bun tied high. Like a Chinese or Japanese woman. I love very tight
plaits too, French braids are also nice. But messy hair is something I
detest in a woman. So i pulled hard on her hair and pulled her close to my
face. Oh by the way Dee, I hate it if your hair’s not well taken care
of. I want you go use a lot of gel and get it pulled back into a nice
tight plait. Then come back here and finish sucking me off. OK? And if
you are ever going to meet me, even if you are coming home to see Mel,
your hair better be tied up and shiney… Got it?? She was now scared.
Scared and confused and did not move. I said, looks like you will not
remember these things unless I use some negative re-enforcement with you.
Saying that I got up and dragged her by her hair (holding it very close
to her scalp) all the way upstairs to her bedroom.

You cannot imagine the shouts and cries she let out all along the way.
Now fix your hair and then come down and suck me off, do you
understand?? I shouted. She whimpered a yes. And you better fucking not
be crying when you come down again Dee. I am loosing my patience with

Soon Dee was walking down the stairs, hair tied up in a very high bun,
plenty of gel making her red hair look almost brown. She came to where I
was sitting and took my raging hard member into her mouth. She was an
expert cock sucker. Soon I was holding the back of her head and fucking
her face violently. But she kept her pace like a pro. That bastard Jay
has been way too lucky way too long. My turn now I was thinking. Dee’s
eyes were closed. I slapped her hard on her face. Stunned my cock came
out of her mouth. She looked up at me in surprise. I said you look at me
when you suck me off bitch. If those eyes close one more time I am going
to punch you in the face. All the best trying to explain what happened
to your husband. Also I want you to beg me to let you suck my dick. She
begged, saying the words with a lot of difficulty. I slapped her over
and over on her face and tits. Till I felt she was really begging hard
now. Then I forcefully held the back of her head and rammed my member
all the way into her beautiful mouth. Her eyeballs rolled up showing
only her whites as it hit the back of her throat. Man what an erotic
scene. I wanted to fill her mouth with my seed this very minute but I
knew there was more fun to be had today.

I took my now very sloppy wet dick out of her mouth and rubbed it all
over her face. Her face glistened with the precum and early semen that
was leaking out. I hit her on the forehead and the top of her head with
my dick. She just sat kneeling there on the floor, eyes open staring at
me with grief and humiliation. I commanded her to go on all fours like a
dog. I said. alright bitch get ready to be mounted like a bitch whore
you are. She got on all fours. I reached down and pulled her panties to
about her knees. Then I made her lift one leg at a time and removed them
completely. For the first time I was seeing my object of lust in nothing
but a bra. I did a quick job of disposing that too. I removed all my
cloths and was completely naked now too. I then made her spread her legs a
bit and got between them. I put my body over hers and rested my upper
body on her back. My dick was playing near the entrance of her pussy and
over her bums and I was cupping both hands over her boobs which were
hanging down.

I love you Dee, you little whore bitch.. I said. Do you love me? Yes..
she gasped in fear. Tell me you love me then bitch.. I love you Bob, I
love you. Tell me how much you love me? Do you love me more than Jay? I
asked very menacingly and close to her face. I was licking her all over
her face once again, tasting my own precum. I had her dropped to the
floor now and spread her legs wide apart. I then crawled on all fours
over her body, letting my dick touch her all over. I rubbed them on the
creamy thighs, and slowly moving up I made sure there was no where my
dick has not touched her. I even made her clasp it around her armpits and
humped each armpit for a short while. Then I asked her. What do little
whore bitches get from their masters who love them? She was now learning
fast. They get fucked. she said. Do you want to be fucked? Yes she
replied. out of fear than love I could clearly say. But that was what
was turning me on at the moment. How does Jay fuck you? again she was
very humiliated, but knew better than to argue. He gets on top of me
she said. Does he take you from behind? I asked. Yes sometimes she
replied. So you are used to being fucked like a little bitch? Yes she
said with her eyes down on the floor. I lifted her chin up so she was
looking directly into my eyes and asked, does he fuck your ass? She
shook her head in fear and panic and replied. No No never he does not do
that. Would you like to be fucked in your ass? I asked. Again a very
frightened Dee replied, no please not in my bum please.

I said but all little bitch whores must get fucked in the ass. I then
lay down next to her and embraced her very lovingly and kissed her
several times on the lips like a lover. By now she was very submissive
and was clearly trying to please me so that I would not take her bum. In
between kissing her and fondling her breasts I kept whispering into her
ears. I love you baby, I want to take your virginity. I want to fuck
your ass. She kept pleading and said, no please Bob, I’ll do any thing.
I’ll love you, more than Jay, I’ll do any thing but please don;t fuck me
there. Believe it or not this went on for about 20 minutes and she was
sloppy wet and oozing by now. I finally got up leaving her on the floor
and reached for the goody bag I had got with me.

I pulled out a riding crop and some KY jelly. I applied the KY freely on
my dick. I asked her to get on her fours again. She looked at me with
pleading eyes and her eyes were full of tears. OK Dee, I said either
you beg me to fuck you in the bum or else I am going to keep whipping
you till you beg. You have no idea how much this will hurt. The bum fuck
is nothing. She did not reply. She simply stared at me with tearful
eyes. Spread your legs apart I ordered. she did. I took my hands high
above my head and with all my might brought the crop down on her thighs
just below her lovely ass. AAAAAAAAAaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeggggggggggg
she screamed and immediately fell on her side in a fetal position,
closing up her thighs and pulling her ankles close to her ass. This left
her bums completely exposed to the crop and I aimed right between the
two and and let go another very powerful blow. EEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGG
she screamed and jerked open from her fetal position now trying to
protect and soothe her bums. I kicked her near the ribs slightly and
ordered her to flip over so her boobs were facing up. And spread your
legs I shouted violently with the crop held high. She did and I let her
have a couple of very hard shots right on her twat and boobs. In no time
she was begging me to fuck her in the bum. Please take my virginity she
was saying. Bob please don’t hit me any more. I love you Bob, please
fuck my ass. OK on your fours bitch and spread them I ordered. She
immediately obeyed this time. I knelt down between her legs and
positioned my dick at the entrance of her now very very wet pussy. I
entered her with one big shove causing a little yelp from her. But she
seemed relieved that I was in her pussy and not her ass. I started to
fuck her doggy style and picked up some pace. Soon she was fucking me
back, meeting my strokes and moaning in the most erotic manner. May be
she was doing it in hopes of me being spent and then leaving her bums

I had other plans tho. As I was fucking her, i lubricated a finger of
mine with her juices and shoved it into her ass. She squirmed but did
not say anything, soon I had 2 fingers and she started to whimper
between her moans. It was obviously hurting. Slowly I worked the tight
bum hole while my dick was also in a very tight vice grip of my beautiful
Dee. Ohhh how I loved this I was in heaven. Finally I pulled out of dick
from her pussy, aimed it at her virgin hole, and started to push. Slowly
and surely my slick dick firstly covered in Ky and then Dee’s own sweet
juices was slipping past the sphincter causing great pain to Dee. Her
hands collapsed under her which only helped my situation better. I
caught her around the hips, and finally gave a huge push. I was in all
the way to the hilt in one stroke. Dee screamed as if someone may be
pulling out her nails or something. I started to fuck her ass slowly.
More so cause the tight hole was really hurting me too. I worked it in
and out in and out. Dee was crying beyond control by now. This site was
too much for me. plus given the fact that I have been tormenting Dee and
my dick for the last 3 hours I decided, it is time to cum. So I came in
Dee’s sweet bum hole. I cam and came till I could feel my balls shrivel
into empty bags, I pulled out and turned Dee around. I walked on my
knees to her face and pressed her nose shut. This made her open her
mouth and I immediately put my shit covered dick into her lovely mouth.
Suck it bitch. Clean me up good. I ordered.

I could see she almost puked. Having a mouth full of a semi erect dick
will prevent such things tho, and once again she sucked me in an expert
manner. Got to thank Jay some day for training her to do that I guess.
After that I was exhausted. I took Dee to the bath and we both spent an
hour washing up. I made her give me a couple of blow jobs while in the
tub. After the bath I hung around with her. Keeping her naked
and asking her how she liked it. I made her say that I was the man who
rocked her world. Jay is a looser etc etc.

Four hours had passed since I came in this morning. I had to at some
point go and attend to my business. So I held Dee very close to me and
said. Darling you do not want to break up with me do you? I mean I hope
you will love me for a long time. She was scared and replied yes bob, I
will always love you.

OK here’s the deal Dee. I have already spoken to
Mel about it. I need a new personal assistant at work. I think you are
perfect for the Job. It pays a decent salary and you get a lot of perks
because you know and love the owner… I shall come down to your place
tonight with Mel when Jay’s here to talk about it. What do you say to
that my darling? I could see that her hopes that this was just a one
time deal being shattered to pieces. She was crying profusely and begged
me to return the disk and forget about it. She even offered to fuck me
once more tomorrow if I liked. I replied oh you can have the disk back,
but I still want you to come work from me. You do love me don’t you? She
said yes, I do. Can I please please have the disk back now? Sure I said,
take the one in the DVD player now. I don’t have any copies of that,
saying so I opened my bag and stopped the recorder that was in there and
said. This tape on the other hand I shall hold on to as a little
employment contract. What say I swing by around 8 this evening darling?
Fine then. See you at 8. Love you. I kissed her deep in her mouth, and
got dressed. Leaving Dee crying on the bed I walked away.

I went to the stairs and then returned to the room because I remembered
something. I found Dee still crying face down on her bed. I gave her a
hard tight slap on her bum and then pulled her to her knees by her hair.
I whispered into her ears. Don’t forget to tie you hair neatly when I’m
back at 8.

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