If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 4


If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 4

After I rested for 30 minutes, I said to you, no, straighten my dick, I will fuck you now.

Apu said okay and sucked it in her mouth for a while and then spit in the middle of her milk and put my money in the middle of the milk and started moving it up and down.

Within a short time, the wealth was piled up by the tons. And I realized that today these three magi have to give me pleasure for the whole night.

I also started fucking you without delay. Needless to say, younger sister’s body was more attractive than her mother and elder sister’s and her butt was also very tight.

So I was having a lot of fun fucking my little sister. I knew that it would take a long time for the goods to come out, after fucking my mother and elder sister twice in a row.

So I started to fuck my younger sister with different positions. I fucked Magi for about 1 hour 30 minutes. Mom and elder sister were sleeping when I was fucking younger sister.

If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 1

If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck part 2

If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 3

When I realized that my semen was going to come out, I took out the dhan from my younger sister’s bhoda and stuffed it inside her mouth. She also started sucking my dhan like a lollipop.

After sucking for about 5 minutes, I poured all the sperm in her mouth with a few strokes and Apu also ate it all. Then I and younger sister slept with mother and elder sister.

About a month passed like this and in this one month I fucked everyone including mother, two sisters, elder sister, maid sister, two nieces and in the meantime my Sage brother got married with great fanfare.

I couldn’t fuck anyone properly for 3/4 days due to marriage troubles. Besides, the house was full of guests.

But on the day of the wedding, due to lack of room, my two nieces were arranged to stay with me. I am very happy. Let’s finally fuck these two sisters well today. Anyway, everyone went to sleep.

When I go to the room I see my two nieces laying down the bed to sleep.

I closed the door and said to them why are you sleeping downstairs? Do you think I will let you sleep today? They said – where will we sleep? If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 4

I said – stay as it is there, you will sleep on the bed with me, then I pulled their two sisters closer and sat them on either side.

Then first I kissed my little niece and squeezed her milk as I wanted. Her milks are very small and can fill a handful.

After pressing her for a while, I kissed my elder niece for a while and squeezed her milk, then asking both of them to undress, I took off my clothes myself.

I told them tonight only we will finish the three together. Then the elder niece said – uncle you first fuck him then fuck me.

I said why? He said – I will tell you later. I said ok and started caressing my little niece.

When I was fucking my elder niece, I asked her, why didn’t you tell me why you asked me to fuck you later?

He said – I know that you can fuck the second time longer than the first time, that’s why I’m asking you to fuck later. I said and now I understand.

I fucked their two sisters one by one all night. I fucked the elder niece 2 times and the younger nephew 3 times.

Then I went to sleep with them around midnight. I spent the night very well. The three of us got up a little late in the morning. All but a few know what happened that night.

A few more days passed like this. One day I asked my mother-

Me: mom did you convince dad?

Mother: About what?

I: If you forget? Didn’t I tell you that I and my father will fuck you together?

Mother: Yes, I said that you will be ashamed of your father.

Me: you say don’t be shy if you don’t want to fuck, at least tell dad to be with you?

Mother: Ok I will convince him today.

Day passed and night came. As I gestured to my mother after eating, Suchak replied yes.

I am overjoyed. My long time hope came true today. I will fuck my mother in front of my father. I am surprised to think. Anyway that night when I went to my room.

Grandpa is forcing his sister’s cock on her face and fucking her face

After some time, I saw my mother and father entered my room. Dad is not saying anything quietly.

Seeing that I was sitting on the bed, mom and dad sat next to me. As soon as mother sat down, I began to express my milk and began to rub my hand over the cloth.

I see father is a bit embarrassed. I told my father-

Me: Dad, are you angry that I am squeezing your wife’s milk and touching the bhoda?

Dad: He didn’t say anything.

Me: Why don’t you say something father, say something?

Father: What else can I say, if your mother gives you comfort, what else can I do? But I never expected it.

Me: Dad do we ever get what we want, again it is seen that many times we get what we don’t want very easily.

Father: That’s right, but is it right to have physical relations with your own son, and what will happen if people find out?

Me: Mother and son have physical relations, there is no problem and people will know how it is not coming out of our house.

Gangbang sex with my sweet little sister

Father: So you want to match your mother with me?

Me: What’s the problem, since we know each other’s secrets, what’s the point of leaving it out. Let’s have a lot of fun together.

Mother was listening to us all this time, now mother opened her mouth and said – she is right, since everyone knows everything, then why are you agreeing, and since she wants to fuck me with you so much, don’t forbid her.

Dad: I’m not forbidding, I would have done it long ago.

Me: Does that mean you agree?

Dad: You do, I will see.

Mother: It’s okay now. No, you start. If you see us doing it, your father will come right. If you get married, mother and sister will not let you fuck episode 4

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