Mother in Law’s Strap-on Love – Quality Erotic and sex stories


My name is Paul (24years,170cm,120pds)and I love my mother in
law, we have always got on well together ever since I married her
daughter 2 years earlier, we had even progressed to a little
titillation and on more than one occasion she had caught me
looking at her legs when she sat cross legged on the sofa and a
couple of times when I tried to peer down her top to see what
color bra she had or if she even wore one or as much of her
breasts as possible, she would always give me one of those sexy
knowing smiles.

Carol my Mother in Law had divorced her husband Bob 1 years ago
and she now lived alone but only an hours drive away.

She had called me one during the week and asked if I would come
over on Saturday to give the garage a bit of a clean out, as my
wife Jane was working all day I quickly agreed.

I couldn’t wait for Saturday to come around, so I could spend
time with Carol and who knows what I may get to see…

She came out to greet me as I pulled into the driveway, she was
wearing a low V neck jumper and a loose skirt that came to just
above her knees, My mother in law was still in pretty good shape
for her 46 years of age,180cm,155pds brown hair that came to her
shoulders, and nice ample bosom but not too large and though she
carried a few extra pounds she still had a nice figure, she
wasn’t a bubble or a barrel, you could see she had a waistline
and low heel shoes, she greeted me with a hug and a quick kiss on
the lips , I could feel her breasts on my chest through the
jumper and started to get hard thinking about what she may or not
be wearing under that top. I followed her inside enjoying the
look from the rear, watching that nice firm looking ass sway
under the skirt, we made idle chat for a few minutes and I
couldn’t stop my eyes from wondering down to the V in the top
catching sight of a little cleavage, my curiosity was aroused not
to mention other things. We then walked out to the garage, she
had the old trailer all ready for me to load up and told me
anything I wanted I could have, and the rest was for the rubbish

She then left me to work indoors and I tackled the garage with
gusto, a lot of the stuff was rubbish, old books, bits of wood
etc, there were a few things I scored for myself, an electric
drill, saw and a few hand tools that would come in handy, I then
opened the old wardrobe in the corner and started to empty it,
when I noticed a box on the top shelf at the back, carefully
taking it down I set it on the bench top and opened it…

What I saw took my breath away, in the box was a collection of
garter belts, stockings, an assorted collection of thongs and G
strings, ¼ cup, ½ cup and see thru bras, but the biggest surprise
of all under all the clothing were a couple of different sized
vibrators, lubricant, wrist and ankle shackles and a couple of
different styles of Strap-on harnesses and the rubber “cocks”
that fit into them, averaging about 7 to 8 inches in length and a
nice size diameter so to speak, I was stunned but starting to get
very aroused at the thought that Carol would have dressed up in
these clothes and would use the Strap-on on Bob, I had to find
out more so closing the box I carried it into the house.

I called out to Carol to come to the kitchen where I had put the
box on the table, when she walked in she gasped at the sight of
the box on the table and started to go red realizing that I knew
what was in the box…

“Are you sure you want to tip this stuff?” I asked her looking
her in the eyes. She didn’t answer straight away and wouldn’t
look me in the eyes, I then asked her, “Did you use this stuff
when you were married to Bob?”

I watched her fidget a little I took her chin in my hand lifting
her head up to look me in the eyes and told her “Carol you can
tell me anything we are family and I would understand.”

She nodded and said “ok.”

She opened the box started to finger some of the items, I saw her
look down at my crotch she must have noticed that it was bulging,
she took a deep breath gave a small smile and told me to sit,

” Oh yes Paul.” she said excitedly “I used to use all this stuff,
Bob loved me to dress up and use the vibrators and strap-on’s on
him, as well as on myself while he watched, sometimes I would tie
him up, on the odd occasion he would dress a little in some of
this stuff and I would make him suck me like a tart and then fuck
him in the ass, we did it all over the house, in the garden even
in the garage, I loved doing it and he loved it as well, and I
sort of miss it now.”

When she stopped talking I could see she was breathing a little
heavier than usual and she has a flushness about her, I was
stunned at the admittance as well as little shocked at the
language and also incredibly turned on,,

She asked me “Are you alright Paul?”

I nodded weakly and said “Sorry to have bought up painful
memories and sort of wished you hadn’t told me now”

“No need to be sorry Paul, I am glad to have told you about it,
it makes me feel better, but why do you now wish I hadn’t told

“Nothing,” I replied “It’s ok,” but with no real conviction in my

“Oh no,” she replied, “Don’t tell me that this is something you
want and my daughter won’t come across?”

“That’s about it Carol,” I replied “Jane is a little bit
conservative in regards to that or any anal play, don’t get me
wrong our sex life is good, but you know, I would like a little

“Hmm yes” she replied I know what you mean”, but she said in a
certain way I couldn’t put my finger on it just the way she said

“Look” she said, I’ll put this box away, you go lock up the
garage and tie the trailer down ready for the trip to the tip
then we’ll have a drink.” she turned left the room, I went
outside tied the trailer locked the garage and was just walking
in the back door when I heard Carol call me to give her a hand in
the bedroom.

What I saw stopped me in my tracks, she had put on a negligee, a
see thru bra which clipped at the front, it showed her nipples
exposed and hard, black suspender belt with stockings and,
covering her neatly trimmed bush she had on a crotch covered
Strap-on harness with one of the 8 inch dildo’s sticking out
front. I just stood there with my mouth agape, my cock getting
harder by the second, Carol looked down and could see the bulge
swelling in my jeans, “hmm” she said ” this looks like what you
want” I just nodded dumbly taking in the vision in front of me.

“Strip,” she commanded, without hesitation I got naked in front
of my 46 year old mother in law, my breath catching in my throat
as I lowered my boxers finally exposing myself to Carol’s gaze.
She walked up to me and putting her arms around my neck she
kissed me deeply, her tongue working its way into my mouth, it
was a weird sensation, feeling my 1/2 naked mother in law against
my body, she worked her tongue into my mouth and I felt her right
hand work its way down to my cock where she slowly started to
stroke it, I reached up and rolled one of her nipples thru the
bra between my fingers, I felt her shudder as I gently squeezed
and played with the bud.

She stepped back and placing her hands on my shoulders gently
forced me onto my knees I knew what she wanted and I found myself
getting excited at the thought of sucking my Mother in laws
“cock”. I put the cock in my mouth and looking up I could see her
looking down at me and running her fingers over her breasts and
circling her nipples, I started bobbing my head up and down on
the cock then reached up and strted jerking my cock

“Oh yes,” she gasped,”Touch me up Paul, maturbate yourslves as
you suck my cock.”

Listening to her talking dirty really turned me on and I sy and
started to jerk myselves in time with my sucking. I could feel
my breathing heavy and iwas starting to build towards an orgasm
when she pulled away from me and,

“No,” she panted “Not yet I want you first, stand up hon.”

I stood up in front of her, with a hard on that could have lifted
a truck

“Oh Carol” I gasped “Please do with me what you want.” all I
could think about was having my mother in law in me and later
returning the favor.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and turned me around so my
back was to her, , then she grabbed my ass cheeks and spread
them wide she said”Oh my! Someone doesn’t know how to wipe his
ass .Now go in the bathroom and get the toilet paper to clean
your ass”. I moved toward bathroom and returned to her with a
toilet paper.she took the toilet paper from and asked me to show
my ass to her.Taking the toilet tissue from me, she firmly
stroked my sore ass crack and threw it into the dustin

After cleaning my ass giving my ass a light slap she told me “Go
have a quick shower hon I want all of you nice and clean.”

I walked away to the shower feeling her eyes on my ass as I left
her, climbing into the shower I was embarraed about getting my
ass wiped and isoaped myself all over lingering a little longer
than normal on my hard cock, slowly giving it a few strokes
thinking about what was about to happen but stopping after a
couple of strokes not wanting to cum too soon. I stepped out of
the shower, quickly dried myself and walked back to the main

When I entered the bedroom I noticed that she had laid a bath
towel on the bed, and a tube of lube on the nightstand next to
the bed, I walked up to her.

“Kiss me Paul, kiss your Mother in Law who is going to fuck you,”

I walked up to her and put my arms around her and kissed her with
all the passion and lust of a new lover. I reached up and
caressed her breasts through the bra, she moaned into my mouth,
and started to rub her body against me I could feel the “cock”
rubbing up against my cock and stomach knowing that soon it would
be in my ass.

“Turn around,” she commanded “Walk to the bed till your knees are
touching it.

” I stopped at the bed as she commanded, she moved up behind me
and I could feel the Strap-on cock work its way between my legs,
she put her arms around me and grasped my cock, slowly stroked it
as she whispered in my ear.

“Paul I am going to fuck that virgin ass of yours, like the tart
that you are, you want this don’t you?”

I hesitated, too caught up in the emotions of the moment,

“Tell me Paul, beg me to fuck you,”

“Oh yes Carol.” I almost shouted “Please Carol fuck me, fuck my
ass make me a tart, make me your tart.”

“Good Hon,” she whispered and she pushed me on the bed, “Get on
all fours Paul, put your head on the bed open your legs and reach
back and open that virgin ass for me.”

I did as commanded, my breath coming in gasps, I couldn’t believe
after all these years one of my fantasies was about to come

I reached back and pulled my ass cheeks apart exposing myself to
my lover, suddenly I felt her hands also on my ass cheeks pulling
them apart even more, next I felt her hot breath softly blowing
on my puckered ring, I couldn’t believe it, my wife’s mother. My
elderly mother in law was about to lick my ass to kiss me in a
place I never believed would happen. I groaned as I felt her
tongue run up my ass crack from just about my balls, through the
crack over my ass hole, where she lingered and circled the hole
then up to the top of my ass, slowly sliding her tongue back down
again but this time stopping at my ass hole but starting to put
some pressure there, she was going to tongue fuck my ass I was
gasping now pushing my self back against her tongue, her hands
came round to the front of my thighs and she started pulling me
back against her forcing her tongue against my ass until the tip
worked its way in.

I reached for my cock, I needed relief the pleasure was so
intense I was so turned on I needed to cum.

She pulled away “No Paul” she shouted “Not yet I told you.”

I reluctantly let go of my raging cock, Looking back I saw her
drop the negligee and reach to the tube of lube, taking the cap
of she squirted some onto the artificial cock and started to rub
it all over, watching my elderly mother in law wanking that cock
just like I would do was almost too much for me, I thought I was
going to blow my load all over the bed at the sight.

I jumped when I felt something cool pour on top of my ass, then I
felt her hand caressing the oil all over my ass cheeks and
sliding her fingers up and down my crack making it all slippery
and available, I winced a little when I felt one of her fingers
slide in to my ass, the pain was exquisite at this point I didn’t
care what happened she could have done anything she wanted to me,
I gasped when she started to slide it back and forth the pain
wasn’t too bad now and quickly went away as the sensation of pure
lust took over, I was moving back against her finger encouraging
her to keep going, then she slid another finger in and really
started to work on my asshole, getting it ready for her fuck toy.

Then her fingers were gone, I was starting to feel empty and
disappointed when suddenly I felt the tip of the “cock” touch my
puckered ring, I tensed waiting for the pain of pleasure that was
about to invade my body, Slowly she pushed the head against my
ass, I could feel my ass ring slowly stretching as the “cock”
slowly entered me, suddenly it slipped in, I moaned as I felt my
asshole release as the “cock” slipped all the way in,

“Oh god,” I yelled,” it’s in, you are fucking your son in law

She began thrusting in and out slowly at first then quicker and
she sensed my ass accommodate her, she put her hands on my hips
and pulled me back onto her as she thrust forward, the feeling
was sensational, I could feel myself getting close to cumming and
I hadn’t even touched myself yet…she changed pace and
technique, slowly pulling the “cock” all the way out and pushing
it back in, it was like being entered for the first time over and
over again, I was now her slut.

I was pushing myself back against her telling her to “Fuck me,
make me yours.”

It was almost too much for me and I told her I was getting close
to cumming,

She pulled out of me and sat herself back in the chair.” She
then patted her long thighs and said with a smile, ” Why don’t
you have a seat on my lap so we can get something long and
straight between us?”

I walked over to her and she reached up and turned me around so I
could sit and look at her there, her breast exposed through
the see thru bra, the “cock” all slick with lube jutting out in
front of her, she was panting, her body was coated with a light
sheen of the exertions, Reaching down she pulled my legs apart
and With her hands on my hips she pulled me down until the tip of
her head of the strap-on against was my ass hole and , smiling
she looked into my eyes as she slid the “cock” into my ass in one
swift motion. She started to fuck me in earnest now with me
sitting on her lap with strapon impaled on my ass.

“Paul you are my slut now, I will have you whenever I want and
you can have me when you want but right now I want to see you
cum, jerk off for me hon squirt your cum all over my tits for

I grasped my cock and started to jerk off

“Slowly.” she said,

then, Carol reached up and unclipped her bra finally I was
looking at those breast I had been trying to look at for so many
years, she slid the bra off her arms and threw it across the
room, she started to fuck me harder and faster. She then reached
up and began playing with her breasts rolling the nipples between
her fingers.

This sight was too much for me

“Carol,” I screamed, “I about to cum.” stroking my cock faster
and faster,

“Cum Paul, cum for me let me see your cum on my belly.”

I shuddered as my cock exploded, the first squirt hit me on the
her chest, the second a bit on her tits slowly the squirts
decreased as my orgasm slowly subsided Carol had stopped pumping
me and watched as I coated her body in my cum.

She pulled out and sat me on lap she kissed me on the lips
sliding her tongue into my mouth, pulling away she looked down at
the jism on her chest and stomach reaching out Carol started to
rub the cum all over my body.

Looking at me she smiled and said “I don’t think i did wih you
and i want to fuck you in a differnt position.why dont sit bac on
cock again?” she pulled me the rest of the way down on to her
then became very still.I worked myself down on Mto her and she
spread her legs to allow me to get all of her cock into me. I
started to move up and down on her, enjoying the feeling of the
shaft of her cock as it slid through my tight rectum. She took
her hands from my hips and put them behind her head. Then she
leaned back and scooted her butt to the edge of the chair so that
she was in a reclining position. I placed a hand on each breast
as I started to ride up and down on her. I squeezed her breasts
gently and played with the nipples as she looked into my eyes
with a small smile on her face. After a few minutes of that I
leaned down and began to suck on her nipples as I ran my hands
along her sides and down to her waist. I put my arms around her
neck, then leaned down and pressed my mouth to hers. She quickly
opened her mouth so she could push her hot tongue deep into my
mine in time with the thrusts of her huge penis.

she put her arms around me and reached down gripping my ass
cheeks in her strong hands as she started to thrust into me in
earnest. she knew i was ready to come any second. Then she did
something I couldn’t believe. She pulled her long legs under us
and stood up. She was standing in the middle of the room with her
hands on my ass and my legs wrapped around her waist while she
thrusted into me with total abandon. She stopped kissing me so
she could breathe easier and as I clung to her I realized I could
see us in a mirror on the wall. My mothe in law looked
incredible! She was so beautiful standing there holding me up on
those long shapely legs, and to top it off she was doing it in
high heels! Watching her ass and legs move as she fucked me in
the mirror was all I could stand and I started to have the most
intense orgasm I had ever known.

My motherinlaw almost fell back down on the chair we had been in
when we started and we both sat there gasping for breath.. Her
hands were now caressing my chest and pinching my nipples between
her fingers. I lowered my mouth to hers and we kissed
passionately as she rammed my anus. Our tongues were dancing
inside our mouths as I held her hands together above her head. My
mother-in-law took complete control of me she fucked my ass. She
only let go of my mouth when my breathing was getting too heavy
that she thought i was going to pass out from our act of animal
As soon as I caught my breath I sat up on her and my cum on our

On the other hand, the fact that my mother-in-law ass fucking my
ass almost made me shot all my cum after a few heavenly minutes.
But I could feel the end is approaching fast when my balls were
tightening up. She must have felt that when she whispered in my
ears, “Please cum upon me! I want to feel your hot cum upon my
body!” I looked at her with and Ishe kissed me deeply on the
mouth again. Her pace has now picked up even more and her bed is
now making that familiar squeaky sound. We broke out kiss and I
told her, “I love you Carol.” She replied with a smile, “Please,
call me mom when shoot cum up on me while i fuck your ass with
my cock.will ya?” With that, numerous loads of hot jizz came
squirting out of my gun as fell in he face,stomach and her body
as well as mine as we held each other in a tight embrace.

I said to her,”mom, you are incredible! I’ve never been with a
woman who was as awesome as you!”

After a while, mom looked at me and said with a grin on her face,
“I think I own your ass , do you think you can come over here
more often?”

Then winked at me.

I can’t wait till the next visit…

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