Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother


Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother

I, Ramesh, and my mother Monika went to see the Kam Dev Mela. I have never heard of such a fair, a fair to wish children for this life or the next.

I went with my father and mother, neither mother nor I know anything. I know that I have to rent a house for three days.

However we reached and started looking for a room, although we must have found three or four pairs ie one male and one female. Relationships are not seen there.

It will work if you have a man with you. We are mother and son but we did not get a house alone. I took a room with three other people ie three men three women.

My mother is thirty six. I am a sixteen year old boy. No one is asking that. Let’s say here that the fair is held during the rainy season.

Seven days after becoming a virgin. My mother and the rest entered the house and ate whatever food was available. Now I saw that it was very cloudy.

Slowly everything went dark. There is no light in the house except the electric light. I can’t explain how dark it is.

Everyone says this is the best time after sleeping. Take off the clothes, me and my mother are also sleeping. What do I do when I’m struck by lightning?

It means all the pussy is beating. Unable to stay, I took off my pants and filled my mother’s pussy. Mom said who I said I am your son. Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother

Here’s a look at all of this work. So I also raised your pussy. I’m fucking

A woman from the side said that this is the fair here, so you have to stay at home for three days, these three days the man will spread his pussy, that is, there is no shame in having sex.

Relationship is not the issue here. The real job is fucking. I swear I’m fucking my mother and the others are doing the same in the flash of lightning.

One said that today is not the auspicious time of evening but Lord Kama Dev has darkened it with clouds. In that light, I saw that almost everyone was fucking, only I was fucking.

A woman said this boy you will fuck me later. My mother said, why does he change like this here?

I keep saying my son will fuck me, I won’t let him fuck someone else’s pussy. I don’t know who has what disease.

How many types of diseases are known. Syphilis, gonorrhea, yes. He has the deadly disease AIDS. I will not allow my son to be bullied by anyone.

She fucks for a long time because she is young. And I wouldn’t have come here if I knew I had to do all this. When I read that the boy is having sex according to the rules.

So it won’t happen. No one else said anything. I am lying down with stuff in my mother’s pussy. And lightning is coming.

Mother kissed and said great Chudli, I don’t know if there is another birth, but I pray here to this Tagore to get me as a husband in the next birth. Some time passed.

No one can walk, I told my mother that I will go home if Bishti stops. Mother said don’t you hear that you have to do all this here for three days otherwise it will be a sin. Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother

Let me tell you that I also got great pleasure from this first time I made a penis. Even in a place like this, everyone is in front of it. The mother said, leave the jasmine in the country.

You have decided what you have done, now go home and do it. It was 4:30 in the afternoon when the light broke through the clouds. Me and mother are going to leave the house and one of them said no and will not open.

Another person said let’s go for a walk. These things happen all the time, no man has such power. The other two stayed in the house together, four of us left the house with the bags of course.

Four people have been identified. The man said we don’t have any children. One said if you come here and wish you will get children.

He also says you are right I support. Who said that the house did not grow. Mother asks, and enter the house? No way to stay at night?

A neighbor said that you look like a very decent house. Should not have come to this fair without knowing. He asked if the house was rented. Yes it is given.

He said that the house next to me is empty. Let’s go there. No rent to pay. We look at each other.

Bhadra said that he was afraid to trust a stranger in a strange place. Don’t be afraid, call the name of Tagore and come out of the house with a bag of letters, yes.

Let’s have no fear. The evening is coming, what do we do, four of us went with that gentleman on the road leading to the fair, after four or five houses to his house.

He lives in a really big house and his wife is a worker. He said our son lives abroad. The gentleman’s wife came forward and the gentleman said that they have come to this fair without knowing the rules.

Give me some shelter for today. Tell Nitai to open the upper two rooms. Go with Nitai and show the house.

He was informed that there was a cook at the gentleman’s house. Cooked for us. However we found a good place to stay. Have a good night.

Nitai brought news that Babu wanted to know who will eat what. No, we will continue with the food we have. Baby, don’t listen, you are a guest. Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother

Say, I will eat whatever you feed me. However, it is ten o’clock at night after eating and drinking. Me and mom went to our room. I’ve been lying down for an hour and I can’t sleep.

Monika is thinking to herself that what she did there in front of everyone, why is she not sleeping in such a nice bed in such a good place? Everyone there does not know the greatness of Tagore.

Here let’s say both of them are sleeping in night clothes from the bag. Ramesh in a lungi and Monika in a nightie. There is nothing else. But still the boy is not catching why.

Other people’s houses are in other places. What happened because I moved away from Tagore’s place. can’t understand Monica boldly stepped forward. He hugged Ramesh and said why are you not doing anything here?

I don’t remember what I did. Tell me if you remember, mother said I remember. You fucked me over there in front of them and here you are doing nothing by being alone in such a good bed.

Ramesh hugged his mother back and said it was an accident. Monika then make an accident on this bed and see if anything falls on this bed it will get stained.

next house You’re saying I’ll let you get some fucking juice and my nighty. You prove that it was not Tagore’s blessing. OK, I’ll prove it.

Monika made Langto. Langto Hall himself. Monica gets well from the waist down to the feet. Her son Ramesh started courting Monika.

He started to kiss from the anus to the forehead. Monika shows how to excite Magi. Ramesh was standing.

Monika said don’t come in now, just rub the soft pussy with the bull’s head near that moni. Ramesh did so. Monika is excited, says push it now.

Ramesh stuffed his mother’s pussy. The thap started slowly, Monika said you are a seasoned fucker. He said how do you feel. feel good

The sound of pussing is rotting. The boy’s penis is big and long but not fat. Ramesh has been lying down on Monika for almost an hour.

Monica’s pussy watered twice. Exactly half an hour i.e. at one o’clock in the night Monika said girl give it one more time, Ramesh said half an hour ago Chudchi will not happen anymore.

Hey, I’m telling you. Monika took the boy’s cock and started rubbing it on the pussy. Doing it this way is steep for five to ten minutes. Ramesh started fucking again.

Another hour of sex. Monika said wait, learn how to lift a camel that is leaning in another way. Fucking is over and can’t be done right away. To be done after half an hour.

Oil is massaged into the bowl. After half an hour, mother said come and bring the camel. Ramesh came forward, mother said you are small so you will become erect. Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother

Do one thing, hold the ram’s head with the spit and make it dry. Push in as much as possible.

Very slowly, the finger should be inserted into the penis. Hold the penis with your hand and move the penis and the finger together inside the vagina.

If you guys do it like this, you will get erect again. Mom, what’s wrong with you, why do you have to fuck so much? What do you know when you are giving for an hour?

I don’t think so either. More would be better. Okay, let me stop for a while, you’ll get an erection, then the real fuck, then lie down with me and let the pussy stop.

Ramesh did so. It is not known whether Kam Dev’s majesty is lying down. After half an hour and forty minutes, he screamed again and started to fuck again.

This time the party is not leaving after five o’clock. Six or ten rams went out. Both of them got up and looked at each other. As if nothing happened.

He came out of the house and washed his face and said let’s go around the fair floor and go home. They washed their faces on the upper floor.

He is coming down to go to the fair. The master of the house said, hey, sit and eat tea, he told to eat tea, told a story, said imaginary, it is the Leela of Baba Kam Dev, the fair is downstairs, go and see the Leela of Baba Kam Dev.

The real Thakur floor is there, you will see a large area surrounded by triple, well covered, there are many entrances and paths.

You will see that Rati Kriya started at that time when the cloud came and it is still going on. It will stop after three days. Said what, previously he could have been chosen against him.

Now a partner should be brought i.e. a pair should come here, not a relationship, here the union of man and woman means that the child will be born in the union of male nature. Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother

This fair is seven days after Ambabachi Bachi. Why after seven days of Ambabachi.. Listen, when the mother is menstruating, the union of the male nature is prohibited in the scriptures.

If it meets within seven to ten days of menstruation, then the child will be born. It comes here in this birth and again for the next birth.

Let’s take the tea to the original place but don’t make any comments. However, the gentleman took it. He removed a curtain of the triple canopy and showed it.

Mother I saw seven and eight hundred women and men complete langto. The woman is lying down and the man is getting fucked.

The man said these are good fruits. Blessings of Baba Kam Dev. I said what are you saying from tomorrow this way is not possible for any man.

No, father, they are not doing it in one way. Those who could not stop ran away. Many people can’t even stop at that. Flee means did not leave the fair.

Gone somewhere else. Both of them returned home. He said then we have to stay here for two more days.

The boy langtoed the mother the mother langtoed the boy and both lay on the bed and started their rati kela i.e. fucking game.

They didn’t go out for those two days and nights, food came to the house, all the rooms have bathrooms and they took care of everything there. Ramesh fucked his mother a lot these days. bangla new choti golpo

Mom is very happy. After that Nitai left some money and left for home. Coming home is different. And as if he does not remember what was there.

The mother does not remember the son does not remember. The next year both went there again and stayed at the gentleman’s house.

One day at home, Ramesh was excited and hugging his mother. Mom said what are you doing, I don’t have to tell you to stay. From that day mother started to fuck mother at home. Mother’s illegal stranger and I fuck mother

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