The Kinky Masseur – Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories


Joey is a guy of mid-thirties. He is good-looking with a well-built body but sadly he is still single because of his shy nature. He has a hard time talking to women. Hence, even though he desires them enough, he barely ever get laid. Almost out of desperation he started looking for solutions online. That’s when he came across this website for male massage and pampering session. They promised “ultimate pleasure” and has a number of interesting profiles of masseurs, that’s where he met a kinky masseur.

He kept coming back to the website now and then hoping to find someone close by and interesting. Finally, he came across an ad of a masseur named Helen. As per the reviews she was excellent at her job and was soon going to visit his town. But everyone warned that she is strictly professional and does not provide any sexual service.

Joey called at the given number to book and appointment anyway. The date and time were set in minutes as well as the rate. It was in three days in a nearby hotel.

Joey was eager and the three days seemed like three weeks to him. Finally, when the day came, he reached the hotel 15 minutes early. He messaged Helen about his arrival. Only 5 minutes before the schedule, he got a message from her. “Come to room 478, 4th floor. The security code is 60879.”

Joey wasted no time and took the elevator to the fourth floor. He found room 478 and punched in the security code. The door opened to a suite. As he hesitantly waled in, he heard a voice from his right, “Make yourself comfortable on that couch. I will be right there.” He did as he was told and eagerly craned his neck to catch a glimpse of the speaker.

Soon a woman walked out of the bedroom, holding a tray of oils and creams and weird tools. She was blonde and almost 6 feet. Her broad shoulders, athletic body but huge boobs were a very imposing combination. But her face looked very tender. Joey was handsome and average built and he felt rather tiny compared to her. She instructed him to take off his clothes and lay them down. As he did so, he sensed that she was checking him out. He bent down to put his clothes on the chair when he suddenly felt that she came closer from behind and was fondling his ass. She gave him a small smack. Then went aside to lay down the instruments and oils beside the massage table like nothing happened. Joey felt rather confused but thrilled too.

Helen instructed him to lay face down on the massage table. He did as he was told. Soon she started slathering oil all over his back and with deft fingers started the massage. His body felt extremely relaxed as if he would pass out. Her hands moved steadily to his ass and he was suddenly wide awake. Her touches have become more sensual now and he felt a shiver run down his spine. She probably felt it too. Then she asked him to turn over and in the same way massaged his chest but became very sensual as she massaged his crotch. Soon her hands were on his balls and penis and he kept massaging. When Joey felt like he would orgasm, she stopped suddenly.

“Do you want me to do something extra that I don’t for my other clients?” Joey was curious and excited and nodded. She bent down between his legs and put his dick in her mouth. She started sucking him. Joey never felt so much pleasure before. He couldn’t even remember the last time a woman’s touch felt this good. As he was on the verge of orgasm once more, Helen as him to flip over. He was frustrated now but did as he was asked. She asked him not to look at her. He could only hear the rustle of fabric and realized; she was taking off her clothes. Soon she was on top of him and he felt her breasts on his back. But at the same time, he felt a hard stuff poking at his ass.

Joey panicked as he realized what it was and was about to scream. She firmly put her hand on his mouth and whispered, “It is going to be over soon if you don’t struggle and if you don’t talk about this anywhere. I am going to give you the best anal orgasm today. It may hurt a bit at first but soon you will know pleasure like never before.” Joey whimpered out of fear and excitement. Then slowly he felt the tip of a thick penis penetrating his ass. He felt like he was being split into half and tried to scream in vain. Helen pushed her dick deeper and then started rhythmically moving in and out of his asshole. The painful sensation was soon replaced with an odd pleasure.

Joey felt his dick harden once more and like Helen had promised, he felt an orgasm built up much deeper within his body. Soon Helen picked pace and was pounding his ass hard but Joey could only think of the pleasure it gave him. Then finally he felt orgasm release. He wet the massage bed and came hard for a couple of minutes. Helen kept pounding without stopping though. Soon he felt her dick tense up inside his ass and realized, she is about to orgasm inside him.

As Helen unloaded and withdrew her dick, Joey lay still- exhausted but happy. Helen was up and about putting on her clothes and finally joey could get up and do the same. He could not believe what just happened and more than anything, the pleasure he felt.

Helen came forward and kissed him tenderly and he could not resist. Then she said, “I will be in town once in a month every month. See you again then.” She smacked his ass and left the room letting Joey process what happened at his leisure.

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