Cynthia graduates from sucking cock to become a professional whore – Quality Erotic and sex stories


Cyn held the jerking cock in her mouth, swallowing sticky cum until the
spurts subsided then, letting the softening dick slide from her lips, she
sat up and looked around the theater. The teenage boy pushed his cock back
into his pants then, sliding past the teen girl, returned to his seat. As
soon as he was seated, another boy in the group stood up and made his way
back to the last row where Cyn waited for him.

“You got the money?” Cyn whispered, after he’d settled into the chair
beside her. The teen man dug into his jeans pocket and produced a soggy,
wrinkled five-dollar bill. After taking the money and pushing it into her
shorts pocket, Cyn unzipped the boy’s pants and lowered her head into his
lap. While she moved her mouth up and down on the teenaged shaft, Cyn
thought about the wad of fivedollar bills in her pocket, and the things she
could buy with them. This has got to be the easiest way I’ve ever found to
make money, Cyn thought as another teenaged boy pumped his cum onto her
tongue. As the last of the six boys who had come to the theater with her,
walked back to join his friends, Cyn stood up and straightened her clothes
in preparation for leaving the darkened room.

“Come with me miss.” Cyn jumped when she heard the man’s voice. As he
took her arm to guide her into the lobby, Cyn noticed the boys leaving
through the emergency exit, abandoning her to her fate. The man walked Cyn
past the candy counter and into the theater’s office/storage room.

“How old are you?” The man asked as he pushed her down into a chair.

“Fourteen,” Cyn answered, adding two years to her age.

“What’s your name?” He asked as he leaned against the front edge of the

“Cyn, Cynthia,” Cyn replied avoiding his eyes.

“Empty your pockets onto the desk.” The man ordered. Cyn made no move
to obey him. “I can always just call the police and tell them I have an
underage whore working in my theater.” He said reaching for the phone. Cyn
wanted to object to being called a ‘whore’. After all, she wasn’t really
having sex with the boys, she was just sucking their cocks. Deciding to
keep her mouth shut, Cyn stood up and dug the wad of cash from her pocket.
The man separated the bills with a single finger as he counted them “Five,
ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty,” he recited out loud, “so you
charged each of them five dollars. Not only are you an underage whore,” he
said as he selected the three cleanest bills, “you’re also a cheap whore.”
The man picked up the three bills he selected and smoothed the wrinkles out
of them. “If you want to suck cock in my theater,” he continued as he
pulled his wallet from his back pocket, “you will give me half of whatever
you make.”

“Half?” Cyn asked, on the verge of tears.

“And,” the man continued, unzipping his pants and pulling his hardening
cock into view, “you’ll have to suck my cock.” Cyn thought it was terribly
unfair, after all she was the one doing all the work. Acutely aware of the
man’s threat to call the police, Cyn leaned forward and, opening her mouth,
sucked on the man’s dick.

“Not so quick,” he said pushing her face away from his cock with a hand
on her forehead, “I like whores to be naked when they suck me off.” Cyn sat
back in the chair, her face turning red. She had never been naked with
another person, boy or girl. She didn’t even let the boys touch her, not
even on top of her clothes, while she sucked them. “Come on,” the man said
more sternly, “strip off those clothes.” It wasn’t so much the police Cyn
was afraid of, but of what her mother would do if she found out. Cyn could
feel her face burning as she stood up and pulled her T-shirt over her head.
Cyn’s fingers trembled as she reached back behind her and unhooked the
almost cup-less bra she was wearing. She watched the man’s cock continuing
to grow as she pushed her shorts and panties down her skinny legs and
stepped out of them. When she stood back up the man placed one of his
hand’s over each of her small breasts. Despite her embarrassment and fear
his hands felt warm against her skin, and Cyn could feel her nipples
hardening against the man’s palms. She could feel herself growing warm and
damp between her legs as the man moved his hands and gently squeezed her
crinkled nipples between his thumbs and fingers. His cock was now fully
hard, and bumped against her firm, smooth belly as he stood close to her.

“Get down on your knees,” the man said, moving his hands up to Cyn’s
shoulders and gently pushing down. Cyn sank to her knees and grasped the
base of the large hard cock in front of her with her right hand. Opening
her mouth wide, Cyn moved her head toward a cock that was substantially
larger than the ones on the teenage boys she had come to the theater with.

“You do as I tell you,” the man said as Cyn’s lips stretched and her
mouth engulfed the top half of his hard dick, “and you’ll make twice, maybe
three times what you make now. Even after paying half of it to me.” The
man moved his hands to each side of Cyn’s head and slowly pushed himself
deeper into her hot mouth. With teenage boys Cyn had always felt in
control, now she was experiencing the feeling of being totally controlled.
Cyn felt her throat spasm as the head of the cock caused her to gag, and
pushed against the man’s thighs as he eased off just enough to stop the

“You’re going to have to learn to take a full grown cock,” he said as he
held the sides of Cyn’s head and pushed back into her mouth, “you’re going
to be doing men from now on instead of boys.” Cyn desperately held onto the
man’s thighs as he kept a firm grasp on the sides of her head and worked
his cock back and forth across her gag point, pulling back just enough to
keep Cyn from bringing up her popcorn every time her stomach muscles
tightened. Exhausted and with her whole body trembling Cyn finally learned
to relax her throat and the man slipped his cock completely inside her.

“That’s my little whore,” the man said with a deep sigh as he pulled out
of Cyn then pushed completely back inside her. Cyn continued to hold onto
the man’s thighs as she learned the difference between mouth fucking and
cock sucking. A thin line of drool was flowing from each side of Cyn’s
mouth. By the time the man, holding her face snug against his kinky pubic
hair, pumped his sperm into her, a string of saliva hung from one side of
Cyn’s chin down onto her small, cone shaped breasts . Cyn could feel the
channel along the bottom of his hard cock pulse against her tongue as the
cum moved through it and into her throat. Cyn was squealing in panic and
desperately pushing against his thighs by the time the man finally released
her head and allowed Cyn to fall back onto her fanny gasping for air.

“Tomorrow,” the man said with a tone of dismissal as he stuffed his cock
back into his pants and zipped his fly, “you come here right after school.”
Cyn climbed unsteadily to her feet then, after looking around and locating
her shorts, bent over to pick them up. She heard a high-pitched electronic
whine then, just as she stood back up, saw the strobe flash of the man’s
Polaroid camera.

“Gotta have a picture to show the potential customers.” He explained as
the camera whirred and ejected the undeveloped picture. Cyn could not
understand why, but she felt more deeply humiliated thinking about this man
showing the picture of her naked body to other men than she ever had
sucking on a boy’s dick.

“Now get dressed and get out of here,” he finished as he walked around
the desk while he uselessly fanned the Polaroid in the air. The man sat at
his desk, ignoring Cyn, while she dressed then left the room. The two
older girls stopped whispering and smirked at her as she walked through the
lobby to the exit. After her experience with the theater manager Cyn
didn’t really feel like shopping, so she went home. Her mom was at work
leaving Cyn the privacy to cry as she fixed herself some dinner without
having to explain her tears . In spite of the tears, and the feelings of
humiliation, it was the feel of the man’s cock moving back and forth across
her lips that Cyn thought about while she rubbed her crotch to a toe
curling orgasm just before she fell asleep that night.

The next day at school Cyn found it impossible to think about anything
other than what it had felt like to have the theater manager hold hand
fulls of her hair while he pushed his huge hard cock deeper and deeper into
her throat. Three times during the day Cyn locked herself into a stall in
the girls room and rubbed her cunt to relieve the tensions created by her
uncontrollable thoughts.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Cyn stopped and turned to face the
woman in the ticket booth.

“In the theater,” Cyn answered hesitantly.

“Not without a ticket.”


“But, nothing,” the woman said looking at Cyn in a manner that made Cyn
blush bright red, “in fact you have to buy two tickets.”

“Two? Why would I have to buy two tickets?” Cyn put her hands on her
hips and tried to look tough.

“One for you,” the woman said with a superior sneer, “and one for your,
ah, friends.” Cyn’s defiance melted into total humiliation. She dug money
out of her pocket and handed the bills through the hole in the window.

“That will be two adult tickets,” the woman continued as she put the
money into her own pocket without giving Cyn any tickets, “if you’re old
enough to suck cock, you’re old enough to pay adult rates.” Cyn felt like
crawling, wishing she could hide behind the posters hanging in the glass
display cases, as she walked to the door. She had assumed that what she
was doing would have been a secret between the Manager and herself.

“Wait here,” the high school aged girl behind the candy counter ordered
as soon as Cyn had stepped into the lobby. The girl picked up a huge, old,
black telephone handset and held it to her ear.

“The whore’s here,” she said into it after a momentary pause. Cyn
wanted to run just as far away from this place as she could. She felt hot
tears rolling down her warm red cheeks as the candy girl hung up the phone.
“You can go on in now,” the girl paused as Cyn took a step toward the
theater’s office/store room, “cocksucker.” She finished as Cyn walked
across the old warn maroon carpet. Cyn was on the verge of sobbing as she
opened the door. She froze half way through the door when she realized
that there were two other men in the room besides the Manager.

“Come in and shut the door,” the Manager said brusquely, “these two
men,” he continued, not waiting for her to obey his order, “are vice
officers.” Cyn stared at the two men, her heart racing as the door clicked
shut behind her. “They are the ones who will arrest you,” the Manager
paused while all three of the men enjoyed her look of total betrayal and
panic, “if you don’t do exactly as you are told.” Cyn looked at the faces
of the three men in the room with her. None of them appeared to be someone
she would choose to be with in any way, but she just knew that being
arrested would be the most pleasant of the things that would happen to her
if she did not do what they told her to do.

“Now take off your clothes,” the Manager ordered. All three men watched
as Cyn unbuttoned her blouse with fingers that were trembling so violently
they threatened to rip the buttons from the material. Tears continued to
stream down her face. “You’re going to have to pay these two gentlemen one
quarter of everything you make,” the Manager informed Cyn. As she pulled
her blouse off and reached behind her back to unfasten her bra, Cyn
wondered if there was any end to the people who were going to demand a
share of her money.

“You will also have to suck their cocks whenever they want,” the Manager
added as Cyn pushed her skirt down her skinny legs and stepped out of it.
When Cyn pushed her panties down her legs one of the vice officers leaned
back in his chair and, after unzipping his fly, pulled a half-hard, meaty
looking cock into view.

“Like right now,” he growled with a nod of his head toward his exposed
dick. Cyn swallowed a couple of times like she was trying to keep from
throwing up then got down on her knees and, with obvious dislike, took the
officer’s cock into her mouth.

“There’s also a beat cop,” the manager said as the vice cop’s dick grew
thick and hard in Cyn’s teen mouth, “but you get off lucky with him, he
only wants blow jobs.” As she moved her mouth up and down on the shaft of
the officer’s dick, the other policeman leaned forward and ran his sweaty
hands over Cyn’s body, making her skin crawl wherever he touched. Cyn had
already come to the conclusion that there were only two types of men; the
ones who sat back and let the female do the work, and the kind who grabs
the girl by her hair and pumps her mouth up and down on his cock while he
fucks her face like it was a cunt. Cyn was sure that both of these
disgusting men would be in the second category, so it didn’t surprise her
when the officer whose cock was in her mouth grabbed double handfuls of
hair and fucked her mouth with enthusiasm. While the thick hard cock
pumped in and out of her face, Cyn felt fingers roughly probing into her
virgin cunt and ass. They made her wince several times, but her mouth was
too full of cock to tell them, not that they would care. By the time his
cum filled her mouth, Cyn’s lips were numb from being pounded into the
police officers pubic hair.

“Come over here, bitch,” the second officer said as soon as the first
one’s spent dick slipped from her lips. His cock wasn’t as big around as
the first, but it was longer, and Cyn gagged a couple of times before she
remembered how to let the invading flesh slip into her throat. This,Cyn
thought sadly, is not what I thought it was going to be. Yesterday she had
been flying high, thinking about all the things she could buy with her
new-found source of income, and all she had done since then was give her
money away to men and suck their cocks for free.

Out of the corner of her eye Cyn saw the flash, then heard the whirring
sound as a Polaroid camera ejected an undeveloped picture. Another flash,
and another whir, Cyn felt fresh tears roll down her cheeks as she realized
that the manager was taking pictures of her, naked and down on her knees as
a man in a suite fucked his hard dick in and out of her mouth. Unlike
every other male whose cock Cyn had sucked on, this one pulled her head out
of his lap and, much to her surprise shot his cum onto her nose and cheeks.
Without letting go of her hair, he then turned her head to face the
Manager’s camera.

“That’s it,” the Manager said as the strobe temporary blinded Cyn,
“that’s a good shot. Hold her still while I get a couple more.” The
flashes continued while he concentrated on getting close up pictures of
Cyn’s face with the officer’s cum dripping from it.

“That’s enough for now,” the man from the Vice Department said as he
stood up and, leaving Cyn laying on the floor, pushed his cock back inside
his trousers and zipped up, “we can get some better shots later.”

“You behave yourself,” the other officer, the first one she had sucked
off, said as he leaned over and, grabbing Cyn’s hair, forced her to look up
at him, “or we will arrest your skinny little cocksucking ass and throw you
in jail for being a dumb little whore.”

“And now we have pictures to prove it,” the second man said with a laugh
that sent fright chills down Cyn’s naked back. “As always,” the first man
said to the Manager as they shook hands, ignoring Cyn lying on the cement
floor, “it’s a pleasure doing business with you.”

“Yeah,” the second man chimed in nudging Cyn with the toe of his shoe,
“a real pleasure, I hope our business partnership lasts a good long time.
I’m really looking forward to having a steady supply of snatch again.” All
three of the men laughed as the two officers left the room.

“Up off the floor,” the Manager said as he walked around his desk, then
sat in his desk chair. “Put these on,” he ordered, throwing a couple of
pieces of clothing in Cyn’s general direction. Cyn leaned over and picked
up what initially appeared to be not much more than a couple of scraps of
material. As she sorted them out she realized that the Manager wanted her
to wear a cut-off T-shirt and a short, pleated plaid skirt. Cyn pulled
what was obviously intended to be her ‘work’ clothes over her head and up
her legs. The shirt just barely covered her nipples, and the skirt didn’t
even completely cover her butt. After looking down at her not-quite-flat
chest, and twisting around to see her less than half covered ass Cyn was
just opening her mouth to protest when the manager spoke again.

“I knew you wouldn’t be dressed properly,” he said, “so I picked
something up for you.” He looked up from the Polaroids spread out on his
desk, “I’ll deduct their cost from your share of tonight’s ticket sales.”
Standing up, the Manager picked up a roll of tickets and walked around the
desk. “I’ve been selling tickets,” he explained, “to the men who want to
shoot their cum in your cute teen mouth.” As he talked the Manager slipped
his fingers under the bottom edge of the cut-off T-shirt and gently pinched
Cyn’s nipples. “That way you don’t have to worry about collecting money
from your admirers.” Cyn blushed, the way the Manager looked at her was
somehow different than the other men. It was both scarier, and more
exciting. Cyn could tell that the other men had just wanted to fuck her,
but from the Manager Cyn got the feeling that he wanted to do things to her
that she couldn’t even imagine, exciting and definitely unpleasant, things.
“You will suck the cock of any man who gives you one of these tickets,” he
explained, holding the roll of tickets in his left hand. Cyn felt shivers
run down her back as his right hand moved down over her flat belly and,
lifting the edge of the skirt, pushed between her legs. Without thinking
about it, Cyn moved her feet apart, making room for his fingers to explore
her teen virgin pussy. “After you suck all the dicks I send in to you,”
the Manager put the roll of tickets down on the desk and stepped closer to
the teen girl, towering over her ominously, “you will come back to my
office where you will take care of whatever sexual needs I have and collect
your share of the money.”

The Manager pulled his right hand from Cyn’s moistening cunt and moved
it up to rest on her chest with his fingers wrapped lightly around her
neck. Placing his left hand on the back of her neck the Manager leaned over
and, bringing their mouths together, pushed his tongue between her
trembling lips. While he explored her mouth the Manager slowly increased
the pressure of his fingers around her neck, not hard enough to choke her,
but just enough to let her know that he could, if he wanted to. Cyn had
never been kissed by a man, or a boy, before and she wasn’t sure if the
spinning sensation was part of the kiss, or part of almost, but not quite
being throttled by the Manager’s fingers. Cyn had sucked cocks, but with
an instinct that fit well with her new life as a whore, she had never let
any of them kiss her.

“You,” the Manager said after breaking the kiss, but with his mouth
still so close to Cyn’s that she could feel his warm breath on her lips,
“are my bitch now.” She could feel his hard cock pressing against her
stomach through his trousers. “You are going to fuck whoever I tell you
to.” Cyn shook as shivers ran up and down her body.

“The only reason I’m not fucking that tight little virgin cunt of yours
right now,” the Manager released his grip on Cyn’s neck, “is because I can
sell it for a tidy sum.” Releasing his grip on Cyn’s neck, the Manager
walked back around his desk and sat down.

“I’m going to pass these pictures, and some more we take after you’re
done sucking cocks for the day, around to a few pervs I know and let them
bid on who gets to fuck your pussy and ass first.” After taking a close
look at the picture of cum oozing down Cyn’s face, the Manager placed it
back on his desk with the others.

“Don’t worry,” he said, noticing Cyn’s distress, “you’ll get your share
of the winning bid for your cunt. Now get your whore ass out of my office,
go park it in the middle of the last row and wait for your first stiff dick
to show up.” Acutely aware of, and embarrassed by, the amount of skin she
was showing Cyn vainly tried to cover parts of her body and ignore the
comments of the candy counter girl, as she slinked across the lobby toward
the theater. Cyn could still feel the sperm drying on her cheek as she
walked to the center seat in the last row and sat down. As Cyn squirmed a
little, trying to get used to the feel of her naked pussy rubbing against
the slightly rough fabric that covered the seat, the remaining lights
dimmed, and the trailers started.

Cyn shivered, and her nipples hardened almost painfully as an icy blast
from the air conditioner blew down across her almost naked body. The first
trailer was still running when a man sat down next to her and handed her a
ticket. Intentionally avoiding looking at the man’s face, Cyn unzipped his
fly and, digging through the opening in the front of his boxers, pulled the
man’s already half-hard cock out of his trousers. She could feel the warm
flesh growing and getting firmer in her hand as she lowered her face
towards his crotch. As she took the stranger into her mouth Cyn could feel
his hand moving over her back working its way down toward her fanny. As
the man’s hand moved lower on her body he gently pulled her butt off the
seat. It wasn’t difficult to figure out what the man wanted. Even though
Cyn was still hesitant to let strange males touch those parts of her body,
she felt trapped by the situation and, not wanting her ‘customers’ to
report her uncooperative attitude to the Manager, she, without letting the
hard cock slip from her mouth, raised her butt from the chair. Standing
with her left foot on the floor, and her right knee on the theater seat,
Cyn continued to move her warm, wet mouth up and down the hard shaft of
flesh that protruded from the man’s trousers while his hand explored the
back of her legs, her inner thighs and, finally, her cunt and ass. His
touch was much gentler than the officer’s had been and Cyn reacted with
growing excitement and wetness as his fingertips gently moved up and down
the outer lips of her pussy. The Manager’s comment about her ass, as well
as her cunt, being up for bid had not escaped Cyn’s attention, and her anal
sphincter twitched with a bit of fear as the man’s fingertip gently moved
around the crinkled opening then probed, just barely, into her.

Cyn was saved from further digital exploration by a flood of cum filling
her mouth to the point that some leaked out in spite of her series of rapid
swallows. Cyn licked the stray sperm from the corner of her lips while the
man tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up his fly. Once he was
‘decent’ the man pulled a bill from his pocket.

“Something just for you,” he whispered pressing it into her hand as he
stood up then walked to the end of the row. Cyn’s spirits, and her
enthusiasm for the job, soared as she looked at the ten-dollar bill in her
hands. It had never occurred to her that she could get money from these
men above and beyond what they paid the Manager for her services. Since
she had no pockets, Cyn looked around for someplace to keep her money. She
pushed the bill into a crack between the cushion and the metal bottom of
the seat on the other side of hers then turned back just in time to be
handed a ticket by her next customer.

The prospect of getting a little extra cash that she did not have to
share with the Manager dissolved the last of Cyn’s reservations about being
touched by these nameless men. In fact the exploration of her pussy and
ass by her first customer had left her wet and excited. When Cyn reached
for this new clients zipper he pushed her hand away then slipped his hand
under the edge of her cut-off T-shirt to pinch and gently ‘milk’ her
already erect nipples. Cyn surprised herself by moaning softly as the
fingers gently tugged on her hard flesh.

Assuming it would increase the size of whatever tip this man was likely
to give her, Cyn spread her legs and, lifting her left knee, draped it over
the arm of her chair when his hand moved down across her stomach to her
crotch. In what seemed like a blinding revelation, Cyn realized that these
men whose cocks she was sucking, and who were paying so much attention to
her pussy and ass with their fingers, would undoubtedly be bidding on the
right to be the first to fuck her. Cyn’s cunt warmed and moistened, not so
much in response to the finger probing gently between its lips, as from the
thought of how much money he might be willing to pay for the privilege of
replacing his finger with his cock.

As the exploration of her pussy continued, Cyn leaned back in the chair
and, closing her eyes, imagined herself lying on a bed, her legs open as a
man, looming over her, pushed his hard cock inside her never fucked before
cunt. Since Cyn had avoided looking at this man’s face, just as she had
the first one, and had only a vague idea what he looked like, she imagined
the Manager’s face on the man about to fuck her in her fantasy. The
thought of being fucked by the Manager, a man who both frightened and
excited her, caused Cyn to moan and thrust her hips forward forcing herself
further onto the stranger’s finger.

“You ARE the hot little whore AREN’T you?” The man whispered as he
pulled his finger from Cyn’s wet pussy and ran its lubricated tip back and
forth over her clitoris. “I bet you just can’t wait for one of us to fuck
you.” The man pulled his hand away from Cyn’s crotch, leaving her excited
and unsatisfied.

“Now,” he said, placing his hand on the back of Cyn’s neck, “suck on the
cock that’s going to outbid all the others.” Cyn opened her eyes and leaned
over the man’s lap. His large hard cock was already exposed and seemed to
Cyn to be twitching in eager anticipation of her mouth. Keeping one hand
on the back of Cyn’s neck, the man placed his other hand on the top of her
head and moved her face up and down as he thrust his hips and fucked her
mouth. Cyn was helpless to do anything but hang onto the armrest that
separated their chairs with both hands and concentrate on grabbing breaths
of air as the man forced himself deeper and deeper into her throat. Just
like the second officer, this man seemed to get some extra thrill by
pulling Cyn’s mouth off his twitching cock and spewing his cum onto her
face. Cyn sat back, trying to relax and recover her composure as the man
stuffed his softening cock back into his pants.

“Just one more thing,” he said. After zipping up his fly, the man
reached over and scooped his cum from Cyn’s face with one of his fingers.
Pushing his hand between her legs, he forced the cum covered finger into
Cyn’s cunt.

“Even if I’m not the one who gets to fuck you first,” he said
triumphantly, “my sperm was the first inside your whorish little box.”
Pulling his finger from Cyn’s body, the man wiped the rest of the slime off
on her belly then stood up and left the theater. He was the only one
during that long afternoon who did not tip Cyn for her efforts.

Cyn quickly lost track of how many hard cocks she had sucked and how
many finger tips had probed and explored her pussy and ass. Cyn would have
been hard pressed to say truthfully whether it was the exploring hands of
strange men, or the growing wad of bills tucked into the chair, that kept
her inexperienced, almost hairless slit wet through the double feature.

“Hey,” Cyn heard a hissing voice and looked over toward the isle where
the candy counter girl was looking at her disdainfully, “whore, the Manager
wants to see you.” The girl turned and left without saying any more. Cyn
pulled the stack of bills from the seat next to her and sorted through them
while she tried to figure out what to do. She just knew that if she walked
into the office with this money in her hand the Manager would take half of
it away from her. Folding the bills in half twice, Cyn clutched them in
her fist as she hurried through the lobby toward the women’s restroom. So
concerned was she with finding a place to hide her money, that Cyn was
totally oblivious to the fact that her skirt was up around her waist,
exposing her naked crotch for all to see. Grabbing a couple of paper
towels, Cyn folded them around the money then carefully slid them down
between the used towels and the metal side of the trash receptacle.

Only after stashing her tips did Cyn catch a glimpse of herself in the
mirror. Her lips were puffy, her hair was sticking out in every direction,
and there were smudges where dirt had stuck to the dried cum left on her
face by several of the men she had serviced. She went into the stall to
pee, and only then did she realize that she had displayed her ass and cunt
for everyone in the lobby to see. She blushed at the thought; her
embarrassment was only mitigated by the knowledge that there weren’t that
many people in the lobby. Cyn wiped, smoothed her skirt down to at least
half cover her ass, then hurried on to the Manager’s office.

“Hand it over,” the Manager said, holding out his hand, as soon as she
came through the door. Cyn was overwhelmed with disappointment even as she
tried to put an innocent look on her face.

“Don’t even try to lie to me,” the Manager said taking a threatening
step toward her, “go get your tips from where ever you tried to hide them
and come back here.” Cyn cringed, afraid that the Manager was going to hit

“Now!” He yelled when she didn’t move quickly enough. Cyn turned and
ran from the room with tears streaming down her cheeks. Once in the
bathroom she retrieved the money with trembling hands and, taking all
except the two twenties which she wrapped up and put back into the trash
can, Cyn hurried back to the office.

The Manager took the money from Cyn’s outstretched, trembling hand and,
after dropping it on his desk, placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed
her down to her knees. Unzipping his fly and unbuckling his belt, the
Manager let his trousers and shorts slide down his legs. Holding the base
of his cock with his right hand and the top of Cyn’s head with his left
hand, the Manager slapped her face with his hardening shaft as he spoke.

“If you ever try to hold out on me again I’ll punish you in ways you
cannot even imagine.” The meaty cock made soft ‘splat’ noises as it hit the
tears rolling down Cyn’s cheeks. “I’m going to keep all of your tips
tonight instead of just half of them,” the Manager pushed his now
completely hardened cock between Cyn’s lips, “you hold out on me again,” he
continued as he moved one hand to each side of her head and fucked Cyn’s
mouth with long powerful thrusts, pushing deep into her throat each time,
“and you’ll have bruises to reminded you to do as your told.”

Cyn’s lips were puffy and tender from being smashed against men’s bodies
as they thrust their cocks into her mouth, and the back of her throat was
sore from the battering of cock heads fucking into it. She whimpered in
pain with each thrust of the Managers cock and held onto his thighs with
both hands. It was obvious, even with Cyn’s lack of experience, that he
intended this oral fuck to be a punishment for trying to hide her tips.
Again and again her hurting lips were smashed painfully against the
Manager’s body as his cock pushed unmercifully against the back of her
burning throat.

“Yea, bitch, this is going to seem like tender lovemaking compared to
what I’ll do if you try to hold out on me again.” Each thrust of his hard
cock into Cyn’s mouth and throat felt like a searing pain shooting
completely through her skull. After what seemed to be an eternity for the
suffering teen girl, the Manager held her nose buried in his pubic hair
while his pulsing and twitching dick pumped cum directly into her throat.
When he pulled his still dripping cock from her mouth, and released his
grip on her head, Cyn collapsed on the floor in a limp heap, her shoulders
heaving with sobs. After pulling up his shorts and trousers, the Manager
zipped and buckled up then cleaned off the center of his desk.

“Stand up,” he ordered. “I said stand up, cunt.” He repeated, giving
her a not too hard kick in the ribs. Cyn struggled to her feet, sniffling
and wiping the tears from her face.

“Take off your clothes.” It only took a second for Cyn to strip off the
cut-off T-shirt and short skirt that he had given her to wear. “Sit up on
the desk,” the manager ordered, seeming to ignore the teen girls naked
body. Cyn, moving stiffly, did as she was told.

“Lean back,” the Manager ordered as he picked up his Polaroid camera,
“spread your legs and put your feet up on the desk.” Cyn could feel her
face burning as she followed the instructions. Sucking anonymous cock in a
darkened theater is entirely different than exposing yourself to be
photographed in a welllit office/storage room. “Now reach down with both
hands and spread that cute little virgin pussy of yours open. Cyn
hesitated and it was only the fear of physical punishment that forced her
to pull herself open for the amateur photographer.

“I’ve got to have some good pictures,” the Manager said as his camera
repeatedly flashed and ejected undeveloped pictures, “you wouldn’t believe
how much more money we can get for your first fuck if we have some good
raunchy beaver shots to show them.” Cyn desperately wanted to use her hands
to cover her red, burning face, but dared not release her cunt lips. As
the Manager continued to take pictures of Cyn’s teen pussy, she noticed a
warm, excited feeling beginning to spread from her crotch. She could feel
herself getting wet, and felt even more humiliated that the Manager would
notice and know that getting her cunt photographed was turning her on.
Laying her head back, Cyn closed her eyes and concentrated on the warm
feeling spreading over her slim, naked body. She jumped, and actually
yelped in surprise when she felt his hands on her inner thighs.

The Manager pushed Cyn’s hands away and held her open with his fingers
while he knelt and, lowering his head into her crotch, extended his tongue
and tasted her teen virgin pussy for the first time. Cyn moaned loudly as
the tongue moved up her slit and flicked lightly over her clitoris. Cyn
often touched herself and made herself feel good before falling asleep at
night, but never had she felt anything like this. The manager’s tongue
seemed to know just how to touch her cunt and clitoris; just how to make
her feel like her insides were melting and her head was going to explode.
Then it did, or at least it felt like it did. Cyn’s muscles tightened and
relaxed rhythmically, her toes curled so hard her feet cramped and her
vocabulary was reduced to “…oh god, oh god, oh god…”, as her hips moved
in a series of sharp jerks, each one smashing her cunt against the
Manager’s face. When it was finished the Manager kept using his tongue on
her until it happened all over again.

After Cyn’s second orgasm the Manager stood up and, after helping Cyn to
set up, held her naked body in his arms. Cyn leaned her head against his
chest and enjoyed the feel of his warm skin touching hers as his hands
gently caressed and soothed her naked body.

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