Read desi bd porokia choti fairy tales of starved pussy


Read desi bd porokia choti fairy tales of starved pussy

Fahim’s eyes are bright red. It seems that blood is about to fall from his eyes. He is drunk but not drunk.

Everyone says that when you get drunk, you forget everything. But Fahim has been drinking alcohol for a long time and has never been able to forget his terrible past.

Rather, that past becomes more evident and burns his burnt heart. It hurts him more than death. If you close your eyes, the terrible past will be revealed. The happy voice of Rinrin will come to your ears.

Ahh…oops chosh.. chosh …chosh shala khankir put. lick.. lick loudly.
Fahmida got up happily.

Lick..Lick more lick. Ugh mom go..suck harder. Lick and suck all the juice, son of Khanki.

Fahmida dived into the sea of ​​happiness and started feeding her pussy juice to the city of her juice.

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26-year-old Ishaan started licking and sucking the juicy married pussy like a juicy palm.

Fahmida is a 26-year-old married woman, whose body is overflowing with youthful juice. And even after 8 years of marriage, her stupid sheep groom has not licked that juice. It means that her husband has never put his mouth on her mouth and licked her.

But just a few days the juice nagar is licking and sucking his juice. Thinking about it, the body became tense. Fahmida held Ishaan’s hair tighter and hissed as he pressed his head against Bhoda’s.

You can’t lick any louder, bynchod. lick loudly Insert the tongue further in. Insert further in and suck.

According to Ishan Fahmida, the tongue is inserted deep into the vagina and starts sucking. And rubs the coat with his finger and makes it red. Fahmida goes mad with happiness. Read desi bd porokia choti fairy tales of starved pussy

Just then, Ishaan took Fahmida’s coat in his mouth and took a light bite and began to scratch three fingers together.

Fahmida could not bear so much happiness and filled the house with shrieks.

And Ishaan takes the clitoris in his mouth like an orange crow and sucks and finger fucks.

Fahmida rolled her eyes in happiness at the dual attack together.

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Fahmida throbbed and let out all the water in her pussy like a fountain. Ishaan’s whole face is wet in the water of the pussy. Also the bed sheets get wet. Fahmida became dull after losing all the juices.

Fahmida gets the taste of squirting for the first time in her life. Fahmida could never have imagined that the pleasure of squirting is so much. The bed sheet looks like he has made the bed by messing with it.

Even in 8 years of marriage, she did not get so much happiness, which she got in a moment of pussy sucking. The happiness that her husband could not give even till now. That happiness gave the name of his juice known only for a few days.

If she had known the pleasure of sucking pussy before, she would have forced her stupid Vera Marka husband to suck her.

Fahmida closes her eyes and smiles contentedly and the touch of Ishaan’s cock sticks to her lips. The smell of masculine cock sticks to her nose and a pile of material glitters on one corner of her lips. There is some spillage on the tip of the nose and forehead.

Fahmida happily thinks,

It has been some time since he met Rohan. And during this time, two strong yoans have made her pussy cry. The edge of the vagina is broken.

Again, the cock of a heathen Hindu boy has penetrated the pussy of a religious shy girl like him and is still giving it. And he knows that his pussy will continue in the future.

Fahmida kept wondering what her life was and what happened. The girl who did not understand anything except religion and religion, today she is an adulteress.

Simply put, a whore. Today, she forgets her husband, children, and family to satisfy her body’s hunger. She lies under someone else’s cock.

The incident took place six months ago today;

Fahmida meets Rohan through an accident. Fahmida was going to market by rickshaw. She was wearing the usual burqa hijab and a chador. Read desi bd porokia choti fairy tales of starved pussy

This miss, this miss is listening. Hey, don’t you listen to the words in your ears.

Fahmida suddenly heard someone’s words and looked behind. She saw a 25-26-year-old boy coming with a bike. Finally he came in front of the rickshaw with the bike and stopped the rickshaw.

Don’t you hear this? I have been calling for so long and there is no response.” Rohan took off his helmet while speaking.

And he was stunned when he took off his helmet. He was standing in front of him as if there was an angel of heaven. His whole body was covered with veil and hijab, only his two eyes were open.

And that’s the exuberance of youth. The depth of his enchanting eyes seems to say that there is a lot of juice in my body. Take it and eat it.

Rohan’s cock wakes up seeing such a beauty.

Rohan thinks to himself that if the eyes are so beautiful, then how beautiful the face will be and thinking about the milk pussy, his cock is erect.

Rohan thinks I want this magi. I have to take this magi to my bed by any means and bring her under my cock. At any cost.

Meanwhile, Fahmida is cowering in shame and fear. She has never spoken to a stranger like that. And suddenly a stranger boy came and spoke like this, he was very nervous.

And on the other hand, Rohan is greedily measuring her juicy body. 36’s milk, 28’s waist and 38’s big ass are visible from outside the burqa, and how does Rohan’s Johuri miss that.

“Are you telling me something?” Fahmida asked hesitantly.

Rohan took control of his mind (Choda’s words) and said with a sweet smile, “Where is your mind, miss?

Even a little would have caused an accident. This is that your sheet is tied to the wheel of the rickshaw. Do you have that attention? No, the boyfriend was busy thinking about it.

Fahmida saw that the sheet was really tied to the wheel of the rickshaw. She felt ashamed. What was the head of the umbrella and was so distracted that she did not notice when the sheet was tied to the wheel.

Fahmida shyly said to Rohan “Sorry..I didn’t notice but I am Miss not Mrs. Mrs. Fahmida Mahmud Raihan.

Rohan is a little surprised after hearing the name. He seems to have heard the name. So Rohan said to be sure “I think I know you?”

Meanwhile, Fahmida is getting annoyed. He is already late. And from somewhere, a big problem has come to his neck.

Fahmida got a little angry and asked “Are you trying to flirt with me?

Rohan explained everything to Fahmida. And it was seen that his future is about Fahmida. Regarding Fahmida’s husband Mahmood, Rohan’s distant cousin.

Rohan is very jolly minded. So in no time Fahmida became very free with him.

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Rohan laughed and joked with Fahmida. After that, he said to talk to Mahmud, took Fahmida’s phone number and left like that day.

And he thought to himself, “It rains without asking for so many clouds.” I was thinking how to get Magi to bed. Now half of the work is done. Just at the right time the fish should be caught in the spear.

How Fahmida’s pussy got tingly when she remembered the past. The juice of the pussy started. Unable to stay any longer, he climbed on Ishan and filled the entire penis in one fell swoop.

Then he began to fuck himself loudly. With that, he started shouting his happiness.

Chod Shala.. Think of me as your mother. This soft patch patch pussy of mine is like your mother’s cracked pussy. Read desi bd porokia choti fairy tales of starved pussy

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