Shali fainted after seeing my thick cock


Shali fainted after seeing my thick cock

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Shali’s Garam Bhoda Put Dhon Bangla Chatti Rasalo Gud Cuda Story Ever since my Shali marriage was fixed, she is very nervous. Wife said last night. Girls need to be well guided at this time.

All girls have this fear during marriage. The wedding is next week.

Then a close relative daughter-in-law, elder sister, close girlfriend should come forward. He has no one to trust like that.

I usually guide him in other matters and wife said I have responsibility as son-in-law in this too.

He can’t say it that well himself. So everyone in the in-laws wants me as the son-in-law to bring Milli back to normal from this nervous state. I have to tie the bell around the cat’s neck. I am satisfied.

I said I will try hard for three days, if not then it will not happen.

I have loosened my daughter-in-law’s pussy and now my mother-in-law’s tight pussy is fucked

I went on the first day.

Milli herself comes and says, son-in-law, I don’t feel well. What is the need to rush for marriage? Shali said to the son-in-law, what is the problem if I get married with a job? Gud chodar banglachoti

There is no use saying these things now that the wedding date has fallen. Story of virgin girl fucking
Yeeeee…….I can’t (Millie pretends to cry)

Don’t be crazy, it’s nothing to be afraid of

But what do I do if I am afraid?
If you love and get married, then go dancing.

Listen, I’ll make it easy for you, then if you get scared, I’ll cut off your ears.
You understand, really son-in-law? Gud chodar banglachoti

Really, you go and close the door, no one should hear these private conversations.
Well, I’m off

Now sit here. Where is your fear in marriage?….Why be silent, tell me, don’t be shy.
How can I say, shame. I don’t know anything

It’s normal to be shy, you’re new and he’s clumsy. But these things happen between two strangers. It is normal to be wrong.

These should be resolved among themselves.
Yes, so

A small mistake here will not make any Mahabharata impure. However, if the mistakes are less on the first day, the physical pain is also less. Don’t be afraid here. There is nothing to fear if you know what to do right.

In fact, it is very simple if done without fear.


You know the fear of husband and wife meeting. Do you have any idea how to do that?

What a surprise, you haven’t heard from girlfriends? Heard, but don’t know the details. They do, I heard it. It hurts a lot at first. Husbands do everything by force. I have heard this. I didn’t want to know anymore out of shame.

This shame is the problem. You would know better from them. I am a genius, can I convince you like that?

Can you, how can you make everything so simple. Shali son-in-law’s cheating story

I can, but you will die of shame if you show them like a shameless son-in-law
With you I feel less shy than with everyone else

Well then, let me tell you straight. Female organ is called vagina and male organ is called penis. vaginal piercing,

The penis is a rod of meat. When the penis enters the vagina, it is called intercourse. The product of this mating is baby chicks.

It is better not to have a baby in the first intercourse, so take a condom in the first intercourse, I will teach you about condoms later. Today I just teach the rules of mating.

Well, it’s better to learn slowly.
You understand the vagina thing

Do not have a hole in the vagina?

Not the one you sweat with, another one

Yes, there is. Menstrual blood passes through it.

That is the vagina. All work is done through that hole.

Or so, I doubted it. Confirmed today.

Mating occurs when the male organ enters through that hole. But the hole is tight before the first use. Linga does not enter easily.

If you force it, it tears and bleeds. Girls cannot walk due to pain.
So, how terrible

Yes, but scary is fun when done right.


When the male and female meet, they do not penetrate at first. Remember, do not insert at the end of all. Before that, another love. A man should play with other parts of a woman’s body for at least half an hour. A

There are kisses, sucking, tickling, touching, all kinds of things, men should be able to do these things. In the same way, women also have to advance in kissing and caressing.

The son-in-law licked the mother-in-law’s juice as soon as it came to the pot

By doing this, the male penis will be hard and erect so that it is convenient to insert.

And yes, you have not been told a word. A man’s penis is soft, but when a woman comes into contact

It hardens with excitement.

I don’t know much.

Yes, you will know slowly. As I said, while doing these things, the juice comes in the woman’s vagina.

This juice lubricates the vagina. In the same way, the head of the male organ also has a white slimy juice.

These two rasas are easy to mate with.

Doesn’t it hurt?

It takes a while, but that pain is pleasurable

Well then, now I’m afraid

hmm Now let’s get to the point. That juice doesn’t come like that. Something has to be done. There are different ways of love. Where and how you caress the juice comes quickly is one of them. Every girl comes out differently.

If you knew what would make you cum, you would tell your husband to do it. Do you know which part of your body is more sensitive?

No, how would I know?

That is difficult. Usually a few tests will tell. That’s why I need you to be more shameless


Shhhh, what more will be shameless? i can’t

If not, stay

No, no, he said, I was just making a fool of myself

The first test is a kiss on the lips. I’ll kiss your lips, I mean kiss your lips for like a minute.

If it oozes juice then a test is successful.

I’ve never been kissed

Now you decide whether to take this test or not. The kiss, of course, is my bonus.

If your sister knows there is news, don’t tell.
Khabo (I hugged her and started kissing her. How excited I felt just by touching lips. Milli

Throbbing in my embrace, I’m sucking on both lips. stopped after a minute)
How about (Millie turns red with excitement) the story of uncle and niece being fucked

Very good, never knew kissing was so fun.

Ha ha, then you will have a lot of fun after marriage. But the real thing is, your juice. See if it came.

Well (a little silent and shook his head, meaning he didn’t come)

Then the second test


It is however easier if the kameez cannot be taken off. are you wearing bra

Shali fainted after seeing my thick cock

Eh hey, then that’s the problem

This test is to palpate your breast. I will touch your breasts with both hands, dip my nose there, kiss you. But if you have a bra, the touch will not reach properly. Still try.

Grandpa, I feel ashamed

Shame on you, are you a street girl or not? But overcome the shame and come closer.

Milly came and stood in front of me. I can still see the excitement on his lips.

I opened the veil and placed it on the bed. The kameez is tight, the brow is tight. Her breasts are beautiful. As the wedding approaches, they are getting ready to handle the upcoming shock.

In the first marriage, these two things are more oppressed. I am going to inaugurate that episode today. Rarely has such a sweet opportunity come in life.

I put my hands on both breasts. Like two warm soft doves. I looked into her eyes before starting to push, she lowered her eyes. My hand is slowly crushing her soft breast. Family sex chatty bangla

The bra is not really tight. Soft type. Her breasts will be slightly larger than a 34B, her bra sizes are always the same. As I train him, my condition is getting worse.

Strong tension at the bottom. Stiff inside.

I lowered my face to Milly’s face and kissed her again. Now ask Millie to rub her hand under her breast

I did

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how do you feel


feel comfortable


The juice is out

not yet

So do one thing, take off your kameez and bra
right now?

Want to open later?
Well open now, looks like there’s a lot of excitement here. Juice will come out when you open it and press it

As Millie stood with her kameez off and her bra on, her breasts puffed out beautifully inside the bra. I wanted to forget Shali Tali and pounce and bite. But I restrained. I am now in the role of a teacher.

I have to patiently complete the student’s course. This room does not have attached bath. Then once I came back from the bathroom, I could shake my hand and put down the goods and start the class.

I’ve already had my eye on Millie’s milks for a long time, many hands before. Now only I know how hard it is to be patient with bare breasts.

She still hasn’t come yet, but my juices are bubbling inside. I reached out and unhooked the bra. The braless breasts look like Salma Hayek’s first pubic breasts.

Botata is dark brown. is erect I did not touch the boat. I put my finger on the fold under the breast where the breast is slightly inclined.

I slowly started messaging with my finger. This place is very sensitive for girls.
How does it feel now, in this place?

Grandpa feels very tickled.

This is not the place……..Licking here is quite exciting.

I saw your sister’s case. I will give you too?
With the tongue?

Yes, tongue is more effective than finger

Okay, I closed my eyes, feeling ashamed

Ha ha, you are a shy girl

I put my tongue under the nipple. Whoops. It is a great experiment. I looked at Bota while licking the bottom of both breasts. They are flowing steeply. I can start sucking with the bottle.

But I didn’t, so he would understand that I am enjoying him. I am placing small kisses around both breasts. I flicked my tongue around the black part of the boat once. But I did not touch the bota. Now I pushed the nose under the breast.

I sniffed softly. I breathed hot on his boot. I raised my tongue an inch above the boat and made a la la la gesture. Milli grabbed my hair in excitement. Then he pressed his head against her breast.

I understand it is done. I quickly took her nipple in my mouth and started sucking. I gave a light bite while sucking. Millie pointed out, the juice is out. I said, see how much?

Millie untied the pajama with one hand, I pulled the pajama down. Not wearing panties. Black rooster. I put my hand inside her and searched her vagina. He went to the hole and took the juicy liquid in his hand.

I understand that his excitement is at its peak. But what to do? Millie jumped up to put her finger in. I removed my finger.

See, great job done

Yes, it’s a surprise, what’s next
Next, I have to take off my pants to show it, is that okay?

If it does not show education will be complete?

That’s right, but don’t you be afraid again, I feel ashamed

Why should you be ashamed?

There is a reason

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What is the reason?

Shall I say?


In fact, while sucking you, the juice came inside me.

So, strange. where to see

I took off my pant and took off my panty and felt that part of the panty was wet. A lot of juice comes out.

I became a complete scumbag in front of Milli. I also took off my shirt. Both are naked. What is left of shame? At the end of the class now. I told Millie,

Take a look when I open it. Your husband will have one too.

It’s so big, I don’t care. Is it all in?
Yes, so enter

I don’t believe it. If something that big gets in, anyone will die

Did your grandmother die?

Well, how is that possible? I don’t have that much space inside.

Come on, that girls place is like rubber. It can take ten inches. Shali fainted after seeing my thick cock

I feel scared

Don’t be afraid, hold on, I’m sitting on the bed, you sit down, then you can see better.

Milly sat down, took my hard cock in her hand. The last liquid began to test on the finger. It felt a little excited to press the soft skin. Told me, put it here a little?

I was surprised to hear him. He wants to insert my vagina. I didn’t do it. Milio sat up on the bed

She came on my lap and rubbed her vagina on my erect cock. I held back my excitement.

Milli Mundita took in the hole. Now I gave a push. A little hot entered the vagina. A little more pressure can be fully inserted. But I figured it out. I said

If you see, how easy it was

Yes, no fear now

This is how it should be done

Let’s do the whole thing

the whole

Yes, then the story of alienation will be very easy

But if you do the whole thing, you will ejaculate, you will get pregnant. It’s a problem. If you have a condom, do it completely


You bring condoms

Not today, I will get up today.

But how I feel, you leave half.

I will come tomorrow and do the whole course, then I will also teach the condom part.

I put on the pants despite the intense excitement. I will ejaculate immediately and become shameless. And it’s okay to try

no Like today Shali Jaimaibabu sex class ends here. Gud chodar banglachoti Shali Garam Bhoday

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I go home and clear the goods first. Then come tomorrow and the rest will be fucked. Shali fainted after seeing my thick cock

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