Sleeping Fun With Rick And Jane – Quality Erotic and sex stories


Jane was asleep on the sofa. That’s what started it. Rick and I had
been watching late-night TV, and maybe drinking a little, and Jane was
asleep on the sofa.

I was stopping over one night with Rick & Jane, because I couldn’t get
a connecting flight until next day. I had suggested booking a hotel,
but they wouldn’t hear of it; I accepted their offer of a bed for the
night. That was how, Jane had put it: “a bed for the night”. I had
accepted, eagerly; Jane was alovely girl, and I’d heard rumours (no
more than rumours) that Rick and Jane occasionally shared their
love-life with friends.

But here we were: midnight and Jane was on her back, asleep on the
sofa. Maybe the rumours were just rumours. Rick and I looked across at
her. I said something about how erotic sleeping women looked. Rick
agreed and had another sip of his beer. Then he grinned. “They look
even more erotic asleep naked”, he said. He grinned again, walked over
to the sofa and carefully drew off one of Jane’s socks, revealing a
small foot with pink-painted toe nails. Then the other sock. He paused
and listened, but there was no change in her breathing. He carefully
pushed up the hem of her pink sweater, revealing a strip of flat,
tanned belly. Again he paused. There was no reaction. Slowly he
unfastened the button at the top of her jeans and began to lower the

Then there was a reaction. Jane sprang into life and leapt off the

“What the hell are you doing?”

“We just wanted to see you naked. That’s all.”, laughed Rick. But she
was having none of it and headed past him towards the bedroom. Still
laughing, Rick grabbed her in a bear hug from behind, pinning her arms
to her sides. “C’mon. You got me all excited lying there. Show us what
you’ve got!”.

Then, still holding her, he turned to me. “C’mon Pete, get her jeans

I hesitated.

“Do it! She’s gorgeous and you deserve to see it!”

Still nervous, I grabbed hold and pulled the jeans down her tanned legs
and over the pink toe nails, revealing plain white briefs with just a
shadow of dark hair between her thighs.

“And her knickers! Get them off!”

I couldn’t resist. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and pulled.
Rick rewarded me by tickling Jane’s ribs, making her kick her legs
about. The reward was the sight of pink lips peeking through dark brown

“Isn’t she lovely”, smiled Rick. “She’s so lovely, I want to fuck her.
Is she wet?”

“I don’t know, I can’t see!”

“Well feel then!”

He held her tight while I slipped a finger through the dark curls to
slide along the pink lips.

“She’s wet.”

“Help me get my cock out.”

This was getting really weird. I wasn’t sure I could do this. But Rick
swung Jane over towards his right hand side, revealing the bulging
front of his jeans. In a trance, I found myself unfastening the button,
lowering the zip and freeing Rick’s cock. The tip glistened with

“Ok. Now lift her on!”

At this, Jane squealed; but there was no going back. I stood between
her legs, hands under her thighs, and lifted. After a litle
manouvering, we lowered her onto Rick’s shaft. And lifted her. And
lowered her. And lifted her. Repeatedly. For what felt like ages but
probably wasn’t.

Then Rick said, “I need a rest. Do you want a go?”

Did I? My zip was open in no time. We lifted Jane clear of Rick’s cock
and onto mine, his disappearing betwen her buttocks. Again we raised
and lowered her; this time with me inside her and Rick getting stroked
by her backside. I thought that was going to be it, but Rick had one
more idea: “I wonder if we can both get up her?”.

This brought another squeal from Jane, but we were too drunk to stop.
Rick and I lifted her high, until my cock was just in her cunt. Ricks
cock slid out from behind her. Reaching under her thigh, I gripped the
two shafts together to make one, and we lowered. She was by now very
wet, and very wide; the two cocks slowly slipped in. Not far, but
definitely in. The close friction between two cock-heads and Jane’s
clit and cunt didn’t last long; in a few seconds we all came and
collapsed on the floor.

We eventually disentangled ourselves, and Jane said, “Now I really am
going to bed!” and she did, with Rick. No more was ever said.

Next morning I left.

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